Ricardo is available for hire
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Ricardo Costa

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Game Developer

Toptal Member Since
September 12, 2018

超过13年的专业开发经验, Ricardo专注于游戏开发, computer graphics, including rendering, computer vision, and VR/AR, artificial intelligence, and client-server systems. 他也是一个虚幻引擎专家与八年的经验. 里卡多热衷于尖端技术, optimizing complex systems, and creating real-time, high-performance software.


Ampaire Inc.
Game Design, C++, OpenGL
KEYS Metaverse
3D游戏,3D渲染,虚幻引擎5,不可替代令牌(NFT), c++...
Genius Ventures




Preferred Environment

Git, Visual Studio,虚幻引擎,c++, Perforce, Windows

The most amazing...

...system I've developed is an unmanned ground vehicle software controller featuring stereo vision, autonomous spatial navigation, and 3D-scenario reconstruction.

Work Experience

Game Developer

2023 - 2024
Ampaire Inc.
  • Developed a custom X-Plane flight simulator plugin that showed relevant flight data for a new hybrid aircraft manufactured by Ampaire.
  • 用c++和OpenGL编写代码,也与X-Plane SDK进行交互.
  • Created a custom HUD with animated icons and implemented formulas to display simulation data.
技术:游戏设计,c++, OpenGL

Lead Developer

2023 - 2023
KEYS Metaverse
  • Developed an Unreal Engine 5 metaverse project with virtual mansions sold as NFTs to thousands of investors.
  • Used C++, blueprints, 和其他先进的技术,以实现aaa级的视觉质量和性能.
  • Hosted the game on AWS so that it could be accessed from any browser and pixel-streamed it to the clients.
Technologies: 3D游戏,3D渲染,虚幻引擎5,不可替代令牌(NFT), c++, Game Development, Microsoft Visual Studio, Computer Graphics, Windows, MMORPGs

Senior Graphics Engineer

2022 - 2023
Genius Ventures
  • 开发了一个三维互动海报,其中有一个类似人类的角色,i.e., MetaHuman, that could talk and interact with the public on a kiosk at the famous Irving Plaza venue in NY, 利用5G和边缘计算.
  • Created a real estate property viewer using Unreal Engine 4 with fully baked lighting and realistic rendering. 它允许多个用户在线加入同一个会话并进行协作.
  • Created a new technology to stream ultra-high quality 3D objects from Unreal Engine to an AR experience that surpassed Google's XR Streaming technology in rendering quality.
  • Developed a 3D avatar in Unreal Engine that could react in real time to the emotions detected from the user's facial expressions.
  • Worked on a 3D car showroom project using ultra-realistic rendering in Unreal Engine 5.
Technologies: 3D渲染,3D可视化,增强现实(AR),虚幻引擎5,c++, Blueprints Visual Scripting, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Unreal Engine 4, Edge Computing, Multiplayer, Networking, Microsoft Visual Studio, Computer Graphics, Extended Reality (XR), MacOS, Windows

Elite Unreal Engine Developer

2021 - 2022
  • Collaborated with a large team to create a VR application in Unreal Engine for military training.
  • Optimized the project to run in Oculus Quest 2 with good performance and visual quality.
  • 用c++编写关键部分的代码和用户体验(UX)蓝图.
Technologies: Unreal Engine 4, Unreal Engine, Virtual Reality (VR), Oculus, Game Development, 3D Games, Microsoft Visual Studio, Computer Graphics, Windows

Unreal Engine Developer

2019 - 2020
  • Created an AR experience for the Angry Birds 2 movie launch using Unreal Engine and a novel pixel-streaming solution to achieve real-time, 像电影一样的3D效果.
  • Created native applications for Android and iOS that could run the pixel-streamed experience from Unreal Engine on the phone.
  • Worked on several R&D projects for 3D AR and realistic rendering with Unreal Engine through pixel-streaming from an AWS GPU instance.
Technologies: Unreal Engine, C++, 3D Rendering, Augmented Reality (AR), Microsoft Visual Studio, Computer Graphics, MacOS, Windows

