Mariam Chargeishvili, Developer in Tbilisi, Georgia
Mariam is available for hire
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Mariam Chargeishvili

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Back-end Developer

Tbilisi, Georgia
Toptal Member Since
April 27, 2021

Mariam是一名精通技术的开发人员,拥有出色的理论技能(她目前正在完成CS硕士学位)。. She has several years of experience in the development, analysis, testing, 维护以截止日期为导向的大容量系统,以及从电子钱包到ERP管理系统的一系列产品和客户. Mariam擅长使用最佳实践和最新技术设计大型后端系统.


Bazaarvoice, Inc - Main
TypeScript, REST, REST api, api, Python, Amazon Cognito,大数据...
Volvo R&D Center - Main
Car Manufacturer Company (Toptal Client)
Agile, APIs, Node.. js、TypeScript、Sequelize、CI/CD pipeline、Terraform、Redis...




Preferred Environment

WebStorm, Git, Jira, Slack, MacOS

The most amazing...


Work Experience

Senior Back-end Engineer

2023 - PRESENT
Bazaarvoice, Inc - Main
  • 将电子商务数据平台的身份验证从单体迁移到新的微服务.
  • Moved the user's authentication data to Amazon Cognito.
  • Created a member's service for managing user's data.
Technologies: TypeScript, REST, REST api, api, Python, Amazon Cognito,大数据, Large Data Sets, Amazon Web Services (AWS), JavaScript, Terraform, Kubernetes, Django, Apache, NestJS, CI/CD Pipelines, Domain-driven Design (DDD), AWS Lambda, Amazon DynamoDB, Serverless, NoSQL, API Development, GraphQL

Senior Software Engineer

2022 - 2023
Volvo R&D Center - Main
  • 管理沃尔沃和北极星之间的沟通,就现有软件在新市场的推出进行沟通.
  • 为沃尔沃汽车维修预约引擎Backstage Soft设计并开发新功能.
  • Used technologies such as TypeScript, Node.js, Express.js, Jest, Redis, Pub/Sub, and PostgreSQL.
  • Managed 3rd-party integrations for service providers.
  • Implemented new features and wrote unit and E2E tests.
Technologies: Node.js、TypeScript、GraphQL、JavaScript、Git、AWS、Azure, HTML, Test-driven Development (TDD), Back-end, Back-end Development, NoSQL, Amazon DynamoDB, APIs, API Development, AWS Lambda

Senior Software Engineer

2021 - 2022
Car Manufacturer Company (Toptal Client)
  • Served as a senior software engineer for Cruise, 该公司生产世界上最先进的自动驾驶汽车,将人与地方安全连接起来, things, and experiences they care about.
  • Designed and developed new features for “dispatch,即在用户和车辆之间进行通信并做出匹配决策的应用程序组件, batching, delivery, shift breaks, etc.
  • Used technologies such as TypeScript, Node.js, Express.js, Jest, Redis, Pub/Sub, and PostgreSQL.
Technologies: Agile, APIs, Node.. js、TypeScript、Sequelize、CI/CD pipeline、Terraform、Redis, NestJS, Microservices Architecture, Microservices, SQL, PostgreSQL, HTML, Test-driven Development (TDD), Git, Back-end, Back-end Development, Apache Kafka, Amazon Web Services (AWS), NoSQL, Amazon DynamoDB, API Development, GraphQL, AWS Lambda

Tech Lead

2018 - 2021
  • 开发和维护电子钱包的后端,拥有数千个客户.
  • 构建带有OAuth认证的REST API,并集成用于转账和服务支付的外部支付提供者系统.
  • Made a CI/CD infrastructure and deployed the project with GitLab CI in three environments with feature branches; also worked with GitFlow.
  • Built the architecture for the back end, created pre-commit hooks, enforced code-quality rules (ESLint, Prettier), and wrote tests (unit and E2E).
  • Aided in planning product development and timelines.
  • Reviewed other developers' code, helped new team members with onboarding, and was involved in the recruiting process.
Technologies: CI/CD Pipelines, Node.js, Express.js, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Redis, GitFlow, Socket.IO, Microservices, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Amazon S3 (AWS S3), Amazon Cognito, Amazon Aurora, TypeScript, Design Patterns, Object-oriented Programming (OOP), Agile, OAuth, Scrum, Jest, JavaScript, APIs, REST APIs, Back-end, NoSQL, HTML, Test-driven Development (TDD), Git, Back-end Development, Apache Kafka, Big Data, Large Data Sets, React, Serverless, AWS Lambda, Amazon DynamoDB, API Development

Senior Full-stack Engineer

2019 - 2020
Infinite Leap
  • 为诊所开发了大规模、低延迟、实时定位系统.
  • 使用Angular和NgRx实现了一个微前端,使用Node实现了微服务架构.js and NestJS.
  • 帮助研究最佳实践解决方案,并将其集成到软件中.
  • 使用GitLab CI/CD以及组合单元和端到端(E2E)测试部署持续集成和持续交付.
  • 使用消息代理(RabbitMQ)和套接字实现实时解决方案.
Technologies: Node.js, NestJS, Angular, RabbitMQ, Socket.IO, PostgreSQL, GitFlow, Agile, GraphQL, Design Patterns, Object-oriented Programming (OOP), Data Structures, CI/CD Pipelines, TypeScript, OAuth, Scrum, Jest, NgRx, JavaScript, APIs, REST APIs, Microservices Architecture, Microservices, AngularJS, HTML, Full-stack, Git, Back-end, Back-end Development, API Development

