Nick Guggenbuehl, Product Manager in Minneapolis, MN, United States
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Nick Guggenbuehl

Verified Expert  in Product Management

Product Manager

Minneapolis, MN, United States
Toptal Member Since
July 29, 2019

尼克是一位久经考验的产品领导者,他善于将不清晰的想法转化为清晰的概念, revenue-generating solutions. Nick's experience in digital health has offered many opportunities to innovate. 从在电子健康档案(EHR)领导者Epic开创健康数字化,到推出众多健康科技初创公司并为其提供咨询, building transparency tools at health plans, and ushering in digital transformation at biopharma, he's dedicated his career to improving healthcare from every angle.

Project Highlights

The Stoic Fellowship | Founder and President
Used digital marketing and SEO, newsletter and content publishing, and social media to grow 10X YOY since inception.
Nonprofit Tech Accelerator
Restaurant Tech MVP


Work Experience

Product Strategy and Innovation

2021 - 2022
Healthcare Startup (Toptal Client)
  • 作为一个跨越多个时区的100%远程团队的一员,在一家高增长的C轮生育初创公司领导了一个新的B2B产品的设计和开发.
  • Worked directly with the Chief Technology Officer, SVP of Product, and other team members to define requirements and product strategy.
  • Demonstrated product features and enhancements to clients and prospects.

Product Strategy and Innovation

2020 - 2022
Fortune 100 BioPharma
  • 担任产品负责人,开发一种利用基于人工智能/机器学习的算法的工具,帮助心脏病专家识别可能患有罕见和未确诊疾病的患者.
  • 促进敏捷转型,采用敏捷开发过程,同时促进传统scrum仪式.
  • 管理针对转移性乳腺癌患者的移动应用程序的设计和开发,从最初的概念到开发MVP.

Product Strategy and Innovation

2020 - 2020
Fortune 50 Health Insurer
  • 管理一个由12名成员组成的分布式团队的产品策略,为美国最大的医疗保险公司之一构建下一代平台.
  • 领导透明度工具的设计和开发,以改善成员体验并降低成本.
  • Advised senior management on product strategy, innovation, and best practices related to agile product development.

Head of Product

2015 - 2020
  • Led engineering, design, customer success, 和临床产品团队,从前期收入到数百万美元的经常性收入,以及多个财富500强雇主和健康计划客户. Managed up to 13 direct reports.
  • Built and owned the three-month, one-year, 以及五年产品路线图——将高级业务目标转化为可操作的产品功能,专注于取悦用户,同时获得高利润的投资回报率.
  • 开发新的商业模式和产品,在保持固定成本和扩大产品范围的同时,从多元化来源获取收入.
  • Played a lead role in all sales meetings to capture market insights, demo relevant features, and pitch new product offerings to assess market demand.
  • 招募并雇用了一个部门的同地软件工程师,从工程副总裁到实习生.

Co-founder | Chief Product Officer

2015 - 2017
North Labs
  • 与他人共同创立了一家数字战略机构,专注于通过将美国产品和设计领导力与离岸软件开发巧妙地结合起来,帮助非技术创始人推出数字mvp.
  • 与海外软件开发机构建立并审查了数十个合作伙伴关系,以创建一个有才华的软件工程师网络.
  • 在公司转型为市场领先的AWS高级合作伙伴咨询公司时,我卖掉了自己在该机构的所有权.

Senior Product Manager

2014 - 2015
  • 在我入职的头三个月里,重新设计并重新推出了现有的网络和移动产品,从盈利前的MVP变成了吸引财富500强客户的产品.
  • Researched the market and competition, interviewed hundreds of customers to craft compelling user experiences, shipped new features, and fixed bugs weekly.
  • Built and managed a team of distributed software engineers (web and mobile), designers, and quality assurance experts spanning five time zones.
  • Led the product team through due diligence for a series of financing rounds, pitching to angel investors and venture firms alike.
  • 将想法转化为策略和功能,从头到尾管理产品开发.
  • Developed an Agile development process from scratch, 采用新的工具和自动化程序,将发货时间缩短了150%.

Product Implementation Manager

2011 - 2014
  • 管理合同签订后的产品实施,为Epic的Willow Inpatient(药房)应用程序提供了大量价值超过1000万美元的安装.
  • Provided physicians, pharmacists, 在前往美国各地客户医院(50-75%)时,向高管提供有关行业最佳实践的数字战略和产品建议.
  • Owned and facilitated a biweekly meeting for 100+ Epic PMs to share new ideas, lessons learned, and best practice recommendations.
  • Co-founded the Epic Analytics team to provide more evidence-based, data-driven best practice recommendations for the entire company.
  • Recruited, screened, and assisted in hiring dozens of PMs as the company scaled from 2,000 to nearly 10,000 employees in under five years.