C++ and Unreal Engine Developer

2019 - 2019
  • Developed an Unreal Engine plugin to integrate real-time 3D scenes from Unreal into the Ventuz virtual production ecosystem.
  • 使用了c++语言和来自虚幻引擎的低级api源代码.
  • 优化了一个插件,以实现生产就绪的性能.
Technologies: C++, Unreal Engine, Rendering, Microsoft Visual Studio, Computer Graphics, 面向对象编程(OOP), Windows

Unreal Engine Developer

2019 - 2019
  • 为一种新的基于主体的人工智能算法开发了一个3D原型.
  • Used Unreal Engine to create a real-time simulation of sentient agents controlled by AI.
  • 集成了团队中其他开发人员创建的c++ AI库.
Technologies: Unreal Engine, Unreal Engine 4, C++, Microsoft Visual Studio, Computer Graphics, Windows

C#/C++ Developer

2018 - 2019
Heartland Engineering
  • 用Python为仓库管理系统创建了一个后端系统.
  • 用c#实现了一个起重机硬件控制器. Communicated via TCP networking.
  • Integrated all systems with an existing web-based front end created by another developer.
技术:c#, C, c++, Python, Microsoft Visual Studio, c#.NET WinForms,面向对象编程(OOP), Linux


2011 - 2019
Magistral Games
  • 利用虚幻引擎、c++和Lua开发了一款在线3D手游. 处理客户端和后端服务器,完成部分游戏设计.
  • 在现代c++中创建了一个具有优化数据结构的开发框架, algorithms, 以及具有高效多线程体系结构的客户机-服务器网络.
  • Planned the cloud architecture of the game's back end, including DDoS resiliency and fault tolerance.
Technologies: Lua, C++, Unreal Engine, 3D Games, 2D Games, Game Development, Microsoft Visual Studio, Computer Graphics, 面向对象编程(OOP), Windows, MMORPGs


2010 - 2019
ORT Institute of Technology
  • Taught technical training courses in Computer Science with programming content in C, C++, Python, x86 Assembly, data structures, computer graphics, computer networks, and operating systems.
技术:ASM, OpenGL, c++, C,计算机图形学

Specialist Developer

2014 - 2018
  • Developed an unmanned ground vehicle software controller featuring stereoscopic vision, autonomous spatial navigation, 以及使用c++进行3d场景重建, OpenGL, OpenCV, and ROS.
  • 用c#和WinForms编写了一个机械臂Kuka控制器和GUI. It has many real-time features, such as 3D visualization of the arm position and its sensors.
  • Created an ROV laser scanner that used computer vision to detect changes in the surface of objects, such as underwater oil pipes. 它是用c++和OpenCV编写的.
  • 开发了一个OCR解决方案,允许客户上传任何数字化文档, 包括印刷品的照片, 并根据内容进行分类. 用过c++, OCR库,和一个机器学习分类器算法.
  • 构建了一个Python/Django后端,用于处理大量数据, such as importing millions of entries from a file format into a relational database, in a parallel, efficient manner. 使用AWS的EC2、RDS、ElastiCache等服务.
技术:亚马逊网络服务(AWS), OpenCV, OpenGL, Python, C#, C++, Microsoft Visual Studio, C#.NET WinForms, Qt,计算机图形学,面向对象编程(OOP), Linux


2015 - 2015
Infnet Institute
  • Lectured Introduction to Artificial intelligence to the Computer Engineering undergraduate class.

