Rob is available for hire
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验证专家  in 产品管理



Rob validates, launches, and grows digital products for startups and global organizations. 他一鸣惊人, 带来工程方面的实践经验, design, 以及多种业务环境. 罗布把复杂的简单化了, 通过客户洞察和数据驱动业务决策, 并领导团队在紧迫的时间框架内交付卓越的成果. 他还拥有剑桥大学的文学硕士学位.


Led the successful delivery of a complex mobile MVP after three failed attempts by the organization.
为一家电子商务初创公司提供了重要的发展, 在10周内发布,第一年就实现了10倍的增长.
Defined and delivered significant improvements to a big data product, 确保公共部门的初始销售.




  • 为最佳实践产品功能奠定基础.
  • 招聘、加入并指导产品团队.
  • Provided ongoing strategic advice during a pivotal period for the business.


2019 - 2020
  • Overhauled the prioritization process and overall product methodology.
  • Conducted 30+ customer discovery interviews to successfully pivot product and commercial strategy.
  • Led multiple design sprints to rapidly identify and test product improvements.
  • 进行解决方案访谈以验证B2B主张.


2018 - 2019
  • Seconded as the interim head of product to a fintech funded by a leading global bank.
  • Spearheaded the first launch of the mobile product by leading a product development team of 30+.
  • Served as a product and delivery manager for a big-data product targeting the public sector and B2B, 首发.
  • Developed a proposition for a household UK company to inform their go-to-market strategy in the US.
  • Overhauled the product management recruitment processes, increasing the quality of candidates hired.
  • Provided mentorship, talks, and training to promote product management within the agency.


2009 - 2018
  • 领导50多个数字项目, 横跨电子商务, 市场, mobile, 第三部门, 以及新颖的网络应用.
  • Took projects from an initial idea to fully realized products—writing the requirements, 监督建设, release, 以及随后的增长.
  • Worked with a variety of clients included YouGov, BAFTA, JP Morgan, and the United Nations.
  • Partnered in the latter years with five early-stage startups to deliver MVPs and support future growth.
  • 为一家早期电子商务初创公司提供了10倍的增长.
  • 在六周内建立营销网站,交付1,000,000 product impressions in one week with a marketing budget of zero.
  • 从一开始就领导商业战略和公司, growing from a bedroom project to a £1 million run rate at the time of closing.


Led the successful delivery of a complex mobile MVP after three failed attempts by the organization.

我的客户是一家金融科技公司,提供独特的B2B产品. It was a spin-out from a global bank, backed by an 8-figure investment.

这个组织由内部和外部员工组成, and at my time of appointment had missed three internal launch deadlines spanning 12 months. 技术基础设施包括一个ml驱动的决策引擎, 一个旨在支持多个企业的API平台, 还有一个数据湖.

My role was to lead the product development team (comprised of 30 product managers, designers, 和工程师), and—alongside the incoming CTO—ensure the next high-profile launch deadline was met.

只有一天的准备时间, I steered the product development team through a period of significant turmoil—increasing delivery cadence, 极大地改进了流程, and rebuilding faith between product and the rest of the organization.

我们按时成功地推出了产品, and immediately begin work on improvements steered by customer feedback.

除了交付, I onboarded four new product managers (supporting directly when needed), 定义了第一个数据策略, and coached internal stakeholders on the key principles of building a product-led startup.


为一家电子商务初创公司提供了重要的发展, 在10周内发布,第一年就实现了10倍的增长.

The eCommerce startup Market Porter offered high-quality food through subscriptions and traditional eCommerce.

在一个成功的概念验证之后, the founders raised a 7-figure investment and approached me to overhaul to the existing brand and website and provide a platform for future growth.

领导一个六人的混合团队, I delivered a rebrand and from the ground-up website build (based on Ruby on Rails) in ten weeks, 包括重要的定制和订阅功能.

The initial launch saw a 160% increase in base conversion rate and supported a 10x increase in run-rate within three months. The site was nominated for the website of the year by The Drum, alongside Pottermore and Rolls-Royce.

Subsequent phases of work delivered an estimated 4x return on investment, including multiple rounds of split testing to further increase conversion rates and optimizations to improve internal operational efficiency.


Defined and delivered significant improvements to a big data product, 确保公共部门的初始销售.

A leading global professional services firm had built a big data product, which provided market insights to the public sector and B2B customers.

基于Azure, Node.js, 和React栈, the product ingested and parsed more than 12 million rows of Excel data, and allowed users to interrogate it through an intuitive user interface.

However, 潜在买家最初的反馈是负面的, 该公司未能获得任何初始销售.

My role was to lead a small team of three (one designer and two engineers) and define and deliver product improvements to secure initial sales.

我在很短的时间内完成了交付, 在发现和交付阶段协同工作. 为了支持球队,我扮演了多个角色, 包括动手用户体验设计, 前端开发, Scrum Master, 利益相关者管理.

The improvements lead to the product's first sales in the public sector.


Delivered the MVP and for a startup disrupting supply chains and provided critical support through to Series A funding.

Supply Compass set out with the vision to disrupt how today's products are built.

在获得初始资金后, I was approached to define and lead the delivery of their MVP and support the growth afterward.

根据客户发现和专家访谈, I led a blended team of five engineers and designers to define and deliver the first version of the Supply Compass platform in 12 weeks.

随后的工作继续对平台进行改进, 我继续监督公司内部产品团队的招聘.

The company has grown into a platform where brands get matched with vetted, 世界级的制造商, 设计集合, 并管理从设计到交付的整个生产过程.
2006 - 2009




Jira, Trello, Google Analytics


Usability Testing, 敏捷产品管理, Scrum, Kanban, Agile, Marketplace Platforms


特性待办事项优先级排序, 精益帆布, 精益创业, 以客户为中心的产品开发, 客户发现, 产品策略, 产品路线图, 产品管理, 最小可行产品(MVP), 产品交付, 产品负责人, 产品的领导, 业务分析, Fintech, eCommerce, 精益的实验, 瀑布交付, 领导, A / B测试, Analytics, 用户体验(UX), Profit & Loss (P&L), 网络技术, 利益相关者管理, 信息架构(IA), Web开发, 优化, 流程优化, 瀑布式方法, Mobile, 品牌发展



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