Matti Kakkori,美国加州卡尔斯巴德的产品经理
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Matti Kakkori

Verified Expert  in Product Management

Product Manager

Carlsbad, CA, United States
Toptal Member Since
August 12, 2019

Matti is a product management leader with 15+ years in both large organizations and startups. 他管理过技术项目管理团队, 重组超过50亿美元的产品组合, 并制造了几款0-1的产品并推向市场. 他建立了数据和开发流程,并建立和管理了产品团队, engineering, design, and data. Matti一直致力于产品——消费类硬件设备, smartphone SW platforms, physical goods and eCommerce, applied AI/ML, SaaS platforms, and GIS.

Project Highlights

水务公司的AI/ML SaaS
领导产品策略、设计和开发. 构建产品从原型到v4和40多个B2B客户.
Developed a product portfolio strategy to simplify an overgrown but very successful consumer electronics product range.


Work Experience


2019 - PRESENT
  • Built and led the product, data, 和工程团队一起创造一个简单的, 优雅的现代B2B SaaS应用程序,利用定制的AI NLP平台.
  • Scaled the initial product and engineering team of four to 20+ distributed team members across the globe.
  • Grew the customer base from paying customers to dozens of successful B2B enterprise customers.

Chief Product Officer

2012 - PRESENT
Galaxy & Sons
  • 利用AI和ML设计和构建以数据为中心的web应用程序.
  • 经营一家针对移动和网络应用领域的产品欧博体育app下载公司.
  • Contributed to projects including a smartphone technology roadmap for a world-leading semiconductor company.
  • Defined, designed, and managed the development of a cross-platform consumer mobile application for iOS and Android.
  • 定义、设计并管理移动保险软件平台的开发. 该平台通过Android和iOS的移动客户端在网络上运行.

VP Product

2016 - 2019
  • Defined the product strategy and developed a web application prototype that was used to correct assumptions and gather feedback from lead customers.
  • Drove the development of SaaS SW platform that wraps a complicated AI/ML algorithm utilizing geospatial GIS data into an easy-to-use SW product that meets the needs of municipals customers in tackling renewal of aging water infrastructure.
  • Led a team of data engineers and built Fracta’s data pipeline and process to guide customers from messy data to refined ML driven results.
  • 为公司定义并执行结构化敏捷产品和软件开发流程. Helped evolve the product from Prototype to V4 and grow the customer base from zero to 40+ municipalities.


2010 - 2012
Nokia USA
  • Led the Nokia smartphone experience definition for Nokia Verizon products with a long term vision of sensor and AI-driven complete product experience.
  • Collaborated across all functions of Nokia North America from the leadership team to SW and HW engineering.


2008 - 2010
Nokia Denmark
  • Defined portfolio strategy and product lines for Nokia Live Business Unit with $5+ billion annual sales.
  • 领导产品战略,重组诺基亚庞大的产品组合的一部分, with many hard decisions.
  • 作为产品范围经理指导PM功能, 协调各销售部门的活动, marketing, design, R&在诺基亚庞大的矩阵式组织中担任D和PM,以维持连贯的产品线.


2006 - 2008
Nokia USA
  • Developed a classic business strategy for the Nokia CDMA Business unit - analyzing available markets, M&A, and partnerships.


2003 - 2006
Nokia USA
  • 领导技术营销团队为诺基亚CDMA产品制定技术路线图. 技术涵盖从射频/蓝牙到数字版权管理和多媒体.
  • 与工程和软件平台紧密合作,构建满足客户需求的产品.

Various Engineering Roles

1998 - 2003
Nokia Finland/UK
  • 在不同的手机和软件业务部门担任过不同的职位.
  • 开发游戏引擎软件,在1亿多台设备上销售.
  • 在全球范围内编写和举办移动互联网技术培训和研讨会.g. 向瑞士银行咨询移动互联网安全问题.

水务公司的AI/ML SaaS

领导产品策略、设计和开发. 构建产品从原型到v4和40多个B2B客户.

The project centered around building a complex AI application utilizing GIS and mapping technologies for a startup. 一个完整的端到端战略和开发项目,包括:
- Creating product marketing materials and launching the product in a large industry trade show
- Running engineering and building a structured agile development process for further improvements
- Through multiple architecture and technology improvements reaching V4 of the software and 40+ B2B customers

项目中使用的一些基本技术:AWS, Laravel, Django, Mapbox, ESRI, JIRA, Python, Jupyter, etc.


Led product design and development for a groundbreaking AI/NLP-driven market research platform.

Led the product definition for an AI/NLP-driven software product that can ingest a huge amount of textual data, analyze and enrich it and then provide detailed insights into perception people and markets have about brands and products.



Developed a product portfolio strategy to simplify an overgrown but very successful consumer electronics product range.

The product portfolio comprised of 20+ devices that as whole were very successful and were generating $5+ billion in revenue annually. But overall the marketing message and effectiveness of the product development was suffering from a too complicated offering.

I created a thorough market and consumer needs-driven analysis on how to re-structure the product portfolio to be more balanced and more accurately capture the market volume and demand.

The strategy was adopted and implemented as part of a larger restructuring of the business unit.

折叠- iOS上的创意协作游戏

Designed and ran the development for a simple turn-based creative game with a design twist.

Foldpass is a simple turn-based game where users can write short text passages and invite friends to complete the three-line haiku poem.

The result can then be made into a well-designed poster through an embedded poster editor with downloadable poster packs.



MobileCrax -保险应用程序

Designed and ran the engineering for the web application and multi-platform iOS/Android mobile app development.

Led the product strategy, design, 以及针对墨西哥市场开发移动设备屏幕保险产品.

The mobile application was designed to run on both iOS and Android and was built on Apache Cordova. The backend and the web interface used by customers and the repair was a simple Django/Bootstrap development.

I wireframed the application and UX in detail and led the engineering project with a development company.



sider是一个带有社交元素的决策平台. 用户可以输入对他们的决定很重要的标准, weigh them, 也包括朋友的意见. 然后,加权算法推荐选择.

I ran the UX and product development for the application and managed the off-shored development of the back-end server and the mobile application.



The project scope was to design a long-term plan (2-5 years) for a leading smartphone experience for the US market.

The project team was huge with participants ranging from executive office to sales and marketing to HW engineering.



I defined and ran an agile development process for a startup growing from 2 engineers to 10+.


当团队开始成长时,我建立了一个敏捷开发过程. 开发团队采用了带有明确定义的史诗的2周冲刺系统, JIRA中的用户故事和任务.

The implementation of the agile process sped up the development of new features and products. (当然,组建一个更大的团队也没有坏处. ;-) )
1996 - 2001



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