Revaz Kartvelishvili, Developer in Tbilisi, Georgia
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Revaz Kartvelishvili

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Software Developer

Tbilisi, Georgia
Toptal Member Since
September 1, 2019

Revaz是一名全栈工程师,拥有超过六年的软件开发经验,使用各种技术. Has a great knowledge of the whole development process. Experienced in the Agile methodology, 他与他的团队沟通非常好,并专注于快速完成工作. Tech-wise, Revaz typically uses C# .NET Core for the back end and Angular for the front end.



Preferred Environment

CODE, Visual Studio, GitLab, GitHub, Windows

The most amazing...

...project I've worked on is a gambling website with lotto-type games. I implemented a risk management system using game result statistics.

Work Experience

Full Stack Developer

2021 - PRESENT
Acumen Commercial Insights
  • Replaced Kendo components for the client side application with Angular Material.
  • Worked on .NET and Angular tasks in Agile stories.
  • Migrated client-side work from Silverlight to Angular and used it in ASP.NET Webforms as an npm package.
Technologies: Angular, .NET, ASP.NET Web Forms, SQL

Senior Full-stack Developer

2020 - 2021
Bar Patrol (via Toptal)
  • Joined the existing codebase of the inventory management system, based on ASP.NET Core and Angular, which helped bars and restaurants make their inventories, invoices, and reports easily.
  • 集成了Aweber电子邮件营销软件,在发送电子邮件通知时减少了将客户放入不同组的手工工作.
  • 通过在具体实现之前创建正确的域,并将一些数据复制到不同的域中,重新构建项目的域. This improved the performance in different areas of the app.
  • Created a migrator software to take and form correct domains, placing the legacy system's data correctly into the new application's store.
Technologies: C#, ASP.NET Core 3, AWeber, SQL, Angular

Senior Full-stack Developer

2020 - 2020
ZOOLOO Information Systems
  • Created a Toyota car leasing responsive web application based on Angular and .NET Core.
  • Implemented the product design by giving technical and UX feedback.
  • Created a back-end API with .NET Core and used SQL on the database side.
  • Built customizable HTML elements as Angular components for reusability.
  • 在Azure上创建和维护前端和后端应用程序的托管.
Technologies: .NET Core, SQL, RxJS, TypeScript, Angular

Senior Full-stack Developer

2019 - 2020
  • 参与医疗保健部门的合规性管理web应用程序开发流程.
  • 研究了函数式编程在Angular和NgRx中对状态管理问题的使用.
  • Created Azure CI/CD pipelines for Angular and .NET Core Web API projects.
  • 创建了一个组件库,其中实现了自定义表单控件和通用组件(输入), checkboxes, buttons, progress bars, and more) and shared across the application.
  • Used a Metronic component library for a complex statistics dashboard.
  • Customized ASP.NET Zero's role management module to overcome issues related to authorization.
Technologies: ASP.NET Core 3, TypeScript, RxJS, Angular, ASP.NET Core MVC, Microsoft SQL Server, ASP.NET Web API, ASP.NET Zero

Senior .NET Developer

2019 - 2019
HotelHub Georgia
  • 实现了一个SaaS酒店物业管理应用程序,供高加索地区的多家酒店使用.
  • 针对一个多租户应用程序,研究并实现了一种混合数据库分离方法,将高流量客户端的数据存储到一个单独的数据库中.
  • Implemented a notification microservice. Integrated a SendGrid API for email notifications, tracked email statuses, and implemented a retry mechanism.
  • Researched and implemented an auto email generator using ASP.NET Core Razor views.
  • Researched and used the ASP.NET Boilerplate framework to avoid tons of boilerplate code, where repositories, EventBus, error handling, service layer translations into the API, and other features were already implemented.
  • 与Azure托管服务集成了一个CI/CD管道,用于自动交付应用程序.
  • Created a separated B2B client's microservice using MongoDB as a database.
Technologies: ASP.NET, SaaS, MongoDB, RabbitMQ, ASP.NET Core 3, C#, Bootstrap, Docker, Azure, RxJS, TypeScript, Angular, ASP.NET Zero

