Wassim EL-Asmar, Developer in Montreal, QC, Canada
Wassim is available for hire
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Wassim EL-Asmar

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Software Developer

Montreal, QC, Canada
Toptal Member Since
September 17, 2021

Wassim is passionate about system administration, focusing on infrastructure, automation, configuration management, and the implementation of evolutive systems. His past experiences include working with OpenStack, 以及将Docker基础设施迁移到OpenShift. 他目前的合同涉及AWS、Kubernetes和GitLab CI/CD. Skilled, organized, and professional, 对于任何致力于过程自动化和DevOps最佳实践的团队来说,Wassim都是一笔可观的资产.


National Bank of Canada
亚马逊网络服务(AWS), Terraform, Jenkins, OpenShift, Helm, Bash Script...
Desjardins Group
Concourse CI...
Chef, Jenkins, Azure, Docker, CI/CD pipeline, DevOps, Orchestration, GitHub...




Preferred Environment

Linux, Kubernetes, Helm, Terraform, GitLab CI/CD, Jenkins, Bash, Python, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Concourse CI

The most amazing...


Work Experience

Senior DevOps | Site Reliability Engineer

2019 - PRESENT
National Bank of Canada
  • Established a structure that meets the needs of security, stability, speed, and continuous development.
  • 使用Bitbucket, Jenkins, Nexus, Harness, Helm和OpenShift实现CI/CD进程.
  • OpenShift中的管理部署和操作配置, including replicas, probes, CPU, memory, and ConfigMap.
  • 使用Terraform在AWS上配置EKS和Kinesis数据消防软管.
  • Set up a Git flow model for code management, a proper image versioning for all built images, 以及用于对生产中的关键事务性应用程序进行热修复的流程.
  • 确保SonarQube和Veracode扫描的执行,并从管道内的扫描报告中实现门控.
  • 管理和外部化ConfigMap中的属性文件,并使用Helm模板化应用程序的部署.
Technologies: 亚马逊网络服务(AWS), Terraform, Jenkins, OpenShift, Helm, Bash Script, Groovy Scripting, Python, Splunk, Datadog, Go, CI/CD Pipelines, DevOps, Orchestration, GitHub, GitHub Actions, Amazon EC2, Apache HTTP Server, Prometheus, Redis, AWS DevOps, API Gateways, AWS IAM, AWS Key Management Service (KMS), Containers, Cloud Infrastructure, Databases, AWS Cloud Computing Services, Amazon S3 (AWS S3)

Senior DevOps and SRE Consultant

2018 - 2019
Desjardins Group
  • 使用Concourse和PCF为多个关键事务性应用程序实现了CI/CD.
  • 在从开发到生产的所有环境中支持关键事务性应用程序的生命周期.
  • 与多个开发团队和qa合作,以最大化管道功能.
  • 领导三个开发团队,我将其纳入DevOps流程和最佳实践.
Technologies: Concourse CI, VMware Tanzu Application Service (TAS) (Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF)), Bash Script, DevOps, CI/CD Pipelines, Orchestration, GitHub, Amazon EC2, Prometheus, AWS DevOps, API Gateways, AWS IAM, AWS Key Management Service (KMS), Containers, Cloud Infrastructure, Databases, AWS Cloud Computing Services, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Amazon S3 (AWS S3)

Senior DevOps and SRE Consultant

2018 - 2019
  • 使用Chef为CAE web服务器配置自动化部署和管理配置文件.
  • 实现了Jenkins管道,用于触发Chef烹饪书进行初始配置和更新部分组件.
  • 使用Azure DevOps创建用于将应用程序部署到Azure的管道.
Technologies: Chef, Jenkins, Azure, Docker, CI/CD pipeline, DevOps, Orchestration, GitHub, Amazon EC2, Prometheus, AWS DevOps, API Gateways, AWS IAM, AWS Key Management Service (KMS), Containers, Cloud Infrastructure, Databases, AWS Cloud Computing Services, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Amazon S3 (AWS S3)

