Ryan Matthew Smith,美国加州欧文市开发者
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Ryan Matthew Smith

Verified Expert  in Engineering

DevOps Developer

Irvine, CA, United States
Toptal Member Since
September 12, 2018

Throughout his career, 瑞安一直与初创公司和小型软件商店合作,在那里,每个里程碑都是成败的关键. 他喜欢在AWS中使用Terraform管理代码的基础设施. Ryan用Go和Bash编写DevOps工具,并定期为开源社区做出贡献. Ryan也是使用Docker部署和维护Kubernetes系统的专家. 根据项目的需要,Ryan擅长作为技术领导或与团队一起工作.


Amazon Web Services (AWS), Elasticsearch, Docker, Go, Helm, Kubernetes, GitOps...
Amazon Web Services (AWS)、Prometheus、Kibana、Jenkins、ECS、Amazon S3 (AWS S3)...
Lantern Credit
Amazon Web Services (AWS), Bash, Docker Compose, Kubernetes, Docker, Go, GitOps...




Preferred Environment

Amazon Web Services (AWS)、Jenkins、Bash、Go、Terraform、Serverless、Kubernetes

The most amazing...


Work Experience

Senior DevOps Engineer

2019 - 2022
  • 建立多账户AWS,并在每个环境(开发)中承担角色, QA, stage, and product) with limited IAM access per team.
  • 为每个AWS环境实现一个Kubernetes (EKS)集群.
  • 将Kubernetes与外部DNS、alb、WAF等集成.
  • 在Go中开发工具以支持内部团队和CI/CD.
  • 使用无状态的Jenkins工人与Jenkins建立CI/CD.
Technologies: Amazon Web Services (AWS), Elasticsearch, Docker, Go, Helm, Kubernetes, GitOps, Continuous Integration (CI), Continuous Delivery (CD), DevOps, Monitoring, AWS DevOps, AWS Cloud Architecture, CI/CD Pipelines, DevOps Engineer, SQL, Amazon EKS, Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS), Amazon Kinesis, Site Reliability Engineering (SRE)

Senior DevOps Engineer

2017 - 2019
  • 将SaaS产品(在AWS中)迁移到RHEL和Ubuntu上的本地版本(Docker Swarm和Ansible).
  • Managed AWS ECS deployments with Terraform.
  • 使用多级构建对所有服务进行docker化(Jenkins CI/CD捕获、构建和部署).
  • Developed an internal DevOps tools in Go.
  • 在面向客户的生产环境中调试SaaS构建/部署问题.
Technologies: Amazon Web Services (AWS)、Prometheus、Kibana、Jenkins、ECS、Amazon S3 (AWS S3), PostgreSQL, Redis, Elasticsearch, Python, Go, Bash, Ansible, Consul, Terraform, Packer, Continuous Integration (CI), Continuous Delivery (CD), DevOps, Monitoring, AWS DevOps, AWS Cloud Architecture, AWS Fargate, CI/CD Pipelines, DevOps Engineer, SQL, Amazon EKS, Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS), Site Reliability Engineering (SRE)

Senior Software/DevOps Engineer

2016 - 2017
Lantern Credit
  • Wrote Go code for application servers.
  • Dockerized all of the application servers.
  • Managed the Kubernetes deployment in AWS. 这是一个高度受限的行业:在每个环境中都有一个Kubernetes集群,每个集群都是我们的双双层架构(总共四个).
  • 编写Bash代码来配置Kubernetes部署并推向开发, quality assurance (QA), user acceptance testing (UAT), and production across the more than 20 services.
  • 构建Docker Compose功能,供开发人员在本地测试,这有助于DevOps更可靠地部署.
Technologies: Amazon Web Services (AWS), Bash, Docker Compose, Kubernetes, Docker, Go, GitOps, Continuous Integration (CI), Continuous Delivery (CD), DevOps, AWS DevOps, AWS Cloud Architecture, CI/CD Pipelines, DevOps Engineer, SQL, Site Reliability Engineering (SRE)

Software/DevOps Engineer

2015 - 2016
Realogic Analytics
  • 用Python构建了一个服务器和应用程序,用于监视每个服务的运行状况.
  • 编写PowerShell脚本,用于从SQL Server实例提取到ETL到分析SQL Server实例.
  • 创建用于加载到SQL Server实例的Python脚本.
  • 在AWS中配置和管理一系列SQL Server Express实例,用于轻量级分析.
  • Worked with rack-and-stack Dell servers and infrastructure for a development environment only; used ESXi Hypervisor.
Technologies: Amazon Web Services (AWS), Windows PowerShell, Python, Microsoft SQL Server, Windows Server, Ubuntu, DevOps, Continuous Delivery (CD), Continuous Integration (CI), AWS DevOps, AWS Cloud Architecture, CI/CD Pipelines, DevOps Engineer, SQL