The Stoic Fellowship | Founder and President

Used digital marketing and SEO, newsletter and content publishing, and social media to grow 10X YOY since inception.

In 2016, I co-founded The Stoic Fellowship, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that seeks to build, connect, 培养对古希腊斯多葛主义哲学感兴趣的群体. 迄今为止,我们已经在七大洲的100多个城市帮助建立了社区.

As board chair and President, I manage the fundraising campaigns, lead monthly board meetings, ensure the maintenance of our 501(c)(3) status, recruit volunteers, 并实施促进快速决策策略的流程,以数月而不是数年实现我们的愿景.

Nonprofit Tech Accelerator


Accel.MN是一个免费项目,供早期科技创始人完善他们的想法,并在协作环境中付诸行动. 这是一个“预加速器”,或者说是一个让人们为更传统的科技加速器做好准备的项目,后者寻求投资种子资金,以换取初创企业的股权.

The mission of Accel.MN是通过改善集体教育来加速明尼苏达州的创业生态系统, network, 支持早期创业者,同时促进积极的创业文化. 除了参加第一批,我还担任了创始董事会成员.

Restaurant Tech MVP


Eat and Greet flipped the traditional restaurant experience on its head. People generally go to restaurants with friends, family, or colleagues. With Eat and Greet, 六个人可以提前预订座位,然后带着饱腹和五个新朋友离开.


The idea was in the MVP stage as I tested concepts with a Meetup community. If successful, 我计划把它打造成一个完整的产品,其使命是连接饥饿的人们, friendship, and thought-provoking conversation.
2007 - 2011

Bachelor's Degree in Neuroscience and Philosophy

University of Wisconsin-Madison - Madison, WI, USA


Slack, Apple Keynote, Pivotal Tracker, Sketch, Sketch 4, InVision, Trello, Jira, Figma, Confluence, G Suite, GitHub

Industry Expertise

Healthcare, Specialty Healthcare, Nonprofits, Health & Wellness, Health, Health Insurance


Scrum, Agile, HIPAA Compliance, Rapid Prototyping, Agile Product Management, Agile Project Management, Requirements Analysis, Acceptance Testing, B2B2C, Business to Business to Consumer (B2B2C), Data Science, B2C


Business Analysis, Product Owner, Product Strategy, Startups, Data Analytics, Health IT, Product Ownership, Estimation & Planning, Discovery, Communication, Digital Health, Scrum Master, Product Management, Digital Strategy, Product Roadmaps, Product Vision, User Empathy, Data Privacy, Remote Team Leadership, Web Product Management, Medical Product Manager, Healthcare IT, User Stories, Digital Product Management, Conceptualization, Roadmaps, Minimum Viable Product (MVP), Product Conceptualization, Sprint Planning, Mockups, Stakeholder Engagement, Backlog Grooming, Backlog Management, Trend Analysis, Value Proposition, Monetization, Team Leadership, Requirements & Specifications, Feature Backlog Prioritization, Microsoft PowerPoint, Lean, Data Reporting, Feature Planning, Feature Prioritization, Feature Roadmaps, Business Cases, Process Management, Project Management & Delivery, Software as a Service (SaaS), Project Delivery, Business Processes, Process Improvement Project Management, Software, Process Optimization, Process Improvement, Business Process Optimization, Product Requirements Documentation (PRD), Business Development, Partnerships, Business Models, Product Marketing, B2B, Product Launch, Graphic Design, Product Sales, Hiring, Pricing Strategy, Product Design, User Experience (UX), Competitive Intelligence, User Interface (UI), iOS, Business Strategy, Mobile, Web, Analytics, Remote Work, User Research, User-centered Design (UCD), Electronic Medical Records (EMR), Web UX, Regulated Industries, Mobile Apps, Wireframing, SaaS Product Management, SaaS, API Integration, Google Calendar, Business Intelligence (BI), Technical Product Management, Microsoft Teams, Microsoft Excel, Linux, CSS, Agency, Stakeholder Management, Leadership, Miro, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), HTML, JavaScript, Android, SQL, MVP Design, Management, Board Presentations, Web Development, Strategy, Project Management, Project Scoping, React, Lean Startups, Early-stage Startups, Startup Funding, Startup Growth Strategy Development, Sales, Tech Sales, Recruiting, B2B Partnerships, B2B Product Management, Business to Business (B2B), Business to Consumer (B2C), Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google APIs

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