DevOps and SRE Consultant

2018 - 2019
  • 配置OpenShift集群,并从Docker基础架构迁移到OpenShift基础架构, including migration of all applications, databases, and every component related to the microservices.
  • Refactored Bash scripts used to automate manual tasks.
  • Created automation and configuration management with Chef.
Technologies: OpenShift, Bash Script, Chef, Proxmox, GlusterFS, CI/CD Pipelines, DevOps, Orchestration, GitHub, Amazon EC2, Apache HTTP Server, Prometheus, AWS DevOps, API Gateways, AWS IAM, AWS Key Management Service (KMS), Containers, Cloud Infrastructure, AWS Cloud Computing Services, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Amazon S3 (AWS S3)

Senior System Administrator

2018 - 2019
  • 管理OpenStack基础设施,如云实例和裸机服务器,并处理集群迁移.
  • Linux、Windows web集群(如LB)的配置和故障排除, web servers, databases, and DFS and structured Hyper-V clusters.
  • 建立思科ASA防火墙和VPN配置,解决网络问题.
  • 托管备份、服务器克隆、监视、调查和文档.
Technologies: OpenStack, Linux, Bash Script, Cisco, Hyper-V, CI/CD Pipelines, DevOps, Orchestration, GitHub, Amazon EC2, Apache HTTP Server, AWS DevOps, Containers, Cloud Infrastructure, Databases, AWS Cloud Computing Services, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Amazon S3 (AWS S3)

System Administrator

2015 - 2016
  • 根据客户端的需求配置Linux服务器,如LVM分区、RAID配置等.
  • 配置Linux服务器的安全性,包括iptables防火墙和nat规则.
  • 使用tcpdump、Nmap和MTR分析对网络可用性进行故障排除.
技术:Linux、Bash、云、编排、Apache HTTP服务器、云基础设施

EKS Deployment with Terraform

在可伸缩设计中使用Terraform配置EKS集群的所有元素的部署, including resources, IAM roles, and policies. 我还对每个环境的所有配置进行了更改,并安装了一个定制的CNI (Calico)来固定每个工作节点的AWS IP限制.

Configured a custom launch template in AWS, deployed an ingress controller, and created a pipeline in GitLab-CI to launch our Terraform.

Created a second pipeline that will take care of:
• Creating Docker images used as workers in our main pipeline
• Testing those worker images
• Pushing the versioned images in the GitLab registry

部署外部dns,在Route 53中自动创建区域,自动验证入口配置. 使用Let's Encrypt自动创建SSL证书和签名过程,为cert-manager和ClusterIssuer配置服务帐户,并部署验证入口配置的cert-manager, creates SSL certs accordingly, and signs certs with authority.


Financial Data Parsing and Outputted Into Kafka


这个应用程序的主要目的是从多个API端点获取的数据进行序列化和反序列化. 最终的产品是应用程序在Kafka主题上生成的解析消息,该消息将被Elasticsearch使用. The application is deployed with Helm onto Kubernetes.

Outside from the applicative code, 这个项目的很大一部分是作为代码的发布管理和基础结构, taken from another project that I've built.

基础设施—通过Terraform部署的EKS集群将托管应用程序和所有其他部分(Elasticsearch), upcoming apps).


Security—deployment and configuration of cert-manager, in charge of certificate creation and renewals.

部署和配置ExternalDNS,用于在Route 53中根据入口规则中的拉取请求自动创建区域.

发布管理——基于主干的分支,简单的映像版本控制. 为了确保健壮性,测试应该尽早运行,并且经常发布产品版本.


Bash, Python, Bash Script, Go


GitLab CI/CD, Jenkins, GitHub, AWS IAM, Helm, Terraform, Concourse CI, Apache HTTP Server, AWS Key Management Service (KMS), Chef, Splunk, Nagios, Hyper-V, Amazon EKS




Linux, Kubernetes, Amazon Web Services (AWS), OpenShift, Docker, Amazon EC2, AWS Cloud Computing Services, OpenStack, VMware Tanzu Application Service (TAS) (Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF)), Proxmox, Azure, Apache Kafka


Amazon S3 (AWS S3), Databases, Datadog, GlusterFS, Redis


CI/CD Pipelines, Orchestration, GitHub Actions, AWS DevOps, Containers, Cloud Infrastructure, Prometheus, API Gateways, Cisco, Cloud, Groovy Scripting


MCA200 OpenStack Certification


Collaboration That Works

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