Intern Developer

2008 - 2009
  • 担任Particles的首席开发者, 一个由石油公司资助的体积离散元可视化应用程序, Petrobras.
  • 开发了许多实时可视化技术与强烈的GPU着色器的使用.
  • 与一组艺术家和工程师合作, 根据项目需求沟通和整合他们的工作.
Technologies: Shaders, GLSL, OpenGL, Lua, C++, Microsoft Visual Studio, Qt, Computer Graphics, 3D Rendering, 面向对象编程(OOP)

Alta B Interactive Poster

Alta B is a 3D interactive poster with a human-like character that can talk and interact with the public on a kiosk at the famous Irving Plaza venue in NY. It took advantage of cutting-edge rendering and natural language processing technologies. 我管理整个虚幻引擎的实现, system and kiosk architecture, AWS托管在威瑞森的5G边缘计算网络上.

Nobu Real Estate Virtual Tour

Nobu是一个使用虚幻引擎的实时房地产虚拟之旅. 它的特点是完全烘烤的照明和逼真的渲染, 它可以在任何浏览器上运行,因为它是来自AWS的像素流. 多个用户可以加入一个会话并分享游览体验. I oversaw the Unreal Engine implementation and all functionalities, including the multiplayer logic.

KEYS Metaverse

I was the lead developer at KEYS, creating the metaverse experience in Unreal Engine 5. We used cutting-edge technologies to provide a triple-A experience to any user with a web browser on mobile or desktop.


Cockfight is a 3D mobile RPG/card battle multiplayer game prototype created in 2018.

我是游戏客户端和服务器的首席程序员和架构师. 客户端基于虚幻引擎4. It was optimized for mobile platforms and leverages GPU shaders and a variety of rendering techniques.

服务器是用现代c++和Lua编写的, 一种强大的脚本语言,我在大学期间是其开发团队的一员. It featured high-performance, multi-threaded networking, 和REST api来与云服务通信.

I was also one of the game designers, defining gameplay rules and monetization strategies.


我是《欧博体育app下载》的游戏设计师和首席程序员, a massively-multiplayer online 2D RPG game (MMORPG) for Windows and Linux PCs that I created as a hobby, 灵感来自我当时最喜欢的一些网络游戏. It was online from 2005 to 2008.

我主要致力于用c++和Lua从头开始编写游戏服务器. As a real-time game, it required low-latency networking and thousands of simultaneous players. Such a performance level was achieved with parallelism, profiling tools, and highly-optimized code. 在高峰时段,该游戏约有7000名玩家在线.

The computer-controlled characters were based on numerous AI techniques such as A* path-finding, state machines, and behavior trees, 为玩家提供具有挑战性的游戏体验.

2D游戏客户端是基于一个使用OpenGL的开源项目. 它完全改写了网络协议,适应了我的游戏服务器.


Lua, C, c++ 17, c++ 14, c++ 11, c++, GLSL, Python 3, Python, Python 2, c#,汇编语言


虚幻引擎,虚幻引擎4,ASM, Qt


标准模板库(STL), OpenGL, OpenCV


Microsoft Visual Studio, Git, c#.NET WinForms, Perforce


面向对象编程(OOP), Mobile Game Design, Concurrent Programming, Parallel Programming


Windows, Linux, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Android, Azure, iOS, Mobile, Oculus, MacOS


Game Development, 3D Visualization, Video Games, Games, 3D Games, Computer Graphics, 3D Rendering, Unreal Engine 5, Blueprints Visual Scripting, Low-level Programming, Low-latency Software, Augmented Reality (AR), Game AI, Android Games, 2D Games, Mobile Games, Mobile Game Development, Computer Vision, MMORPGs, Data Structures, Rendering, Rendering Pipelines, Real-time Rendering Engines, Rendering Performance, Game Design, Debugging, Cloud Computing, Cloud Services, TCP/IP, Shaders, Version Control, Code Versioning, Networks, Multiplayer, Profiling, Benchmarking, Concurrent Computing, Extended Reality (XR), Networking, Virtual Reality (VR), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Edge Computing, Non-fungible Tokens (NFT)

2009 - 2011

Progress towards a Master's Degree in Computer Science with a specialization in Computer Graphics


2003 - 2009



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