Senior Software Engineer

2018 - 2018
  • 开发外汇、差价合约和加密货币价格预测系统. 它基于来自市场的实时数据和EMA等技术指标, Bollinger Bands, stochastic, etc.
  • 计划项目的体系结构,管理部署,并计划软件发布.
  • 为金融、用户定制的新闻feed开发服务.
技术:Redis, GitFlow, CI/CD pipeline, MySQL, MongoDB, Angular, Socket.IO, Amazon Web Services (AWS), TypeScript, Node.js, Express.js, JavaScript, API, REST API, Jest, HTML, Git,后端,后端开发,API开发

Visiting Lecturer

2016 - 2017
  • 为大学生创建了一门PHP课程,包括准备学习材料和设计课程时间表.
  • Taught software development using PHP, Laravel, and relational database modeling with MySQL; worked to improve students' computational thinking and problem-solving skills.
  • Prepared exams and a grading system for the course.
Technologies: PHP, Laravel, Object-oriented Programming (OOP), Design Patterns, HTML, Back-end, Back-end Development

Software Engineer

2016 - 2017
  • 为格鲁吉亚最大的电信公司之一的移动应用程序构建自定义内容管理系统(CMS)和服务(Angular Material和Laravel).
  • Refactored a series of web applications, monitored the existing system, created unit tests, and fixed bugs.
  • Developed many web applications from scratch (Laravel, Angular) and built services for mobile applications.
Technologies: PHP, Laravel, MySQL, Redis, REST, Angular, Object-oriented Programming (OOP), CI/CD Pipelines, GitFlow, JavaScript, APIs, REST APIs, HTML, Full-stack, Git, Back-end, Back-end Development, API Development

Software Engineer

2015 - 2016
  • 从零开始开发一个带有订阅模块的推送通知系统.
  • Managed deployments on AWS with GitLab CI pipelines.
  • 实现Firebase SDK发送基于用户分段和其他通知类型的通知.
Technologies: Agile, Node.js, Express.js, Firebase Web SDK, REST, Redis, TypeORM, TypeScript, Amazon Web Services (AWS), JavaScript, APIs, REST APIs, HTML, Git, Back-end, Back-end Development

WorkflowRT | Real-time Location System for Clinics
WorkflowRT是一个用户友好的基于云的患者流程解决方案,它使用实时定位技术(RTLS)自动化工作流和通信。. 它使我们能够实时了解患者的当前位置和状态——从他们到达到处置——因此工作人员可以更好地管理他们的工作流程,并意识到任何潜在的瓶颈或漫长的患者等待时间等等.

该项目基于使用Node的微服务架构.js/Nest.js and Angular. I worked on the project as a senior full-stack developer.

Incognito | E-wallets for Adjarabet Customers
Adjarabet is the number one gambling company in Georgia. It has its own card called Incognito, 因此,您可以轻松地从您的Adjarabet余额中转账或进行任何其他交易. To support those operations, we created an e-wallet.

该项目基于微服务架构,使用Node.js/Express.js. I designed the back end of the app, implemented OAuth, transaction processing, integrated external payment services, among others.

Crypto Trading Suggestion App

我开发了一个外汇、差价合约和加密货币价格预测系统. 它基于来自市场的实时数据和EMA等技术指标, Bollinger Bands, stochastic, etc.

我使用Node之类的技术栈在应用程序的后端工作.js, Express.js, Sockets, Redis, CI/CD, PostgreSQL, etc.


TypeScript, HTML, GraphQL, JavaScript, PHP, SQL, Python


Express.js, NestJS, Laravel, Angular, Jest, AngularJS, Django


Node.js, REST APIs, API Development, Socket.IO, Redis Queue, Twilio API, NgRx, RxJS, Firebase Web SDK, React


Object-oriented Programming (OOP), REST, Test-driven Development (TDD), Design Patterns, Microservices, Scrum, Agile, Microservices Architecture


GitFlow, TypeORM, APIs, Back-end Development, Domain-driven Design (DDD), Data Structures, OOP Designs, CI/CD Pipelines, OAuth, Serverless, Algorithms, Calculus, Linear Algebra, Transactions, Pub/Sub, Cloud, Back-end, Full-stack, Big Data, Large Data Sets


RabbitMQ, Amazon Cognito, Sequelize, Terraform, Git, Apache


Apache Kafka, AWS Lambda, Docker, MacOS, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Azure, Kubernetes


MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Redis, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), Redis Cache, Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon Aurora, NoSQL, Neo4j

2019 - 2021

Master's Degree in Computer Science

Tbilisi State University - Tbilisi, Georgia

2014 - 2018

Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science

Tbilisi State University - Tbilisi, Georgia


AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner

Amazon Web Services

Collaboration That Works

How to Work with Toptal



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