Software/DevOps Engineer

2015 - 2015
  • Worked with rack-and-stack Dell servers, installed ESXi, and configured FreeNAS, Cisco ASA, and other networks/infrastructures.
  • 用Python开发了一个运行状况监控服务器/应用程序来跟踪应用程序的运行状况.
  • 创建了用于应用程序部署的金色Ubuntu/Windows iso.
  • 为开发使用的高可用性负载平衡器安装并配置HAProxy和Keepalived, quality assurance (QA), user acceptance testing (UAT), and production.
  • Managed the SQL Server for development, quality assurance (QA), user acceptance testing (UAT), and production teams.
Technologies: Microsoft SQL Server, Redis, Keepalived, HAProxy, Ubuntu, Windows Server, Python, VMware ESXi, DevOps, Continuous Delivery (CD), Continuous Integration (CI), DevOps Engineer, SQL

Serverless in Terraform

I created a Serverless.com competitor using Terraform. It's as easy to use as Serverless but manages all the states via Terraform; it's deployed on Registry.terraform.io.

Local Deployment of a Hashicorp Stack

该项目允许您在机器上本地部署Hashicorp. 这样做的目的是帮助没有云的开发人员使用和学习Hashicorp产品.

Project Features:
· Provisions a VM with Packer for Virtualbox
· Deploys Virtualbox VMs locally with Terraform
· Runs Consul, Vault, and Nomad
· Shows example usage with Hadoop and Spark

Technologies: Hadoop, Spark

Terraform Module ECS on Fargate

I created a Terraform module for ECS on Fargate. 随着AWS Fargate价格的持续下降,越来越多的用户将开始使用这项服务. 该模块使在Fargate上部署ECS变得容易. This is deployed on Registry.terraform.io.

Terraform Module CodePipeline to ECS

这是一个为CI/CD创建AWS CodePipeline的Terraform模块. This pipeline will listen to a GitHub repository, build a Docker container, update the ECS, and then run integration tests during deployment. This is deployed on Registry.terraform.io.


如果您只想将所有到当前WAN IP的流量列入白名单,则此Terraform模块是在AWS中部署安全组的最简单方法. 还有其他选项可以将额外的CIDR块列入白名单或向世界开放特定端口, but either way, 这使生活变得容易得多。这部署在注册表上.terraform.io.

Terragrunt Project Structure

Terragrunt is a fantastic-and-convenient tool written around Terraform; it will manage your remote state, help keep your code DRY, and make deployments easier.


Go Server Generator

Degeneres is a Go server generator.

因为Go语言是一种静态类型语言, 大多数项目通常都需要大量的样板文件. 要解决这个问题,您可以使用库或生成代码. I decided to write a code generator. Degeneres lexes and parses Protobuf files, but instead of outputting RPC, it outputs HTTP and REST-like servers.
2012 - 2014



2010 - 2012

Bachelor of Science Degree in Physics


2008 - 2010

Associate's Degree in Mathematics

Mount San Jacinto College - Menifee, CA, USA


NumPy, SciPy, OpenSSL


Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR), AWS CLI, Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS), AWS CodeBuild, AWS IAM, Amazon CloudWatch, Traefik, Docker Swarm, Docker Hub, Ansible, Git, GitHub, Terraform, Docker Compose, NGINX, Kibana, Logstash, Helm, Helmfile, AWS Systems Manager, Amazon EKS, Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS), Packer, GitLab CI/CD, AWS CodeDeploy, Zsh, Oh My Zsh, Vault, Keepalived, AWS Fargate, Jenkins, Concourse CI, GitLab


Go, Python 2, Python 3, Bash, Python, Bash Script, JavaScript, SQL


Amazon Web Services (AWS), Amazon EC2, AWS Lambda, Docker, Kubernetes, OS X, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Ubuntu, Windows Server, Apache Kafka


DevOps, Continuous Delivery (CD), Continuous Integration (CI), Microservices Architecture, Lambda Architecture, REST


Amazon S3 (AWS S3), Redis, Elasticsearch, PostgreSQL, Couchbase, MySQL, MongoDB, Microsoft SQL Server


gRPC, Windows PowerShell


AWS Cloud Architecture, GitOps, AWS DevOps, CI/CD Pipelines, Amazon API Gateway, HAProxy, Lambda Functions, Filebeat, SSL Certificates, HTTP2, HTTP 2, DevOps Engineer, Site Reliability Engineering (SRE), Serverless, Monitoring, AWS CodePipeline, SSL, RPC, Transport Layer Security (TLS), SSL Configurations, Consul, Nomad, Prometheus, Amazon Kinesis, ECS, VMware ESXi

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