Nolan McCafferty, Developer in Iowa City, IA, United States
Nolan is available for hire
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Nolan McCafferty

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Software Developer

Iowa City, IA, United States
Toptal Member Since
August 3, 2022

Nolan has worked on everything from back-end web development, front-end web development, mobile development, and machine learning (ML). After graduating, he got a job as an automation engineer at Ford, 他在哪里通过为管理层提供基本的概念验证(POC)而产生了重大影响. Now Nolan would like to take on new challenges and projects!


Our Research
Flask, Python 3, Python, API Development, Heroku, Open Source...
Databricks - Security Team
Python, REST APIs, APIs, PySpark, ETL, Spark, Pandas, Jira, Jira REST API...
Self Employed
C#, Amazon API, Canvas LMS, eBay API, Flask, Django, Go, Java, JavaFX, Pandas...




Preferred Environment

MacOS, PyCharm, Slack, Linux

The most amazing...

...我创建的项目是一个Django web应用程序,它允许发货人从一个平台到另一个平台列出物品. I used the eBay and Amazon APIs.

Work Experience

Back-end Developer

2023 - PRESENT
Our Research
  • 维护并改进了一个Flask应用程序,以解析存储在Amazon S3中的HTML文档中的相关字段. Created new parsers for different formats/websites, etc.
  • Created a multithreaded process to scrape and save new documents in Amazon S3.
  • 创建了一个多线程进程来刷新API提供的数据库记录,以确保最终用户数据尽可能是最新的.
Technologies: Flask, Python 3, Python, API Development, Heroku, Open Source, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), API Integration, Multithreading, Object-relational Mapping (ORM), AWS SDK

Data Integration Python Engineer

2022 - PRESENT
Databricks - Security Team
  • Developed and maintained ETL pipelines, 从安全扫描工具获取数据并将其导入Jira和Amazon S3 (AWS S3).
  • 创建了一个自定义的GitHub评论机器人,提醒开发人员在合并拉请求之前检查安全标准.
  • Used the Pandas library and Databricks platform extensively to manage, transform, and migrate large amounts of data.
Technologies: Python, REST APIs, APIs, PySpark, ETL, Spark, Pandas, Jira, Jira REST API, DevOps, DevSecOps, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Azure, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Databricks, CI/CD Pipelines, Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC), Trivy, QualysGuard, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), Scala, Jenkins, Networking, Git, GitHub, API Integration, AWS SDK

Senior Full-stack Developer

2014 - PRESENT
Self Employed
  • Built automation solutions for data ETL, logins, form submission, and other repetitive actions for 100+ different sources.
  • 为客户端构建了仪表板,以便与大规模数据抓取和API使用任务进行交互并查看其进度.
  • 逆向工程数百个隐藏的网站api为客户提取所需的数据.
  • 将数据加载到Pandas数据框架中以执行清理并导出为各种格式(如SQLite), CSV, JSON, and others.
Technologies: C#, Amazon API, Canvas LMS, eBay API, Flask, Django, Go, Java, JavaFX, Pandas, Python 3, Selenium, Web App Design, Web Scraping, ETL, Singer ETL, PostgreSQL, Amazon EC2, Full-stack, Web Development, SQL, Web App Development, APIs, Back-end, Linux, PostgreSQL 10, PyCharm, Charles Proxy, Postman, eCommerce, Automation, REST APIs, API Development, Networking, Git, GitHub, API Integration, Multithreading, Android, Appium, Object-relational Mapping (ORM)

Automation Engineer

2021 - 2022
Ford Motor Company
  • 设计并构建基础架构,将交叉验证ML模型集成到测试框架中.
  • 将交叉验证设计缺陷筛查的准确性提高了约300%.
  • 维护和创建新的测试脚本,以确保信息娱乐UI和硬件的适当功能.
  • Pulled data from REST API and imported it into the Pandas data frame; used data to create graphs using Matplotlib to track testing metrics and find anomalies.
Technologies: Python 3, TensorFlow, PyTorch, Selenium, RPC, Pandas, Matplotlib, REST APIs, Internet of Things (IoT), Networking, Git, GitHub, Multithreading

Back-end Engineer

2017 - 2018
  • 扩展现有代码库并编写新代码,收集和组织来自50多个来源的营业时间数据.
  • 使用HTTP代理对私有网站api进行反向工程,以定位和提取所需的数据.
  • 将数据直接发布到公司网站,并出售给瑞典国际公认的豪华汽车公司,用于车辆导航系统.
技术:c#, MySQL, Selenium, Charles Proxy, REST api,网络,多线程

eCommerce Inventory Management Web App

开发了一个Django web应用程序,允许dropshippers从一个平台到另一个平台列出物品. 该应用程序更新商品价格,以确保在销售时获利,并跟踪订单. I built the entire back end and used Django to create a simple UI.

eCommerce Arbitrage Tool
创建了一个JavaFX应用程序,允许用户在竞争的电子商务平台之间查找产品. I wrote the front end and back end. 我还使用了第三方api的组合来提供大多数必要的数据.

