Tomasz Mularczyk, Developer in Warsaw, Poland
Tomasz is available for hire
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Tomasz Mularczyk

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Front-end Developer

Warsaw, Poland
Toptal Member Since
April 17, 2020

Tomasz是一位充满激情的前端工程师,擅长创建响应式和丰富的网站. 他为中小型公司工作过,也为大公司工作过. Along with being quality-driven, Tomasz热情地与他的队友分享他的技能和知识,并为开源项目做出贡献.


Toptal Clients
JavaScript, React, TypeScript, GraphQL, Jest, Testing, CSS, HTML, Gatsby...
React, Next.js、Jira、Figma、TypeScript、Cypress、Web Applications...
OLX Global
JavaScript, React, Next.js, CSS, Server-side Rendering (SSR)...




Preferred Environment

Jira, Slack, Trello, Figma, InVision, Zeplin, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), MacOS

The most amazing...


Work Experience

Front-end Engineer

2021 - PRESENT
Toptal Clients
  • Developed an eCommerce website called
  • 为一家知名汽车公司开发预订应用. 修复遗留项目中的错误,并帮助将项目迁移到较新的版本.
  • Helped fix bugs and rewrote the flight-booking app.
Technologies: JavaScript, React, TypeScript, GraphQL, Jest, Testing, CSS, HTML, Gatsby, Netlify, Web Applications, GitHub, Web Development, Mobile Web, Responsive UI, Responsive Web Apps, Lint, Slack, React Apollo, Apollo, Storybook, UI Development, ECMAScript (ES6), JSX, REST, DOM, APIs, Unit Testing, Landing Pages

Front-end Engineer

2022 - 2022
  • 使用Cypress测试(E2E)融资页面的关键用户流.
  • 使用Jira作为报告工具跟踪和修复bug.
  • 修复了不同移动浏览器之间的样式不一致.
Technologies: React, Next.js、Jira、Figma、TypeScript、Cypress、Web Applications, Web Development, Mobile Web, Responsive UI, Responsive Web Apps, Lint, Slack, Data Structures, Storybook, UI Development, ECMAScript (ES6), JSX, REST, DOM, APIs, Unit Testing, Landing Pages

Front-end Engineer

2020 - 2021
OLX Global
  • 将部分网站迁移到Next中的新前端堆栈.js.
  • 为新的盈利框架的开发做出了贡献.
  • 帮助新成员加入团队,促进整体知识共享.
Technologies: JavaScript, React, Next.js, CSS, Server-side Rendering (SSR), Responsive Web Design (RWD), Analytics, TypeScript, Web Applications, Web Development, Mobile Web, Responsive UI, Responsive Web Apps, Lint, TSLint, Slack, Docker Compose, Data Structures, Storybook, UI Development, ECMAScript (ES6), JSX, REST, DOM, APIs, Unit Testing

Senior Front-end Developer

2019 - 2021
  • 为金融科技投资平台的发展做出了贡献,该平台目前管理的资产超过1亿欧元.
  • 在Scrum环境中与20名开发人员一起工作. Constructed both admin and client SPA in React.
  • Refactored the app from JavaScrip to a TypeScript.
  • 实现了以前只支持桌面的应用程序,也支持移动设备.
  • 向客户和潜在投资者介绍新功能.
  • 将整个应用从一个复杂的Webpack配置中迁移到一个新的框架中.
  • 担任公司招聘团队的积极成员.
  • 优化组件,以实现跨各种设备和浏览器的最佳性能.
  • 交付产品的新版本,经常使用集成和自动化.
技术:前端、Axios、Mobile First、HTML5、HTML、Rollup.. js、Webpack、Redux-Saga、SCSS、CSS-in-JS、Create React App、ESLint、Jira、Gatsby、Babel、Next.js, JavaScript, TypeScript, Git, Jest, CSS, React, Enzyme, Node.js, Redux, React Router, Tailwind CSS, Web Applications, GitHub, Web Development, Mobile Web, Responsive UI, Responsive Web Apps, Docker, Material UI, Lint, TSLint, React-Intl, Slack, Storybook, UI Development, ECMAScript (ES6), JSX, REST, DOM, Unit Testing, Landing Pages

