Emilio Almansi,德国柏林的开发者
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Emilio Almansi

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Software Developer

Berlin, Germany
Toptal Member Since
December 20, 2017

Emilio is a tech lead with a strong educational background and extensive experience in the fintech industry. 他擅长带领团队实施创新的金融解决方案. 他精通TypeScript、Python和Java等技术. 他能有效地与跨职能团队合作, 将项目从核心银行集成到区块链解决方案. Emilio loves contributing to open-source software and is proficient in microservices and distributed systems.


Have Technology GmbH
JavaScript, TypeScript, Node.js、NestJS、PostgreSQL、GraphQL、RPC...
JavaScript, TypeScript, Node.. js, GraphQL, PostgreSQL, Python, MongoDB...
Yours Inc.
亚马逊网络服务(AWS)、Docker、比特币、区块链、Next.js, React...




Preferred Environment

Agile Software Development

The most amazing...

...team I have ever led delivered three highly complex, business critical projects within one year.

Work Experience

Lead Developer

2021 - 2023
Have Technology GmbH
  • Led a team of four developers in the integration of a 3rd-party core banking system, SEPA网络的支付网关, 以及一个虚拟借记卡发行平台.
  • Designed and implemented internal microservices and a GraphQL gateway for an in-house mobile app, 重点是高可用性, throughput, and fault tolerance.
  • 与开发人员合作, product owners, 以及交付特性的业务利益相关者, including accounts, subaccounts, internal transfers, SEPA transfers, 银行和支付组的信用卡功能.
技术:JavaScript, TypeScript, Node.js、NestJS、PostgreSQL、GraphQL、RPC, Microservices Architecture, API Design, API Development, Kubernetes, Express.. js、亚马逊网络服务(AWS)、技术领导

Tech Lead

2019 - 2021
  • Led a team of six engineers in extending and maintaining non-custodial wallets for Bitcoin and Ethereum, 除了整合核心银行系统之外, facilitating SEPA payments, 处理借记卡付款.
  • 对我们的发布流程进行了全面的重组, 在我们的后端实现一个发布训练方法, web application, and React Native app. 这导致了我们发布频率和质量的显著提高.
  • 在一年内完成了三个重点项目, unblocking the release of Ethereum wallets and ensuring compliance with regulatory timelines.
技术:JavaScript, TypeScript, Node.. js, GraphQL, PostgreSQL, Python, MongoDB, Amazon Web Services (AWS), AWS Lambda, HTML, CSS, Express.js, React,技术领导

Senior Software Engineer

2018 - 2018
Yours Inc.
  • 共同领导货币按钮的设计和实现, a user-friendly cryptocurrency wallet and a digital currency payments system that leverages blockchain technology to simplify the development of eCommerce websites and content applications.
  • 开发和维护您的.org, a content platform where users can earn money by creating and discovering good content. 构建了几个关键功能,如内容搜索和通知系统.
  • 将货币按钮实现为基于微服务的架构, 包括一个web应用程序, a REST API, and a blockchain monitor, among other services.
  • Participated in the hiring process by searching for talented candidates and performing interviews, 通常包括现场编码练习.
  • 组织一个基于Lerna的多项目存储库方案, allowing several open- and closed-source projects to interact effortlessly during development.
  • Implemented Money Button's authorization and authentication system based on the OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework.
技术:亚马逊网络服务(AWS)、Docker、比特币、区块链、Next.js, React, Express.js, Node.js, PostgreSQL, JavaScript


2018 - 2018
  • 为Solidity开发了一个自动文档生成工具, 用于在以太坊平台上编写智能合约的编程语言.
  • Created the API documentation website for OpenZeppelin - the open-source framework to build secure smart contracts by Zeppelin.
  • 对GitHub上的Solidity编译器开源项目做出了贡献.
技术:React, JavaScript, Node.js, Ethereum, Solidity


2016 - 2017
Trifacta Inc.
  • Wrote and optimized algorithms for computing data transformation primitives on GCP's Dataflow engine for parallel data processing.
  • 开发了一个基于Java Quartz的时间调度微服务, 专为高可用性和弹性而设计.
  • 将Google的BigQuery大型数据仓库集成到产品中, 跨越多个后端服务(Node.js, Java, Python) and the platform's web application interface (front end and back end).
技术:Docker, c++, Python, Java, Node.js, JavaScript, Express.js, PostgreSQL

