Gustavo csamar Muniz e Souza,巴西圣保罗的开发商
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Gustavo César Muniz e Souza

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Full-stack Software Developer

São Paulo, Brazil
Toptal Member Since
March 4, 2014

Gustavo is a Microsoft systems architect and developer with 20 years of experience in IT. 他与其他开源平台和云计算一起工作, 专注于高度可扩展的电子商务网站. Gustavo在软件架构方面有着广泛的背景, design, analysis, and implementation and is currently improving his skills in the JavaScript ecosystem and Blockchain.


New York-Based Trading Firm
Angular, TypeScript, Node.js, Express.js, NGINX, Microsoft SQL Server...
Git, Tableau, BigQuery, Data Analysis, Communication, Team Mentoring, Training...
Git, Tableau, Jira, Communication, Technical Requirements




Preferred Environment

Visual Studio, Windows, Azure, MacOS, .NET, JavaScript

The most amazing...

...thing I've made is a highly available and scalable B2B integration with the major airline companies in Brazil for

Work Experience

Full-stack JavaScript Developer

2022 - 2022
New York-Based Trading Firm
  • Delivered a proof of concept application to duplicate features from an existing desktop app into a web app with a clean and modern SPA user interface.
  • Worked with large volumes of data from the financial market stored in an MSSQL database.
  • Built with state-of-the-art JavaScript tools, an application with a back end developed in Node.js and Express.js以及Angular和星云模板中的前端.
  • 基于Akveo的ngx-admin的仪表板和网格功能.
  • 部署在Linux上,前端使用Nginx,后端使用PM2.
技术:Angular、TypeScript、Node.js, Express.. js, NGINX, Microsoft SQL Server, JavaScript

Team Lead, Development Matchers

2018 - 2021
  • Oversaw the work of development matchers as the first team lead of the development matching team.
  • 招募、面试、上岗和培训了数十名匹配者.
  • Worked with continuous improvement approaches to find training and mentoring opportunities and ensure that best practices were always followed.
  • Enforced the importance of following processes and guidelines through proactive and reactive monitoring.
  • Contributed to improving several processes over the years to make the matching role as efficient and streamlined as possible and the ramp-up smooth and shorter.
  • Contributed to establishing the fundaments of goals and metrics necessary to monitor matchers’ performance and improvement opportunities.
  • 参与多个跨团队的销售协作工作, legal, finance, client services, talent success, community, and other departments.
Technologies: Git, Tableau, BigQuery, Data Analysis, Communication, Team Mentoring, Training, Recruiting, Balance Scorecards, Documentation

Director of Engineering

2016 - 2018
  • Gathered client requirements and expectations for their development jobs in order to find the best talents available within the very selected pre-vetted Toptal’s pool of talents.
  • Acted as a technical account manager and first point of contact for support for active engagements for clients and talents.
  • 与多个内部团队(销售)进行互动, finance, legal, and customer services) in order to coordinate and ensure the best quality of service was always delivered.
  • 直接参与解决冲突的工作, investigate, 并为所有相关部分找到可能的最佳解决方案, 包括执行代码审查.
  • Worked on constantly improving soft and hard skills to be as up-to-date as possible with all the newest technologies and trends needed by the clients.
技术:Git, Tableau, Jira, Communication, Technical Requirements

Systems Engineer

2015 - 2015
CHEP Aerospace
  • 重新组织大型项目的依赖项, moving external libraries to NuGet management and configuring bundles for all included.
  • 重构了站点的大部分,迁移主干.将js片段转换为AngularJS实现,旨在实现标准技术.
  • Implemented complex AngularJS functionalities using nested directives for improved organization and maintainability attached to preexistent webpages, 在非spa网站上创建丰富的用户体验.
  • Migrated old-fashioned implementations with heavy stored procedures to modern and easier to maintain Entity Framework queries.
Technologies: Backbone.js, AngularJS, C#, .. NET, Microsoft SQL Server, JavaScript

Desktop Developer

2015 - 2015
Balyasny Asset Management
  • 实现RESTful服务 .. NET Web API开始从WCF迁移.
  • 开发WPF应用程序的改进,用于资金分配.
  • Created a remote development environment on Azure to bypass network restrictions for the company.
  • Implemented Azure management tasks like migrating VMs and configuring systems and databases.
Technologies: Azure, Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), Web API, C#, Microsoft SQL Server, .NET

Full-stack Developer

2014 - 2014
Benthal Group
  • Conducted a series of benchmarking tests with a range of NoSQL databases (Cassandra, Riak, 和MongoDB)寻找TempoDB的替代品.
  • Researched alternatives for front-end libraries to be adopted, such as AngularJS, Ember.js, etc.
  • 在Ruby应用中实现了第一个AngularJS原型.
  • 实现了AngularJS + Sockets.实时更新的IO集成.
Technologies: Socket.IO, AngularJS, Ruby, NoSQL, JavaScript

Development Team Leader

2011 - 2014
  • 作为团队领导使用敏捷方法,如Scrum、XP和看板.
  • 使用开源技术处理软件开发.
  • 设计并开发了一款名为cruise的新欧博体育app下载.
  • 设计并开发了一个名为VacationRentals的新欧博体育app下载.
  • 使用NewRelic和Omniture跟踪应用程序的性能.
  • 与邮轮公司实现B2B集成, including Royal Caribbean, Costa, Carnival, and MSC, and rental companies, such as Flipkey and Zukbox).
技术:MongoDB, MySQL, JavaScript, NoSQL