Senior .NET Developer

2018 - 2019
Multi Task
  • 利用组合学设计了一种算法来计算用户在一个基于彩票游戏的赌博网站上下注的每种类型的赔率,因为不同类型的赔率太多了.
  • Created a custom identity server using IdentityServer4, which supported OAuth 2.0 as a global authorization and permission management service.
  • Migrated the front-end code of a betting-based gambling website from ASP.NET MVC razor views to Angular.
  • 由于用户层次结构比较复杂,在认证模块中实现了Redis存储机制. 包括一个模拟功能,其中任何用户应该能够看到从任何他们的孩子用户的角度来看网站.
  • Used RabbitMQ to pass integration events between different microservices.
Technologies: RabbitMQ, C#, .NET Core, Docker, Redis, Identity Server, Microsoft SQL Server, RxJS, TypeScript, Angular, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, jQuery, .NET

SQL Developer

2016 - 2017
TBC Bank
  • Supported the bank's data warehouse which was responsible for storing loan data.
  • 使用SSIS创建ETL包,为来自外部银行和小额信贷公司的客户贷款提供贷款数据仓库.
  • 在SQL性能分析工具的帮助下,通过忽略不必要的连接并附加正确的索引来处理不同类型的报表,研究并优化了过程.
  • Merged different sources' data, made changes, 并在具有解析XML格式配置文件的应用程序的业务逻辑流期间用自定义事件通知内部软件.
Technologies: C#, SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS), SQL

Back-end Developer

2015 - 2016
  • Supported a website for the railway ticket sales based on an ASP.NET MVC application.
  • 为管理传输数据的桌面应用程序(前端使用Windows Forms,后端使用WCF)提供支持.
  • Implemented some procedures in SQL, based on new business demands.
  • Created a sub-module of in-house software for filling the database from Excel files.
Technologies: Microsoft SQL Server, Windows Forms (WinForms), C#

Internet News Parser and Analyzer

我开发了一个互联网新闻解析软件,通过寻找正确的内容来解析多达30个网站, transformed this content into the preferred state, and placed it into the database which was used by a different web application.

我必须创建一个算法,通过将新闻描述分解为单词来将状态附加到新闻内容, get the original words, search the word statuses into the database which was supplied from the admin's side, and get the overall status of the news story (Before publishing, every status on the news was reviewed manually and approved after.)

.Net Core Architecture for Online Courses Web API
A .. NET Core应用程序的水平可扩展架构示例使用设计和架构模式的最佳实践实现, inspired by Robert Cecil Martin’s book, "Clean Architecture".

我用来实现洋葱架构的主要库之一是MediatR(中介模式实现). 它用于表示层和应用层之间的通信, on top of that, 它可以用于多个有用的中间件(MediatR中的管道),例如域事件发布中间件, an idempotent command handling middleware, and transactional command handling middleware. Some of those are implemented in the project.


ArithMath is a cross-platform, mobile, arithmetic-and-logical-math puzzle game.

• Created the back end using .NET Core (Redis for live leaderboard).
• Participated in the front-end development using React Native.

Plagiarism Detection Software


我使用DFS算法遍历文件系统并获得包含实现的具体文件. I also minified the actual code by renaming the variable names to the default one, neglecting decomposition. 最后,我将现有文件与自定义字符串比较器进行比较,并返回结果.

Sales Management Application

I developed a sales platform based on .NET Core,它允许不同的销售公司毫不费力地管理客户的订单.

我集成了一个Stripe API来创建和管理订阅,并执行自动循环.



From the admin panel, 管理团队能够轻松地控制网站内容,并为他们的房地产使用创建不同类型的优惠和促销 .NET Core.

I integrated the Cloudinary API to store the content media on the Cloud.
2014 - 2018

Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics and Computer Science

Free University of Tbilisi - Tbilisi, Georgia


NgRx, RxJS, jQuery, SignalR, Windows Forms (WinForms), MediatR


RabbitMQ, Git, GitHub, GitLab, Visual Studio, Figma, AWeber


.NET Core, .NET, Angular, ASP.NET, ASP.NET Core MVC, ASP.NET Core, ASP.NET Zero, ASP.NET MVC, Angular Material, Entity Framework Core, Razor, CODE, Bootstrap, ASP.NET Web API, React Native, MassTransit, OAuth 2, ASP.NET Web Forms


C#, C#.NET, HTML5, SQL, TypeScript, JavaScript, HTML, Sass, CSS, Python


Visual Studio 2017, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Azure, Telerik, Windows, Docker


面向对象编程(OOP),设计模式,敏捷,Azure DevOps,微服务架构


PostgreSQL, SQL Server 2012, Microsoft SQL Server, SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS), MongoDB, Redis


SaaS、领域驱动设计(DDD)、身份服务器、Reddit、Cloudinary、HTML解析(Cheerio)、ASP.NET Core 3, .NET Core 2

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