Matej Bilić, Developer in Bošnjaci, Croatia
Matej is available for hire
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Matej Bilić

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Software Developer

Bošnjaci, Croatia
Toptal Member Since
November 4, 2021

Matej是一位才华横溢的全栈web开发人员和移动应用程序开发人员,擅长高级web和应用程序开发阶段. He is knowledgeable in a variety of technologies, including React, React Native, Firebase, Express, Django, and many others. Matej can effectively self-manage while working on independent projects, as well as collaborate in a team setting.


JavaScript, TypeScript, React,数据可视化,Web应用,SaaS...
Legion Health, Inc.
Node.. js, Stripe, API集成,API,数字支付,REST API, GraphQL...
Veza (via Toptal)
TypeScript, JavaScript, JavaScript Testing, Jira, GitHub, Data Sourcing...




Preferred Environment

Windows, Ubuntu, Vim Text Editor, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), MacOS

The most amazing...

...我为一家公司开发了一个网站和一个应用程序,这家公司在各个城市创造冒险, which supersede tourist guides.

Work Experience

Full-stack Engineer

2022 - 2023
  • 擅长数据可视化,作为前端开发人员与大数据打交道.
  • Leveraged expertise in Apollo GraphQL, React, 和REST API来为客户端创建有洞察力的图表,从而改进优化并减少加载时间.
  • Developed complex visualizations, including tree diagrams and Sankey diagrams, to help clients better understand their big data sets.
  • 提供有价值的见解,推动业务决策并改善客户结果.
  • Contributed to a team environment focused on collaboration, innovation, and excellence in client service.
技术:JavaScript, TypeScript, React,数据可视化,Web应用,SaaS, D3.js, Big Data, Large Scale Distributed Systems, Node.js, React Native, Full-stack

Back-end Engineer

2022 - 2022
Legion Health, Inc.
  • Developed the back-end to implement payouts using Stripe, significantly reducing the time it takes to pay the users.
  • 通过创建一个GraphQL端点自动计算欠用户的金额并支付,实现自动支付.
  • 在团队和独立工作中实现客户的目标.
  • 与团队成员有效沟通,规划数据库结构,实现自动支付的最佳解决方案.
  • Ensured the endpoint, payouts, and transactions were safe and secure.
Technologies: Node.. js, Stripe, API集成,API,数字支付,REST API, GraphQL, Apollo, React Apollo, Apollo Server, Prisma, PostgreSQL, D3.js, JSON, Bug Fixes, Code Review, REST, Collaboration, Real-time Data, Databases, Marketplace Platforms, B2B, SaaS, Web Development, Figma, Web Dashboards, Online Payments, Web Applications

QA Automation Engineer

2021 - 2022
Veza (via Toptal)
  • Designed and implemented automated tests and scripts using Cypress.
  • 在每个PR与主分支合并之前发现了许多错误.
  • Migrated previously existing tests from Nightwatch.js to Cypress.
Technologies: TypeScript, JavaScript, JavaScript Testing, Jira, GitHub, Data Sourcing, Web Security, Asynchronous Data Streams, Cypress, Nightwatch.js, Testing, UI Testing, QA Testing, Automation, UI Automation, QA Automation, Test Automation, Docker, Jest, API Integration, REST APIs, APIs, JSON, Bug Fixes, Code Review, REST, Collaboration, Real-time Data, SaaS, Web Development, Cloud Storage, Automated Testing, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Azure, Puppeteer, Chromium, Web Dashboards, Cloud Platforms, Web Applications, Big Data