.NET Systems Developer

2009 - 2010
  • 使用ASP处理软件开发.NET and WCF.
  • 处理ALM(应用程序生命周期管理)基于TortoiseSVN.
  • Implemented the B2B integration between a Brazilian airline company's web services and the website.
  • 设计了高可伸缩、高可用的系统架构.
  • Developed websites with ASP.. NET WebForms和mvc使用ASP开发网站.NET WebForms and MVC.
技术:Microsoft SQL Server, Windows通信基础(WCF), ASP.NET, .NET, C#

.NET Systems Architect

2005 - 2009
JBS Group
  • Designed and developed a new .基于。net的ERP框架,取代了以前的Delphi版本.
  • 处理国外客户关系的网站开发.
  • Deployed, adopted, 管理团队基金会服务器, 一个用于ALM(应用程序生命周期管理)的微软软件平台.
  • 使用Crystal和Reporting Services开发报告.
  • 通过VMWare管理虚拟化服务器,实现基础设施优化.
Technologies: Windows通信基础(WCF), Web Services, jQuery, ASP.NET, C#, Microsoft SQL Server, .NET

.NET Senior Developer

2005 - 2005
  • 使用c#和Visual Basic开发web应用程序 .Net.
  • 为SAP R3和开发集成解决方案 .NET through an RPC plugin.
  • 维护旧的VB6系统,并使用Crystal生成报告.
Technologies: Web Services, ASP.NET, C#, Microsoft SQL Server, .NET

.NET Team Leader

2004 - 2004
ArchITettura Soluções em technologia
  • 收集需求,分析并开发c# .NET projects.
  • 使用敏捷方法领导开发团队.
  • 为一个功能齐全的会计解决方案设计了一个原型和架构.
Technologies: C#, .NET, Microsoft SQL Server

Data Analyst

2001 - 2003
  • 分析开发基于MS SQL DTS的统计项目.
  • 开发ETL应用程序来提供Cognos BI数据库.
  • Worked on data enrichment and polishing for data analysis of market trends and targeted market campaigns.
技术:Microsoft SQL Server Vacation Rentals
"Vacation Rentals" is a product website designed from scratch as a solution focusing on property owners, 将它们从酒店的重点产品中分离出来.
The site's purpose is to connect owners and travelers through an announcement model closer to newspapers than travel agencies with a different approach.
它是与Jakarta EE和Freemarker一起开发的, with a NoSQL database solution allowing high scalability with simplified system architecture. Cruises
它是使用Jakarta EE + Grails和MySQL数据库开发的. The project involved a massive effort of systems integration with the cruise companies and a lot of attention on user experience.

Website built in Ruby on Rails, D3, and AngularJS created to process heavy amounts of data from time series NoSQL databases in a smooth and well-designed web application.
NoSQL平台基准包括MongoDB, Cassandra, and Riak, 所有这些都部署在Heroku服务器上的Docker镜像中.

SPA ToDo App
SPA(单页应用程序)待办事项列表构建与 .NET c# MVC、与OAuth集成的Web API restful服务和Knockout.js. This was a small application designed to explore new technologies and expand my portfolio for new potential projects.

Abaris Analytics

使用Yeoman的全栈AngularJS应用, designed to be a rich user interface dashboard for data analysis for Abaris's data API. 我们使用NVD3构建图表,实时连接多个REST api. Code is in a private repository.
2013 - 2014


基金 格图里奥·巴尔加斯- 圣保罗- sp

2002 - 2007

IT -数据处理专业本科以上学历



Microsoft Certified Professional Developer Degree in Enterprise Application Development



Microsoft Certified IT Professional Degree in Database Development on SQL Server



AngularUI, Web API, Socket.IO, Mustache, Backbone.js,谷歌地图,jQuery UI, jQuery, D3.js, Node.js, NVD3


Visual Studio, Yeoman, GitHub, Git, Jira, Trello, Tableau, Bower, Jenkins, GitLab, BigQuery, Confluence, NGINX


AngularJS, .NET, ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET, Knockout (Knockout.js), ASP.NET Web API, Bootstrap, Ruby on Rails (RoR), Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), Angular, Express.js


Object-oriented Programming (OOP), Database Development, Continuous Integration (CI), Model View ViewModel (MVVM), Model View Controller (MVC), Asynchronous Programming, Model-driven Engineering (MDE), REST, Kanban, Dependency Injection, Scrum, Agile Software Development, Load Testing, Design Patterns, Unit Testing, Test-driven Development (TDD)


T-SQL (Transact-SQL), C#, SQL, CoffeeScript, JavaScript, HTML, ECMAScript (ES6), Ruby, Less, CSS, XAML, Java, TypeScript


Azure, Heroku, Oracle数据库,MacOS


Microsoft SQL Server, SQL Server报表服务(SSRS), Databases, NoSQL, MongoDB, MySQL, Oracle SQL, JSON, PostgreSQL


Windows通信基础(WCF), Front-end Development, Data Analysis, Single-page Applications (SPA), Angular Bootstrap, Multithreading, Team Mentoring, Training, Balance Scorecards, Documentation, Web MVC, Web Services, Communication, Technical Requirements, Recruiting

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