Milos Fec, Developer in Prague, Czech Republic
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Milos Fec

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Software Developer

Prague, Czech Republic
Toptal Member Since
January 28, 2016

Milos对Android充满热情,他的工作经历也反映了这一点. He has built Java applications, 使用JNI和c#创建本地C/ c++库和Java包装器类 .NET using MonoDroid. 他曾担任团队负责人,为一个高度关注安全性的支付终端开发了一个改进的Android操作系统, including Linux hardening. Milos还引入了新的系统应用程序、服务和Android框架修改.


C, C++, ARM Embedded, FreeRTOS, Bootloaders, Embedded Development...
Jenkins, Jira, Gerrit, Git, Linux Kernel, Java, C++, C, Android SDK...
GitLab CI/CD、GitLab、Jenkins、Gerrit、Confluence、Jira、Git、c++、C、Java...




Preferred Environment

Git, Android Studio, Linux, MacOS

The most amazing...

...我所做的工作是为一款名为Aevi Albert的独特支付终端开发Android操作系统.

Work Experience

External Consultant | Firmware Developer

2021 - PRESENT
  • Provided consultancy regarding development standards, workflow, 和流程,以提供高质量和可维护的解决方案.
  • 设计、记录和实现了特定于平台的安全方式来更新引导加载程序.
  • Implemented POSIX filesystem calls for small ARM Embedded platform, including FAT and LittleFS filesystem mounting.
  • 编写Python框架,使用QEMU仿真器对固件进行自动测试.
Technologies: C, C++, ARM Embedded, FreeRTOS, Bootloaders, Embedded Development, Software Design, Embedded C++, Embedded Systems, Low-level Programming, Embedded C, Embedded Linux

External Consultant | System Developer

2020 - PRESENT
  • Identified and fixed critical bugs of Android devices (Kernel, Linux binaries, system services), preparing tools and custom builds for monitoring specific issues.
  • 合作开发一款新的Android设备(OS开发,架构,安全).
  • Consulted regarding Android API, system services, and optimizations.
Technologies: Jenkins, Jira, Gerrit, Git, Linux Kernel, Java, C++, C, Android SDK, Android NDK, Embedded Development, Software Design, Embedded C++, Embedded Systems, Low-level Programming, Kotlin, Android HAL, Embedded C, Embedded Linux, Android Emulators

Head of Mobile Platforms

2018 - 2020
  • 通过修复引导加载程序中的几个关键错误,帮助Android设备准备发布, Kernel, Android recovery, and framework.
  • 介绍了编码风格、提交风格和工作流程的质量标准.
  • Refactored legacy solutions to use Android and Linux standards, improving stability and maintainability.
  • Fixed long-term issues of older Android devices. Used Android framework and apps, Kernel drivers, and Native Daemon.
  • 在软件和硬件方面紧密合作设计新产品.
  • Cooperated with multiple departments and suppliers on software, hardware, manufacturing, and quality control.
  • 在实现之前识别安全问题,并设计解决方案改进以防止风险.
  • Led a team of five developers working on the system and Android apps.
Technologies: GitLab CI/CD、GitLab、Jenkins、Gerrit、Confluence、Jira、Git、c++、C、Java, Android API, Android NDK, Android SDK, Embedded Development, Software Design, Embedded C++, Embedded Systems, Low-level Programming, Kotlin, AOSP, Android HAL, Embedded C, Embedded Linux, Android Emulators

Developer | Owner | CEO

2009 - 2018
  • 根据客户的规范设计和开发J2ME应用程序.
  • 咨询正在创建Android多媒体应用程序的公司(使用DRM).
  • 开发执行广告服务、Google Analytics和Play Store应用内计费的Android应用.
  • 开发了一个运行在单独进程中的Android服务,用于大的位图操作(防止应用程序主进程中的内存碎片).
  • 创建了一个Android库,提供扩展功能(新的视图和视图组), Drawables, media manipulation, and other tools).
  • 获得各种Android库和工具(Android支持库)的经验, third-party libraries, a DDMS/Device Monitor, and MemoryAnalyzer).
  • 雇佣并指导几名开发人员开发Android应用程序、云服务和网站.
Technologies: Git, Android, C#, C, C++, J2ME, Java, Software Design, Bluetooth, Low-level Programming, Kotlin

Android Developer

2017 - 2017
  • Integrated WebView with optimizations (pre-caching of resources).
  • Implemented an advanced filter and search engine.
  • Wrote automated UI tests (Espresso and Appium).
  • Automated the build process for many build variants.
  • 为项目创建体系结构并重构它(MVP模式).
Technologies: Python, Appium, Espresso, Java, Software Design