Front-end Developer

2017 - 2019
  • 共同创建了一个应用程序,可以在浏览器中编辑3D模型.
  • 为公司和有影响力的人提供平台. Added new features, updated the project dependencies, refactored legacy code, and optimized it to work faster.
  • 帮助新入职的开发人员完成他们的任务,并密切关注代码质量.
  • 为快速成长的公司建立了前端领域的标准、流程和主要堆栈.
  • 帮助我们的客户获得了近25万美元的政府补贴.
技术:前端、Axios、Mobile First、HTML5、HTML、Rollup.js, Flow, Webpack, React-Intl, Redux-Saga, SCSS, CSS-in-JS, Styled-components, Create React App, Clean Code, ESLint, Jira, Gatsby, Babel, Next.js, JavaScript, TypeScript, Git, Jest, CSS, React, React Router, Redux, Web Applications, GitHub, Web Development, Mobile Web, Responsive UI, Responsive Web Apps, Material UI, Bootstrap, Lint, Chart.js, ECMAScript (ES6), JSX, DOM, Landing Pages

Junior Java Developer

2016 - 2016
  • 使用Mockito和其他集成工具为关键的后端端点优化和编写单元/集成测试.
  • 将使用Struts框架的遗留代码替换为使用Spring框架.
  • 更新和替换遗留依赖关系,并使用QueryDSL重构JPQL.
  • 使用Jira与团队一起参加每日站立和每周计划的冲刺.
Technologies: HTML5, HTML, Clean Code, ESLint, Jira, Git, Mockito, PostgreSQL, Hibernate, Spring, Java 8, Web Applications, MySQL

React Library Maintainer
我为React应用创建了一个包,它可以创建唯一的HTML id,以提高应用的可访问性. 这个包帮助开发人员更容易地在页面上创建组件,而不必考虑新的ID名. 代码是开源的,支持TypeScript,每周有几千次下载量.

Rewrite of a React-based Responsive Project
I have rewritten and updated a React-based, responsive project: a library that has 200,000 downloads/month. 我更新了库,以便更容易地支持服务器端渲染和测试, 我还解决了主要用户的请求,即支持React Hooks特性.

通过Totalizator Sportowy进入娱乐世界

我们的项目介绍了Totalface:一个基于公司客户面部识别的年龄验证平台. 该系统应该在在线和离线渠道工作. 它还为客户提供匿名性,因为我们只存储用户年满18岁的信息.
• /赢家- 2019 / #输入% 20 % 20世界% 20 % 20娱乐% 20加法计算器% 20 sportowy % 20


HTML, HTML5, JavaScript, TypeScript, SCSS, CSS, ECMAScript (ES6), Java 8, GraphQL


Redux, Next.js, Jest,顺风CSS,材质UI, Bootstrap, Spring, Hibernate, Mockito, Cypress


React Router, React, Redux-Saga, React- intl, Rollup.js, Chart.js, Node.js


Create React App, Git, Webpack, Babel, JSX, Zeplin, InVision, Figma, Trello, Slack, Flow, GitHub, Jira, React Apollo, Docker Compose




Visual Studio Code (VS Code), MacOS, Docker, netflix


Lint, Mobile First, Axios, Front-end, ESLint, TSLint, Styled-components, CSS-in-JS, Gatsby, Web Applications, Web Development, Mobile Web, Responsive UI, Responsive Web Apps, Storybook, UI Development, Data Structures, DOM, APIs, Landing Pages, Open Source, Apollo, Server-side Rendering (SSR), Analytics, Enzyme


Media Queries, PostgreSQL, MySQL

2012 - 2016

Bachelor's Degree in English Philology

信息技术与管理大学- Rzeszów,波兰

Collaboration That Works

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