Gareth Falkingham, Developer in Belmont, New South Wales, Australia
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Gareth Falkingham

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Game Developer

Belmont, New South Wales, Australia
Toptal Member Since
February 24, 2020

Gareth has been making games professionally for a decade, 专注于为Unity3D c#游戏构建强大的系统和可维护的架构. He has a strong understanding of C++, 在处理原生平台代码和为Unity项目构建插件时,这有什么帮助. Gareth的一些著名工作经历包括参与迪士尼项目,如《欧博体育app下载》和《欧博体育app下载》, a successful mobile title.


Lua, Games, Python 3, Google Sheets, Google Sheets API, Git...
Curious Creators Co.
Unity, Unity3D, Photon Unity Networking (PUN), Game Development, Oculus...
Management, Unity3D, Unity, C#, Python 3, iOS, Android, Leadership, Plastic SCM...




Preferred Environment

JetBrains Rider, Mobile Game Development, Mobile, Game Development, Git, C#, Unity, Lua

The most amazing...

...project I've worked on is Rival Stars: Horse Racing, a highly successful mobile multi-platform (PS4, Xbox One, Switch, iOS, Android) project.

Work Experience

Senior Engineer

2021 - PRESENT
  • Developed the core economy and progression systems (gacha, offers, missions, and battle pass) to improve monetization and engagement metrics.
  • 分析已发布功能的数据,以确定它们对未来产品的价值和成功,并决定是否保留或删除它们.
  • Developed analytics collection tools to collate and present comparative analytics, comparing our titles to the top platform titles to see if our growth is better, worse, or equal.
Technologies: Lua, Games, Python 3, Google Sheets, Google Sheets API, Git, cURL Command Line Tool, Game Development, Unity3D, 3D, Game Design, Mobile Game Design, Unity Game Assets, Mobile Payments, TestFlight

Unity3D Developer

2022 - 2023
Curious Creators Co.
  • Assisted the team in learning the intricacies of the Unity engine.
  • Built a world-space mirror for VR so that players could see their avatars.
  • Wrote an optimization guide and implemented optimizations, 使绩效提高50%,并使团队继续以最佳方式发展.
Technologies: Unity, Unity3D, Photon Unity Networking (PUN), Game Development, Oculus, Unity3D Native Plugin Interface, Virtual Reality (VR)

Technical Manager

2020 - 2021
  • Managed six members of the technical team from diverse backgrounds, seniority, projects, and skillsets.
  • Designed and presented training materials for junior game programmers.
  • Assisted in the interview process, candidate screening, technical screening, and onboarding of new staff.
  • Managed the performance management for an underperforming member of the staff, leading to an improvement in engagement and performance.
  • 支持代表性不足的群体,并为他们提供提出问题和看到进展的工具.
  • Participated in a small task force working to improve agile processes across the studio.
Technologies: Management, Unity3D, Unity, C#, Python 3, iOS, Android, Leadership, Plastic SCM, Git, Subversion (SVN), Game Development, Mobile Game Development, Agile, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Photon Unity Networking (PUN), Game Design, Mobile Game Design, Unity Game Assets, Mobile Payments, TestFlight

Senior Game Programmer

2017 - 2020
  • 带领由8名程序员组成的团队在Xbox One上发布了《欧博体育app下载》, PS4, and Switch, 并继续带领团队在Android和iOS平台发行《欧博体育app下载》, with >100,000 DAU.
  • 为PS4编写了一个本地语音聊天插件,支持八人星型拓扑点对点多人游戏. 这可以在Playstation开发者论坛上找到,其他Unity开发者也在使用.
  • 为《欧博体育app下载》创建了一个灵活的教程系统,现在已经存在于四个项目中. It was presented at the New Zealand Game Developers Conference on Tutorial Systems.
  • 为《欧博体育app下载》创建限时优惠系统,让游戏设计师能够即时创造定制优惠,并通过服务器有效负载进行传递.
  • 为《欧博体育app下载》设计了一个强大的架构,以支持主机的离线构建和移动设备的服务器权威构建.
  • 开发了一个优化的日志系统,它将在发布版本中产生零分配,并允许每个类别不同的日志级别, which currently exists in multiple projects.
  • 为《欧博体育app下载》开发了一个增强现实模式的原型,现在已经成为游戏的一个完整功能部分, increasing engagement across our social channels.
Technologies: Unity Networking & LAN, JetBrains Rider, Mobile Game Development, SQLAlchemy, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Python 3, C++11, iOS, Android, C#, Agile, Game Development, Subversion (SVN), Git, Xbox, PS4, Mobile, Objective-C, C++, Unity, Leadership, Unity3D, Photon Unity Networking (PUN), 3D, Game Design, Mobile Game Design, Unity Game Assets, Mobile Payments, TestFlight

Unity Client Developer

2016 - 2017
Goodgame Studios
  • 与原始开发者合作重构教程系统,以确保其持续的灵活性.
  • 与VFX和SFX团队密切合作,开发一种工具,使他们能够快速轻松地添加效果. Both VFX and SFX teams used the same system.
  • 通过重构基于node的编辑器的第三方代码来优化技能系统代码,以减少帧延迟.
Technologies: Mobile Game Development, iOS, Android, Agile, Game Development, Mercurial, Mobile, C#, Unity, Unity3D, 3D, Game Design, Mobile Game Design, Unity Game Assets, Mobile Payments, TestFlight