Calendly Singer Tap
Developed a Calendly data tap compatible with a Singer ETL specification. 它允许用户使用Calendly API访问他们的数据,并与Singer ETL平台集成. I set it up so users can run the tap and pipe the results to any number of platform targets, CSV, BigTable, PostgreSQL, etc.

AirBnB Rankings Tracker
创建了一个JavaFX应用程序,允许用户在不同的搜索查询中跟踪他们的Airbnb属性的排名. I used the Airbnb website private JSON API to fetch results, displayed in an easy-to-read table format, and allowed for results to be exported to a CSV file.

Medical Survey Web App

一个允许医学研究参与者提交问卷回答的Django web应用程序. 还提供门户和仪表板,供研究管理员创建自定义问卷并查看参与者的回答, 以及录音和保存的问题,需要一个音频提交.

Canvas Data Visualization Web App

一个基于Flask和MongoDB的web应用程序,它从Canvas LMS API中提取用户的Canvas配置文件,并将其以JSON和文档格式存储在MongoDB集合中. 还提供了一个Dash(基于Flask)可视化web应用程序,用户可以在其中查看有关他们的考试成绩和提交的统计数据和图表. Docker和Docker Compose被用于容器化和启动Mongo和Dash实例.

College Basketball Scouting Report PDF Generator

大学体育行业的一个客户需要一个机器人来访问他们网站上的一系列url, export each page as a PDF, and email these PDF files to their website users. 他们网站上的“另存为PDF”功能允许用户以一种更容易查看的纸质格式下载大学运动员球探报告, which college athletic recruiters prefer. 我使用Selenium和一个Python SMTP客户端来自动化这个过程并满足客户端的需求.

Sports Betting Data Extractor

使用Python请求库在一个大型体育博彩和幻想数据网站上自动登录和提取体育博彩数据. Data was loaded into a Pandas data frame, cleaned, and uploaded to a Google sheet. This automation pipeline ran hourly to ensure the client's sheet stayed up to date.

IoT Fan Controller
一个为树莓派设计的小型web应用程序,使用GPIO引脚作为天线发送无线电消息和控制消费者吊扇. 该应用程序是用Go语言编写的,它利用“rpitx”包发送无线电消息. 该应用程序需要对物理控制器无线电信号进行分析和逆向工程,以便从树莓派复制和重新传输. Web/HTML接口的建立是为了让用户可以轻松地发送消息,比如开/关灯, fan speed low/medium/high/off.
2016 - 2021

Bachelor's Degree in Computer Engineering

University of Iowa - Iowa City, IA, USA


eBay API, Amazon API, Pandas, REST APIs, API Development, Twilio API, TensorFlow, PyTorch, Requests, Matplotlib, PySpark, Jira REST API


Canvas LMS, PyCharm, Slack, Charles Proxy, Postman, Git, GitHub, Canvas, AWS SDK, Celery, Jira, Jenkins


Django, Flask, Selenium, Appium, Flutter, Spark


Python 3, Java, Go, C#, Python, JavaScript, HTML, SQL, C++, Scala


Web App Design, ETL, Automation, Object-relational Mapping (ORM), Agile, Data Science, DevOps, DevSecOps


Amazon EC2, JavaFX, Docker, Linux, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Android, MacOS, Azure, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Databricks, QualysGuard, Raspberry Pi, Raspberry Pi 3 GPIO, Heroku


MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, PostgreSQL 10, Amazon S3 (AWS S3)


Web Scraping, Singer ETL, Web App Development, APIs, Back-end, eCommerce, Internet of Things (IoT), API Integration, Multithreading, RPC, Data Engineering, Full-stack, Web Development, Dash, Data Visualization, Learning Management Systems (LMS), Data Architecture, Embedded Systems, Networking, SMTP, HTTP, Reverse Engineering, CI/CD Pipelines, Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC), Trivy, Open Source, Algorithms

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