Ashok Tulachan,美国弗吉尼亚州泰森的开发人员
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Ashok Tulachan

Verified Expert  in Engineering


Toptal Member Since
June 26, 2018

Ashok是一名高级全栈程序员, AWS-certified software developer and QA automation lead with diversified experience in financial, banking, insurance, healthcare, 及政府资讯科技计划. He has a Master's degree in Computer Information Systems and has expertise working with organizations of all sizes.


React, Selenium, TestCafe, Node.js, JavaScript
Selenium, Node.js, Java
Toptal Projects
TestCafe, Ruby, Selenium, JavaScript, Node.js




Preferred Environment

IntelliJ IDEA, MacOS

The most amazing...

...project I've completed is a back-end Java project for the Cardless ATM Withdrawal iOS app.

Work Experience

Prinicipal Engineer

2019 - PRESENT
  • Worked as a principal engineer to oversee the automation framework for the React web application.
  • Created and maintained the automation framework using Cucumber and TestCafe to enable the manual testers to use the automated tests for Sanity and Regression Tests.
  • Created a Cucumber data-driven framework to ensure data integrity and quality of the product with Sanity testing.
技术:React, Selenium, TestCafe, Node.js, JavaScript


2018 - PRESENT
  • 用Java和Ruby创建自动化培训训练营视频.
  • Trained more than 60,000 students all around the world about Automation Framework using Selenium and Java.
  • 针对所有学生提出的问题提供技术支持.
技术:Selenium、Node.js, Java

Automation Architect

2018 - PRESENT
Toptal Projects
  • Worked as an automation architect for multiple Toptal clients based on their product and technical needs.
  • Created a data-driven automation framework with Ruby as the programming language and Selenium from scratch to automate the web application.
  • Created an automation framework with JavaScript as a programming language and Selenium from scratch to automate the web application.
  • Created Rest API automation tests with JavaScript using Chai and Promise JavaScript libraries.
  • Created a data-driven automation framework for iOS/Android React Native app using Appium from scratch to automate the iOS/Android native apps.
  • Tested end to end iOS/Android React Native app delivery quality and advise developers regarding the quality standard for the product.
技术:TestCafe, Ruby, Selenium, JavaScript, Node.js


2015 - 2019
Capital One
  • Interacted with the product delivery team and participated in product requirement/design review to provide completeness of functional requirements, product designs, and schedules.
  • 使用Java Spring和Jersey Framework开发和维护后端REST API.
  • 使用Mockito Spy和PowerMocks创建单元测试.
  • Designed automated integration testing frameworks to ensure the quality of the product.
  • 创建并执行每日冒烟测试, sanity tests, 和回归测试,以确保代码和产品的质量.
  • 在模拟器和真实的iPhone设备上执行自动化测试脚本.
  • Created and maintained Jenkins to execute the continuous integration of code to ensure the quality of the code.
  • Led the continuous improvement of proposed automation framework and create required documents for better usability of it.
Technologies: Appium, XCUITest, Selenium WebDriver, REST Assured, Jira, Jenkins, Cucumber, SonarQube, REST APIs, Spring, Java


2014 - 2015
  • 领导一个陆上和海上自动化工程师团队, communicated and developed relationships across multidisciplinary teams during the entire project, 并与团队合作,提供创新的自动化解决方案.
  • Planned sprints for the automation team and reported the end accomplishments and scope to the manager.
  • Identified automation candidates for the web application and assigned it to the test engineers.
  • Coordinated with different development teams and manual tester teams to deliver and implement the efficient solution for automation.
  • Created and maintained automated scripts in xAFT Framework to be tested in various browsers.
  • Analyzed all aspects of current automation solutions and determined the need and strategy for migration to a new automation framework.
  • 带领一个小型测试团队成功完成任务,包括设定目标, performance appraisal, 并对直接下属进行项目任务管理.
  • Led the continuous improvement of proposed automation framework and create required documents for better usability of it.
Technologies: Oracle, HP Quality Center (QC), Selenium Grid, Watir, Selenium, JRuby, Ruby, JUnit, JDBC, Servlet, 雅加达服务器页面(JSP), Java


2013 - 2014
Nationwide Insurance
  • 审查业务需求和软件需求规范文档.
  • Created regression automated test scripts for CIQ (commercial internet quote) using Selenium Watir and Ruby as a programming language.
  • Ran the automated scripts in multiple virtual machines using HP Quick Test Professional or UFT.
  • 通过执行完整性测试对CIQ/NWAG站点进行从头到尾的测试, security testing, and system testing.
  • 参与提升会议, 调查软件bug, 并帮助开发人员解决技术问题.
Technologies: Oracle, HP Quality Center (QC), Selenium Grid, Watir, Selenium, JRuby, Ruby, JUnit, JDBC, Servlet, 雅加达服务器页面(JSP), Java