Freelance Full-stack Developer

2019 - 2021
An Online Freelance Agency
  • Worked efficiently and organized work to complete assignments on time.
  • Troubleshot and remediated web applications efficiently.
  • 将数据库、身份验证和数据存储集成到web应用程序.
  • Developed, tested, deployed, and maintained web applications.
  • Utilized the latest web technologies to solve complex problems.
  • 通过设计和修改现有的用户界面,改善了web应用程序的用户体验.
Technologies: React, React Native, JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML, CSS, Sass, Python 3, Programming, Firebase, Django, GraphQL, Express.js, Node.js, REST APIs, Bootstrap,, i18n, Formik, Expo, React-Bootstrap, Jest, Git, NPM, TypeORM, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Draft.js, Stripe API, Stripe Checkout, Stripe Subscriptions, Lodash, Mapbox GL, Front-end, Web Architecture, Architecture, API Integration, APIs, Chart.js, MongoDB,顺风CSS, Serverless, Redux, JSON Web Tokens (JWT), Responsive Web Apps,, D3.js, JSON, Bug Fixes, Code Review, Full-stack, Dashboards, NoSQL, Mobile, REST, Collaboration, Real-time Data, Agile Product Delivery, Databases, Elasticsearch, Marketplace Platforms, Contentful, React Redux, Web Development, Mobile Development, Cloud Storage, Full-stack Development, UI Development, User Experience (UX), User Interface (UI), Minimum Viable Product (MVP), Figma, Design Systems, Charts, Puppeteer, Chromium, Web Dashboards, Behavior-driven Development (BDD), Firebase Authentication, Webpack, Online Payments, Cloud Platforms, Authentication, Mapbox, Google Maps, Mapbox SDK, Google Maps SDK, Data Visualization, Web Applications, Content Management Systems (CMS)

Full-stack Developer

2019 - 2019
An Online Freelance Agency
  • 为公司目标的制定做出贡献并努力实现.
  • Designed, coded, and tested solutions in collaboration with others.
  • 根据特定的设计规范成功地完成软件修改和变更.
  • 紧跟网站开发的新趋势、新技术和新标准.
  • Used uniform fonts, formatting, images, and layout, and achieved a consistent look and visual theme for each website.
  • Ensured client deadlines were met, demonstrated excellent decision-making abilities, and used problem-solving skills effectively.
Technologies: React, React Native, Firebase, Django, Web Architecture, Architecture, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, Data, Auth, SQL, SQLite, MySQL, Admin Panels, API Integration, REST APIs, APIs, Tailwind CSS, Serverless, Redux, JSON Web Tokens (JWT), Responsive Web Apps,, D3.js, JSON, Bug Fixes, Code Review, Full-stack, Dashboards, NoSQL, Mobile, REST, Collaboration, Real-time Data, Agile Product Delivery, Databases, Elasticsearch, Marketplace Platforms, Contentful, React Redux, Web Development, Mobile Development, Cloud Storage, Full-stack Development, UI Development, User Experience (UX), User Interface (UI), Minimum Viable Product (MVP), Figma, Design Systems, Charts, Puppeteer, Chromium, Web Dashboards, Behavior-driven Development (BDD), Firebase Authentication, Webpack, Online Payments, Cloud Platforms, Authentication, Mapbox, Google Maps, Mapbox SDK, Google Maps SDK, Data Visualization, Web Applications

Motion Graphics Expert

2014 - 2018
An Online Freelance Agency
  • Developed motion graphics to enhance the design of websites.
  • 确保使用动态图像来支持特定的故事叙述需求.
  • 动画人物使用先进的软件来放置卡通进入运动.
  • Produced instructional videos used to train employees.
  • 制作营销视频,为企业增加销售数量.
Technologies: After Effects CC, Illustrator CC, Photoshop CC, Blender

Graphic Designer

2014 - 2018
An Online Freelance Agency
  • 设计和开发材料,以改善网站的设计,外观和用户界面.
  • Worked alongside marketing specialists and graphic designers.
  • 完成多个自由平面设计项目,客户满意度高.
  • 为市场部门使用的图形材料的创建做出贡献.
Technologies: Photoshop CC, Illustrator CC, Blender

Web App from Which Users Can Obtain Inbound Leads

一个允许用户注册和快速创建配置文件的React应用程序, showcasing their skills and experiences.

I developed the website's front-end, added database, storage, authentication, and monthly subscriptions as a full-stack developer. 使用网页设计师的设计,我在网站上实现了它,但我也做出了创造性的决定.

