Artem Galtsev, Developer in Gatineau, QC, Canada
Artem is available for hire
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Artem Galtsev

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Full-stack Developer

Gatineau, QC, Canada
Toptal Member Since
December 2, 2013

Artem是一名web开发人员和程序员,在该领域拥有超过15年的经验. 他喜欢参加令人兴奋和具有挑战性的项目,使他能够应用和进一步提高他的技能. Artem一直在大公司工作,也是一名自由职业者, and he is looking forward to taking on new projects.


Crypto Prison Bears
Polygon, Blockchain, Ethereum, React, CSS, HTML, Node.js, MySQL, Solidity...
Youtube Music Copyright
PHP, Laravel, REST APIs, Ruby on Rails (RoR), Google APIs, Node.js
Health Company
Unix, CSS, Full-stack, Git, JavaScript, MySQL, Twig, Symfony, PHP




Preferred Environment

PhpStorm, MacOS

The most amazing...


Work Experience

Senior Blockchain Developer

2022 - 2022
Crypto Prison Bears
  • 在Solidity中为Polygon(以太坊兼容)网络开发了独特的智能合约,实现了NFT的操作和接口, staking, airdrops, market, decentralized autonomous organization (DAO), game mechanics, random number generation, etc.
  • 使用Webpack和压缩优化在React中构建前端,从而实现网站的快速加载.
  • Implemented the project back end in Node.js that enabled to use of web3.js for server-generated scripts.
  • Helped design and shape the product in many parts of the project, such as initial ideas, code, artwork, etc.
技术:多边形,区块链,以太坊,React, CSS, HTML, Node.js, MySQL, Solidity, Web3.js

Senior Full-stack Developer

2020 - 2021
Youtube Music Copyright
  • 已实现的有助于改进业务模型和增加项目影响力的特性.
  • 完善会计核算模式,负责月度会计报表.
  • Improved the architecture of the code and made it more reliable.
技术:PHP, Laravel, REST api, Ruby on Rails (RoR), Google api, Node.js

Senior PHP Engineer

2018 - 2021
Health Company
  • Developed and supported client websites using Symfony framework.
  • 实现了Flex、Webpack Encore以及更高版本的PHP和Symfony的升级.
  • 实施结构升级,提高了网站的整体稳定性,使进一步的开发更容易和更快.
技术:Unix, CSS, Full-stack, Git, JavaScript, MySQL, Twig, Symfony, PHP

Full-stack Engineer

2020 - 2020
Insurance Company (via Toptal)
  • 为客户的新项目开发大部分前端组件.
  • Tracked and fixed bugs using Azure as a reporting tool.
  • Implemented back-end features in Symfony 4.3. Fixed and made improvements to the existing code.
Technologies: Amazon Web Services (AWS), Unix, CSS, Full-stack, Git, MySQL, jQuery, JavaScript, Symfony, PHP

Blockchain/Front-end Developer

2018 - 2018
VREX Lab (via Toptal)
  • Implemented DApp contracts on Ethereum blockchain. Tested contracts using Truffle and deployed to Rinkeby testnet.
  • 创建了一个web前端,用于与Metamask捆绑在一起的合约.
  • 用Lumen创建一个web后端API,供web前端使用. Used MySQL.
Technologies: Amazon Web Services (AWS), Unix, CSS, Full-stack, Git, Ethereum Smart Contracts, MySQL, React, Lumen, PHP, Solidity

PHP Team Lead

2017 - 2017
Cryptocertified (via Toptal)
  • 管理一个由5名以上开发人员组成的团队,为加密货币交易者创建一个web项目,允许用户通过API连接到加密交易所并应用交易策略.
  • Implemented server and DB architecture for the project on AWS.
  • Interviewed and helped hire new developers to the team.
  • 跟踪进度,确保新想法被恰当地引入并整合到项目中.
Technologies: Amazon Web Services (AWS), Amazon EC2, Unix, CSS, Full-stack, Git, Cryptocurrency, Blockchain, MySQL, React, Lumen, PHP

Senior PHP Engineer

2014 - 2016
Social Network Company (via Toptal)
  • Developed and supported client websites using Laravel framework.
  • 执行一个高负载项目,每天发送超过1000万封电子邮件. 开发并优化了MySQL数据库结构,可以轻松处理这样的负载.
  • 使用IMAP协议创建了一个内部收件箱监控工具,能够跟踪四个不同电子邮件服务提供商的电子邮件交付情况.
Technologies: Unix, CSS, Bootstrap, Symfony, Laravel, Subversion (SVN), Apache, HTML, jQuery, JavaScript, MySQL, PHP