Research Intern

2015 - 2016
  • Built a Java tool for exporting Wikipedia's full edit history XML dumps (over 10TB uncompressed) into Avro format.
  • Extracted the full link structure of over 37 million pages and more than 640 million revisions in Wikipedia's edit history.
  • Wrote a data processing pipeline for Apache Spark SQL engine to compute Jaccard-type semantic relatedness scores between pages and various page popularity metrics.
技术:Java, JavaScript


2015 - 2015
  • Wrote a FlumeJava distributed processing pipeline for detecting book series from messy or incomplete book metadata.
  • Set up automatic deployment for the developed pipeline using Borg for daily extraction.
  • Executed the extraction of the data provided by major book partners yielding over 1,500 book series.
技术:Java, JavaScript


2013 - 2014
  • Created a stand-alone tool for continuous, high-performance web data extraction jobs. Written in PHP and multiple cURL requests for leveraging multiple asynchronous requests, 该工具每天收集数百万条条目, 生成MySQL数据库作为输出.
  • 使用Python的Scrapy框架开发了多个定制的网络爬虫. 稍后部署到云中进行自主定期执行.
  • 为多个客户提供不同行业的采掘作业.
技术:Python, MySQL, PHP

Web Developer

2012 - 2012
Artfos SA
  • Developed and maintained CRUD applications with a standardized development process.
  • 使用PHP、Yii和MySQL构建后端. 使用JavaScript、HTML和LESS参与前端开发.
  • 推出了基于Jenkins CI的PHP持续集成服务器.
  • 使用Selenium IDE编写自动化的端到端测试.
技术:JavaScript, HTML, MySQL, PHP

BchAddr.Node的比特币现金通用地址转换.js and Web Browsers

A plug-and-play JavaScript library for all Bitcoin Cash address format translation needs. 它易于使用,经过全面测试,功能齐全. 它在npm注册表(npmjs)上的每周下载量约为4000次.com/package/bchaddrjs).

CashAddr.Node的新比特币现金地址格式.js and Web Browsers

Isomorphic JavaScript implementation of the new Bitcoin Cash address format specification for Node.js and web browsers. 它在npm注册表(npmjs)上的每周下载量约为5000次.com/package/cashaddrjs).


A simple documentation generator for Solidity—用于在以太坊平台上编写智能合约的编程语言—currently used for OpenZeppelin. It builds a fully customizable Docusaurus-powered website containing your API and any additional informational documents you may choose to add.

Google Cloud Dataprep

Google Cloud Dataprep, 它诞生于Trifacta和谷歌的合作, 智能数据服务是视觉探索吗, cleaning, 准备结构化和非结构化数据进行分析.

At Trifacta, I worked as part of the team involved in rearchitecting Trifacta's data preparation product into a microservice-based architecture fit for integration into the Google Cloud Platform.

My contributions to this project included implementing and optimizing data transformation operations as data-parallel primitives on Dataflow, 谷歌云的分布式计算引擎. 我还负责整合bigquery——谷歌的无服务器服务, highly scalable, 低成本的企业数据仓库——作为Dataprep上的数据源.


I participated three times in the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest, an annual multi-tiered competitive programming competition among the world's universities.

For this competition, candidates must train themselves to master advanced data structures and algorithms and the skill of coding bug-free programs under pressure and tight time constraints. The attached code sample is a solution I wrote for a competitive programming problem from the Sphere Online Judge (SPOJ).

Note: The code is optimized for execution speed and minimizing coding time as is required in such competitions, not legibility.
2012 - 2019



2012 - 2017




Java SE 7 Programmer I



Node.js、API开发、REST API、React


Git, GitHub, Amazon Cognito


Express.js, NestJS, Next.js, Redux


JavaScript, TypeScript, GraphQL, SQL, HTML, Python, C++, Java, CSS, Solidity, PHP, Java 7




JSON, PostgreSQL,数据库架构,MySQL, MongoDB, Google Cloud


Amazon Web Services (AWS), Docker, AWS Lambda, Kubernetes, Blockchain, Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash


API Design, APIs, Software Architecture, Back-end, Technical Leadership, Data Structures, Algorithms, Full-stack, CI/CD Pipelines, Front-end, GitHub Actions, Cryptocurrency, Cryptocurrency Wallets, Ethereum Smart Contracts, Web Scraping, RPC, Computer Science, Software Engineering, Open Source, Bitcoin

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