Game Programmer

2011 - 2016
  • Built a Lua-based tutorial system for Primal Rivals in C++, allowing tutorial changes to be delivered to the client via content download. 这让我们能够在不部署新二进制文件的情况下将新用户漏斗率提高10%.
  • 为《欧博体育app下载》的实时异步玩法开发了一个c# TCP服务器,并将其部署到AWS上.
  • 用c++为迪士尼开发了一款Club Penguin迷你游戏,在用户测试和Club Penguin社区中反响良好.
  • 优化了好恐龙:恐龙之路的脚本,完全消除了由于垃圾收集而引起的明显的帧下降.
Technologies: C++98, ActionScript 3, Perforce, Mobile, Amazon Web Services (AWS), C++11, iOS, Android, C#, Agile, Game Development, Flash ActionScript, Mobile Game Development, Git, Objective-C, C++, Unity, Unity3D, 3D, Game Design, Mobile Game Design, Unity Game Assets, Mobile Payments, TestFlight

Murder Party
A Roblox hidden role video game. I developed the core progression and monetization features, analyzed the success (or failure) of released features, supported live operations, and performed optimizations to improve the performance on lower-end devices.

Rival Stars: Horse Racing/Phar Lap: Horse Racing Challenge
A multiplatform Horse Racing video game, built in C# using the Unity game engine. The console (XboxOne, PS4, Nintendo Switch) versions are played offline and contain eight-player multiplayer, voice chat, user content creation/sharing. The mobile versions are server-authoritative, but share core gameplay, metagame structure, and assets with the console versions.

我是这个项目的技术负责人,负责构建代码库的多平台特性. I specifically worked on native console code for PS4/XboxOne, such as voice chat, multiplayer, and user management. For the mobile version, I worked on assorted features, 从现在游戏中可用的AR模式原型到构建限时优惠和教程系统.

Dungeon Inc.
A mobile (iOS/Android) idle 'clicker' game, with a light-hearted tone. 在这个项目接近尾声时,我开始着手于完成项目所需的核心系统:云存储, Tutorials, Analytics. A lot of the technologies I built for Dungeon Inc, in particular the tutorial system, have evolved and been introduced into other projects at PikPok. Dungeon Inc was written in C# using the Unity game engine.

Heroes Realm
《欧博体育app下载》是一款由Good game Studios开发的免费收集英雄的手机游戏. 我与其他学科密切合作,创造工具,让他们更有效地工作. Specifically, 我创建了一个通用系统,用于在终极技能系统中处理VFX和SFX事件. I also worked closely with other developers to refactor core systems, such as the tutorial system, to make it more maintainable. Unfortunately, this project was canceled before a global launch. Heroes Realm was built in C# using the Unity game engine

Primal Rivals
《欧博体育app下载》是一款结合了实时异步多人模式的游戏, a hero collection game, and a tower defense game. 我与3名开发人员一起使用c++和Ogre3D渲染引擎制作了《欧博体育app下载》. 我们从零开始构建了许多技术,并专注于健壮和可重用的系统设计. The title was soft-launched but was iced shortly after. 我个人对《欧博体育app下载》的关注重点是教程系统和多人游戏玩法, which involved developing the server architecture in Amazon Web Services. The server was written in standalone C#. 客户端最初是使用c++ 98编写的,但我们后来添加了对c++ 11的支持.

Good Dinosaur: Dino Crossing
The Good Dinosaur: Dino Crossing was a Unity game developed at CerebralFIx for Disney. It was released in advance of the movie as a promotional piece. The gameplay is similar to the classic game Frogger, where you move the character (in this case, Arlo, the dinosaur) progressively upwards, avoiding obstacles as you go. 我致力于许多游戏玩法和UI系统,并通过识别导致垃圾收集峰值的内存泄漏来帮助优化游戏以达到可发布标准.

Pizzatron Mini-game for Club Penguin
A C++ game was written for the iOS-exclusive version of Club Penguin. 《欧博体育app下载》是《欧博体育app下载》网站版同名游戏的移植版本. 我使用了迪士尼在《欧博体育app下载》迷你游戏中所使用的c++迷你游戏框架去创造整个游戏. 我们发现让儿童用户测试游戏很有价值,看到他们对特殊角色的反应是一大亮点.
2008 - 2010

Bachelor's Degree in Software and Information Technology

Lincoln University - Christchurch, New Zealand


SQLAlchemy, Google Sheets API


Git, Subversion (SVN), JetBrains Rider, Mercurial, TestFlight, Perforce, Google Sheets, cURL Command Line Tool


Unity, Unity3D, Photon Unity Networking (PUN)


Agile, Management, Mobile Game Design


Lua, c#, c++, c++ 98, c++ 11, Python 3, ActionScript 3, Flash ActionScript, Objective-C, Curl语言


Xbox, Android, iOS, Oculus, Mobile, Amazon Web Services (AWS)


Game Development, Mobile Game Development, Games, Unity Game Assets, PS4, Leadership, 3D, Game Design, Unity3D Native Plugin Interface, Mobile Payments, Unity Networking & LAN, Plastic SCM, Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR)

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