Senior PHP Developer

2013 - 2014
  • 使用修改后的Yii框架从设计的布局开发服务.
  • Designed and optimized a MySQL database for high-load usage. 为了进一步提高效率,我使用Redis和Memcached来处理最常用的页面和查询.
  • 通过帮助同事解决遇到的问题,完善了自己的正则表达式技能.
Technologies: CSS, Unix, Memcached, Redis, Subversion (SVN), Git, NGINX, Apache HTTP Server, HTML, jQuery, JavaScript, Smarty, MySQL, Yii, PHP

Senior PHP Developer

2011 - 2013
  • 改进并支持通过电子邮件使用的邀请系统.
  • 执行并维护推送通知系统的后端,该系统将以高负载批量(每天超过3000万条消息)向iPhone和Android设备发送消息。.
  • 实施并维护SMS通知系统,该系统将向世界所有国家发送消息,发送率为90%.
  • Created an important testing framework for different email types.
  • 使用Git来处理代码,并教我的同事更好地理解Git的工作流程.
技术:CSS, Unix, Git, NGINX, HTML, JavaScript, MySQL, PHP

Project Manager and Web Developer

2009 - 2013
  • 创建了一个娱乐网站作为个人项目,允许用户发布, comment, and rate each other.
  • 实现通知模块,允许用户查看与其内容相关的新活动.
  • 开发了一个可伸缩的事件模块,使用户能够查看站点上其他用户的活动.
  • 创建了一个朋友模块,允许人们在网站内创建社交团体.
技术:CSS, Subversion (SVN), Apache, Redis, HTML, jQuery, JavaScript, Smarty, MySQL, PHP

Project Manager and Web Developer

2009 - 2013
  • 组织和发展服务,帮助博客作者从他们的文章中获得报酬.
  • Managed a team of three people (a designer, a front-end developer, 以及后端开发人员)在分配的时间框架内成功完成项目.
  • 实现了一个RRD框架,该框架可以度量和绘制表示各种统计变量的图形. Used this to help identify weak links in the business model.
  • 整合不同的服务,包括Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, PayPal等. using their API.
技术:CSS, Subversion (SVN), Apache, Redis, HTML, jQuery, JavaScript, Smarty, MySQL, PHP

Web Developer

2009 - 2011
  • Developed multi-functional reports for Yandex.Metrika service in Perl.
  • Supported and improved the RBAC system for a Yandex.Direct service using MySQL stored procedures.
  • Added language support for the entire service.
  • 使用SVN与代码一起工作,并教我的同事正确创建和合并分支.
技术:CSS, Subversion (SVN), Apache, HTML, JavaScript, MySQL, Template Toolkit, Perl

PHP Developer

2008 - 2008
XQ Studio
  • Created a registration and authorization module.
  • Tested the service for high loads.
  • Created an API for usage by other platforms.
Technologies: MySQL, PHP

Script Developer

2005 - 2006
  • Maintained an internal website for RIM employees.
  • 创建了一个脚本,可以轻松地将必要的软件上传到用户的移动设备上.
  • Created a web application for collecting statistical data.
Technologies: MySQL, JavaScript, Perl


这是一个俄罗斯UGC娱乐网站,允许用户发帖、评论和相互评分. It accumulates approximately 3000 unique views per day.


A social network for artists.


SQL, JavaScript, PHP, HTML, Solidity, CSS, XML, Java, XSLT, Perl


Git, Subversion (SVN), NGINX, Template Toolkit, Apache, PhpStorm, Apache HTTP Server, Adobe Photoshop


Model View Controller (MVC), Object-oriented Programming (OOP), Unit Testing, Scrum, Agile Software Development


Windows, Ethereum, Apache2, Amazon EC2, MacOS, Blockchain, Unix, Amazon Web Services (AWS), WordPress


Back-end, Back-end Development, Full-stack, Ethereum Smart Contracts, Cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, Polygon


Laravel, Symfony, Smarty, Bootstrap, Yii, Lumen, Twig, Truffle, Symfony 2, Symfony 3, Ruby on Rails (RoR)


jQuery, React, Facebook API, VK API, REST API, Google API, Node.js, Web3.js


JSON, Redis, MySQL, Memcached

2002 - 2007

Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science

York University - Toronto, Canada

Collaboration That Works

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