QA Automation Engineer

2012 - 2013
Dice Holdings Inc
  • 使用Selenium WebDriver设计了Selenium框架和自动化工具, Java作为一种编程语言, TestNG作为测试框架.
  • 审查业务需求和软件需求规范文档.
  • Coded the Selenium Smoke test script that runs every day using Jenkins Continuous Integration server.
  • Responsible for Smoke testing after every new build was deployed to different environments.
  • 为整个web应用程序创建回归自动化测试脚本.
  • Interacted with the development and design teams to design and plan the test plans.
  • 通过执行完整性测试测试了整个运行状况呼叫站点, security testing, and system testing.
Technologies: Oracle, HP Quality Center (QC), Selenium Grid, Selenium WebDriver, TestNG, JUnit, JDBC, Servlet, 雅加达服务器页面(JSP), Java

QA Automation Engineer

2011 - 2012
  • 使用Selenium RC和Selenium Grid自动化CORE项目.
  • 监督质量保证和硒烟雾测试的创建, regression, 以及集成测试脚本.
  • 使用c#维护Selenium自动化测试框架.
  • Trained new contractors and employees about the business requirements and execution of test scripts.
  • 使用c#和Selenium RC设计了Selenium框架和自动化工具.
技术:惠普质量中心(QC), Oracle, Sahi, Selenium Grid, Selenium Remote Control (RC), NUnit, ASP.. NET, c#, XML, JDBC, Servlet, 雅加达服务器页面(JSP), Java

QA Analyst/Engineer

2009 - 2011
Deloitte Consulting
  • Created test scenarios, test scripts, 并为CCMS(加州法院管理系统)web应用程序测试用例. 监督Smoke测试、集成测试和回归测试.
  • Trained new contractors and employees about the business requirements and execution of test scripts.
  • Manually tested the whole CCMS Administration application before going for the automated testing.
  • 在Quick Test Pro上实现和工作自动化测试.
  • 广泛使用Clear Quest进行缺陷报告和缺陷跟踪.
技术:Java, SoapUI, XML, HP质量中心(QC)

Selenium Ruby自动化框架

作为一个自动化架构师, I was responsible for creating the Automation Framework from scratch using Ruby as a programming language and Cucumber Framework. 使用自动化框架, I was able to find numerous bugs early and cut down the testing time to 20 minutes from 5 hours.


作为一个自动化架构师, I was responsible for creating the Automation Framework from scratch using JavaScript as a programming language. I was able to create both Rest API tests and UI Tests to test the application for both the new back end rest API and the new web application created using vue.js. 该框架是在兼职工作时间的2个月内创建的.


作为一名高级全栈开发人员, I was responsible for maintaining the back-end REST API Spring Java framework CashTapp mobile app. On this project, I am also responsible for creating and maintaining automated scripts for the Smoke/Regression Test Suite using Java as well as implementing CICD tasks to deploy the code into the production environment.
2012 - 2015



2006 - 2009













Selenium Grid, Selenium WebDriver, Node.js、JDBC、REST api、React、jQuery、TensorFlow、Chai


Apache Maven, Jira, GitHub, AWS CloudFormation, AWS CLI, AWS ELB, Jenkins, Amazon CloudWatch, IntelliJ IDEA, HP Quality Center (QC), SoapUI, Servlet, Sahi, Watir, SonarQube, Cucumber, REST Assured, Selenium Remote Control (RC), Apache Ant


Selenium, TestNG, JUnit, Jersey, Spring, Mockito, Spring Boot, 雅加达服务器页面(JSP), ASP.. NET, NUnit, XCUITest, Appium, PowerMock, TestCafe, Android SDK


JavaScript, Java, SQL, Ruby, XML, c#, JRuby, Clojure


面向对象编程(OOP), Test Automation, Manual Testing, 持续交付(CD), 持续集成(CI), Agile, 持续发展(CD), 敏捷软件开发, Testing, Functional Programming, Promise, Automated Testing


Android, iOS,亚马逊Alexa, MacOS, Oracle, AWS Lambda, AWS Elastic Beanstalk


Amazon DynamoDB, PostgreSQL, Amazon S3 (AWS S3)


REST API Automation, Selenium IDE, Agile Software Testing, Quality Assurance (QA), SDET, Agile QA, 测试自动化工程师, QA Testing, Test Engineer



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