React App for Adventures in Various Cities


It was a full-stack project that I worked on alone. 我负责创建一个网站,用户可以查看和购买冒险, login, register, and edit their profiles. 我的工作还包括创建一个客户可以用来创建新冒险的工具, send newsletters, manage users and promote users to administrators. The adventure creation tool needed to meet a variety of requirements, 比如追踪用户的位置,确定到达冒险游戏创造者所选择的地点的最短路线. The website needed to be in two languages.

React Native Mobile App for Adventures in Various Cities

这是“React App for adventures in the cities”项目的第二部分.

我的任务是开发一款手机应用,用户可以在其中购买冒险游戏. 此外,他们必须能够以与网站上相同的凭据登录和注册. 这个项目需要我处理位置跟踪、应用程序权限和本地存储. 它还必须兼容iOS和Android设备,并支持两种语言.

Django App for Adventures in Various Cities


Eventually, React and Firebase were used to redesign this app, 但客户最初要求建立一个低成本的网站来展示他们的冒险经历, which were created using ChatBot. 这个网站是由Linode的Ubuntu服务器托管的,这些冒险经历被存储在MySQL数据库中. 该网站允许用户注册和登录,并使用Stripe Checkout进行购物.

Next.js Portfolio Website

A designer's portfolio website built with Next.js and TypeScript.

They needed to display their past work and case studies on the website, with images displayed in a gallery format, 并有能力向投资组合添加新项目并修改现有项目. 此外,他们需要能够编写新的文章,并将它们放在预定义的类别中. 我被要求创建一个表格,通过这个表格,潜在客户可以询问设计师的服务.
2015 - 2020

Bachelor's Degree in Information Technology and Electrical Engineering



React, Node.js, REST APIs, Formik, Nightwatch.js, D3.js, Three.js, Stripe API, Lodash, Mapbox GL, React Motion, Stripe, Mapbox API, Auth, React Native for Web, Chart.js, React Redux, Puppeteer, Google Maps, Google Maps SDK, Yup


NPM, Git, JSX, JavaScript Testing, GitHub,, Figma, Firebase Authentication, Photoshop CC, Illustrator CC, After Effects CC, Blender, Expo, Stripe Checkout, react-map-gl, Jira, Prisma, Webpack, React Apollo


React Native, Bootstrap, Jest, React-Bootstrap, Next.js, Draft.js, Cypress, Django, Express.js, Redux, Tailwind CSS, JSON Web Tokens (JWT),


JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML, CSS, Sass, SCSS, Markdown, GraphQL, SQL, Python, Python 3


Web Architecture, Test Automation, REST, Mobile Development, Automated Testing, Testing, Automation, Marketplace Platforms, B2B, Behavior-driven Development (BDD)


Firebase, Mobile, Ubuntu, MacOS, iOS, Android, Contentful, Mapbox, Linode, Docker, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Azure


JSON, NoSQL, Databases, PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, Database as a Service (DBaaS), MongoDB, Elasticsearch


Programming, i18n, EmailJS, Front-end, UI Testing, UI Automation, API Integration, APIs, Responsive Web Apps, Collaboration, Web Development, Cloud Storage, Full-stack Development, UI Development, User Experience (UX), User Interface (UI), Minimum Viable Product (MVP), Design Systems, Web Dashboards, Authentication, Web Applications, Stripe Subscriptions, CAPTCHA, Asynchronous Data Streams, Architecture, Data, Admin Panels, Web Security, QA Testing, QA Automation, Geolocation, Mapping, QR Codes, Digital Payments, Apollo, Serverless, Bug Fixes, Code Review, Full-stack, Dashboards, Real-time Data, Agile Product Delivery, Charts, Chromium, Online Payments, Cloud Platforms, Mapbox SDK, Data Visualization, Content Management Systems (CMS), TypeORM, Maps, Google Directions, Google SEO, Data Sourcing, Apollo Server, SaaS, Big Data, Large Scale Distributed Systems

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