Hire the 排名前3% of Freelance Business Intelligence Analysts

Toptal是一个面向顶级商业智能分析师的市场. 顶级公司和初创公司聘请Toptal的情报分析师来管理他们最关键的产品.

No-Risk Trial, Pay Only If Satisfied.

Hire Freelance Business Intelligence Analysts

Tom Coombs

Freelance Business Intelligence Analyst
日本Toptal MemberJune 12, 2019

Tom has 20 years of experience across finance/fintech, 旅行, people ops, and telecoms, 公司规模从种子阶段到施乐和高盛. 他共同创立并建立了一家美国金融科技贷款公司,在那里他领导产品,还建立了咨询业务,并为欧洲各地的客户提供服务, 美国, and 日本. He has deep expertise in UX and a strong sense for design, having worked in design agencies and led designers.

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Prem Sundaram

Freelance Business Intelligence Analyst
United StatesToptal MemberApril 24, 2019

For over 15 years, 作为一名国际技术顾问和产品经理,Prem一直在成功地开发和推出软件和产品创新. 他为包括软件在内的不同行业的各个阶段的公司提供咨询, banking, internet-of-things, 移动, and cloud—in both 美国 and Europe. Prem拥有剑桥大学物理和材料科学学士学位以及加州大学洛杉矶分校的工商管理硕士学位,

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Alex Frates

Freelance Business Intelligence Analyst
United StatesToptal MemberSeptember 9, 2019

Alex blends a unique set of skills that connect business, technology, 以及人们创造引人入胜和变革性的数字体验. 他为全球数字参与团队带来了领导力和远见, integrating marketing, 销售, technology, and business development assets into new business value. Alex在B2B和B2C项目中都表现出色, from small businesses to Fortune 500 clients.

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Toptal in the press

... 允许公司快速组建具有特定项目所需技能的团队.


Our clients
Creating an app for the game
Conor Kenney
Creating an app for the game
Leading a digital transformation
Elmar Platzer
Leading a digital transformation
Building a cross-platform app to be used worldwide
Building a cross-platform app to be used worldwide
Toptal通过真正理解我们在寻找什么帮助我们实现了我们的目标. 他们与我们密切合作,从技术角度找出合适的人才是什么样的, 文化视角——帮助我们快速完成入职,使人才能够尽快发挥作用.

Jay Tring

Technical Team Lead, CSR Connect, Australia

I couldn’t have been more pleased with Toptal. They are professional, quick, well priced, and fun. 我将在我的下一个项目中再次使用它们,下一个,下一个,再下一个 ...

Mac Smith


The best talent is at Toptal for sure. 这比其他任何获得顶尖人才的方式都更好更快.

Rajesh Nagarajan

Co-Founder & 首席技术官

与Toptal建立关系并找到新的团队成员是如此容易, I don't know why anyone wouldn't give it a try. 最重要的是,我们不再需要担心找不到优秀的人来帮助我们的项目!

Mike Branch

President & 首席技术官

我们最费时的问题之一是寻找合格的员工. We need to find the correct platform to advertise on, create a proper ad, filter through tons of applications, interview and test the applicants' capabilities, and finally take a risk by hiring. This was the old way of doing things. 新方法:向我们的total客户经理描述工作职位, interview a few qualified applicants, and hire with a risk-free trial -- much faster, a lot easier, and with incredible results.

Catalin S. Balaci




Talk to One of Our Industry Experts

Toptal的产品管理总监将与您一起了解您的目标, technical needs, and team dynamics.

Work With Hand-Selected Talent

几天之内,我们将为您的项目介绍合适的商业智能分析师. Average time to match is under 24 hours.

The Right Fit, Guaranteed

与你的新商业智能分析师一起工作一段试用期(满意才付工资), 在订婚前确保他们是合适的人选.

Find Experts With Related Skills



  • How are Toptal Business Intelligence Analysts different?

    At Toptal, 我们彻底筛选我们的商业智能分析师,以确保我们只为您匹配最高水准的人才. Of the more than 200,每年有5000人申请加入Toptal网络, fewer than 3% make the cut. 你将与产品管理专家(而不是一般的招聘人员或人力资源代表)一起了解你的目标, technical needs, and team dynamics. 最终的结果是:经过专家审查的人才从我们的网络,定制匹配,以满足您的业务需求.

  • 我可以在48小时内通过Toptal雇佣商业智能分析师吗?

    Depending on availability and how fast you can progress, 您可以在注册后48小时内开始与商业智能分析师合作.

  • Toptal Business Intelligence Analysts的无风险试用期是什么?

    我们确保您和您的商业智能分析师之间的每一次合作都从长达两周的试用期开始. 这意味着你有时间确认订婚是否成功. If you’re completely satisfied with the results, 我们会给你开时间单的,你愿意多久我们就多久. If you’re not completely satisfied, you won’t be billed. From there, we can either part ways, 或者我们可以为您提供另一位可能更合适的专家,我们将与他开始第二轮谈判, no-risk trial.

Tap Into World-Class Talent

  • Trusted Experts Only

    Trusted Experts Only

    我们所有的人才都是经验丰富的专家,他们的成长速度很快, readily contribute as core team members, and work with you to minimize onboarding time.

  • The Right Fit

    The Right Fit

    We have a knack for matching you with the right fit. 在无风险的试用期开始和你的新员工一起工作,只在满意的情况下付钱.

  • Scale as Needed

    Scale as Needed


  • Seamless Hiring

    Seamless Hiring

    We handle all aspects of billing, payments, and NDA’s. 当你专注于创造伟大的产品时,让我们来照顾你的开销.

  • Flexible Engagements

    Flexible Engagements

    选择适合你需要的约定类型——每小时, part-time, or full-time — with the ability to change anytime.

  • Expert Talent Matching

    Expert Talent Matching


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Top Business Intelligence Analysts Are in High Demand.

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