Android Developer

2016 - 2016
  • Automated UI tests (Appium).
  • Integrated communication with the payment terminal.
  • Integrated printing using thermal printer.
  • Created custom printing library with hi quality bitmap generation.
  • 重构了XML布局和样式,使代码简洁、可重用和可维护.
  • Implemented synchronization of local database with the server.
Technologies: Appium, Java, Bluetooth

Android Team Lead

2016 - 2016
  • Analyzed and refactored code to use the MVP pattern.
  • Created reusable views and components using a common app style.
  • 增加新功能,注重长期稳定性和可维护性.
  • Cleaned up Git branches, specified and applied Git workflow.
  • 为问题跟踪、Jira工作流程、应用程序版本控制和发布计划建立流程.
  • 撰写项目结构、代码风格、提交风格等标准文档.
  • 建立Android应用程序的质量保证和发布流程.
  • Led team of five Android developers, all working remotely.
技术:Fabric, Amplitude, Dagger, Android, Java,软件设计

SW Architect | Team Leader

2013 - 2015
Wincor Nixdorf
  • Optimized an app UI for better HW acceleration performance.
  • 创建了一个Android库,用于与使用异步拨号调制解调器连接到银行服务器的异步拨号USB调制解调器通信.
  • Cooperated with an external company providing security features, implemented Linux hardening on an Android 4.0操作系统,修改权限满足要求,并获得PCI认证.
  • 引入了新的系统应用程序和服务,以保持超出常规Android操作系统范围的安全功能.
  • 修改了一个Android框架,特别是UI和后端功能.
  • Led a team of seven developers working on the Android operating system.
Technologies: C, C++, Java, Software Design, Embedded Systems, Low-level Programming, AOSP, Gerrit, Embedded Linux, Android HAL

Mobile Developer

2008 - 2013
  • Created Windows Mobile applications (C/C++).
  • Built a library for communication with Bluetooth headsets (AVRCP).
  • Developed Android applications (Java).
  • 开发了一个Android本地代理服务器,用于互联网广播流媒体,增加了读取元标签(歌曲信息)和记录流同时播放的功能.
  • Worked on a multi-platform project Mobile CRM (Windows Mobile, Windows Phone, Android, iOS) using MonoDroid.
  • 使用相应的Java库构建本地库(C/ c++)(使用JNI), integrated Java libraries into C# MonoDroid project.
Technologies: MonoDroid, .. NET, c#, Java, C, c++,软件设计,蓝牙,低级编程

Excel Macro Specialist

2007 - 2008
  • Created Excel macros using Visual Basic for Applications.
  • Worked with IBM Lotus Notes.
  • 建立MS Excel和IBM Lotus Notus之间的连接(使用Microsoft组件对象模型).
  • 创建了一个自动Excel文档导出与更多Excel文件的合并数据.
  • 开发自动电子邮件,根据附加的Excel文档生成内容和收件人.
Technologies: Visual Basic, Microsoft Excel

Resco Mobile CRM
Microsoft Dynamics CRM的多平台移动应用程序.

Aevi Albert

A new kind of payment terminal using Android OS.

Clean It

A simple Android game released in December 2011 which gained 250,000 downloads within the first month.


A sliding puzzle Android game supporting image importation, optimized for low-end devices, and handles large bitmap loading in a separate process.
与全球超过1000万玩家下棋,解决超过5万个谜题. 您可以访问数千个视频和顶级大师的互动课程以及更多功能.

Indoor Touch 2.0
The 2N® Indoor Touch 2.0 answering unit guarantees reliable video door communication. The Android OS, more powerful hardware, 简单的用户界面使其易于集成2N®Indoor Touch 2.0 with third-party applications. For example, 家庭自动化系统可以在钢化玻璃制成的7英寸触摸屏上舒适地操作.


Android API, Fabric, FFmpeg


Git, Jira, Android Studio, Android NDK, Microsoft Excel, Confluence, Gerrit, Jenkins, GitLab, GitLab CI/CD, U-Boot, TeamCity, Subversion (SVN), Eclipse Memory Analyzer, MonoDevelop, TFS, Eclipse IDE


Android SDK, JNI, .NET, Espresso, Appium, Dagger, Dagger 2, GStreamer


C, Java, c++, Kotlin,嵌入式c++,嵌入式C, Visual Basic, Python, c#, SQL, XML


Android, Linux,嵌入式Linux, J2ME, NetBeans, Android TV, MacOS, Bluetooth LE


模型视图视图模型(MVVM),模型视图演示器(MVP), Scrum,敏捷软件开发


Low-level Programming, Embedded Development, Software Design, Embedded Systems, Android HAL, Jetpack Compose, MonoDroid, Amplitude, Linux Kernel, Linux Kernel Drivers, ARM Embedded, FreeRTOS, Bootloaders, OkHttp, Digital Rights Management (DRM), Bluetooth, AOSP, Android Rooting, Android Emulators, Compose Multiplatform

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