Toptal捐赠1美元 Million of In-Kind Tutoring and $100K In Scholarships to 大会’s Opportunity Fund to Improve Opportunities for Disadvantaged Groups in Technology; Creates Toptal 全球导师计划


Volunteers from Toptal’s Elite Software Development Network to Mentor 大会 Students and Alumni Remotely, Addressing Both Lack of Diversity and Gap in Software Talent in the Tech Industry.

2015年8月4日,加利福尼亚州旧金山 Toptal, 世界领先的精英自由软件开发人员网络, today announced 那 it has signed an agreement with global education institution 大会 来创建Toptal 全球导师计划, a large-scale initiative to provide support through tutoring and mentorship to help students overcome barriers of hardship, 生活水平低下, 并且低收入成为专业的软件工程师. 作为捐赠的一部分, Toptal developers from 93 countries around the world will donate approximately $1,000,000 worth of in-kind tutoring and mentorship support to 大会 students and graduates over the next two years. 此外,Toptal公司还将捐赠10万美元作为奖学金 大会机会基金, which provides scholarships and support to members of traditionally underrepresented groups in the technology industry.

Toptal支持超过2,000 clients ranging from Fortune 500s to startups with its distributed network of elite freelance developers who are based in 93 countries around the world and who work 100%的远程. This global network forms the backbone of the Toptal 全球导师计划. Toptal volunteers will mentor students and graduates of the 大会机会基金 exactly the same way Toptal engineers work with clients like Zendesk, J.P. 摩根,爱彼迎,以及其他成千上万的网站.

第五届Nexus年度峰会 将于7月24日在联合国举行, 2015, 塔索杜瓦尔, Toptal的联合创始人兼首席执行官, announced Toptal’s commitment to initiatives aimed at supporting the technical education needs of disadvantaged students who seek careers as software engineers in the tech industry.

“It’s no secret 那 the tech industry suffers from a severe lack of diversity, and is a direct result of the lack of equal access to quality education and mentorship. Without significant investment, there will be no improvement in the future,” said Du Val. “在Toptal, 我们知道各行各业的团队, 有着不同的背景, 经历, 和想法, 能激发创造力并推动结果吗. Our partnership with 大会 and the establishment of the Toptal 全球导师计划 will mean new opportunities for talented individuals who face significant barriers to entry in the tech industry. Our mentors from around the world are very excited to participate in this program and make a positive impact on improving diversity in a new generation of engineers.”

“There are vast opportunities in today’s economy to build robust and satisfying careers, and we aim to equip as many people as possible with the skills to succeed in the tech workforce,马特·布里默说, 大会联合创始人. “Toptal is an ideal partner – their team of world-class engineers are in the field every day and are among the most talented in the world – and the addition of the 全球导师计划 will provide an invaluable resource for our students and alumni. We welcome Toptal’s support of the Opportunity Fund and look forward to making sure even more students are equipped with the in-demand, 科技公司在员工身上寻找的21世纪技能.”

Toptal developers bring extensive expertise in a wide variety of in-demand technologies to the Toptal 全球导师计划, making it a tremendous resource for 大会 students and graduates. It also means 那 for any specialized skill 那 a participant wishes to acquire, 届时将会有一流的Toptal专家到场, 无论专家住在世界的哪个地方. 贝洛奥里藏特的网页设计专家, 巴西, 例如, 能指导一个来自布朗克斯的网页设计学生吗, NY, 美国——几乎是面对面的.

“Being a 100% virtual company and working with our widely-dispersed development team, we’re inundated with interactions and creativity from people in different countries and cultures, 发展中国家和发达国家, 24/7,杜瓦尔补充说. “Great ideas are generated and relationships sparked across our global network every minute, 现在,大会的学生们可以通过这个新项目了解它. 对我们来说, 教学能力, 激励, 而学习跨越世界任何边界不仅是令人满意的, but we feel this is the right way technology should be deployed when hardship, 低收入, 还有许多其他因素阻碍了成功 and achievement in an industry 那 is hungry for talent.”

当这个项目在内部宣布给Toptal的开发者时, 志愿者从世界各地蜂拥而来. Seva Safris, 他是一名乌克兰裔美国软件工程师,是一名志愿者, 他是这样说的:“我在一个移民少数族裔家庭长大, I am myself a product of the opportunities extended to me by the generous teachers and givers of my life – mentors who have empowered me to achieve and succeed in spite of disadvantages. 感谢生命中帮助过我的人, 我很激动,也很荣幸能回馈少数族裔社区.”


成立于2010年, Toptal is one the most innovative and rapidly-growing companies to emerge from Silicon Valley. 得到了安德森·霍洛维茨基金的支持, Quora的亚当·德安吉洛, 和其他人, Toptal connects thousands of elite freelance software engineers from around the world to over 2,000家客户包括J.P. Morgan and Pfizer; tech companies such as Airbnb and Zendesk; and numerous startups, providing world-class software solutions 那 meet the most complex and challenging requirements. 有望达到80美元,000,在成立不到五年的时间里,公司的年运行率(ARR)达到了1000万, Toptal’s rapid growth is a testimony to exploding client demand and the unmatched quality and reliability of the company’s services. 有关Toptal的更多信息,请访问:


大会 is a global educational institution 那 is building a community of individuals empowered to pursue work they love through instruction and opportunity in technology, 设计, 和业务. 大会提供全日制沉浸式课程, 类, 研讨会, and online educational programming on the most relevant skills of the 21st century economy, 包括网页开发, 用户体验设计, 产品管理, 数字营销, 数据科学. 总部设在纽约, 大会 was established in early 2011 and has 14 campuses worldwide in Atlanta, 奥斯丁, 波士顿, 芝加哥, 香港, 伦敦, 洛杉矶, 墨尔本, 纽约, 旧金山, 新加坡, 西雅图, 悉尼, 和华盛顿, D.C.



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对我们来说, 教学能力, 激励, 而学习跨越世界任何边界不仅是令人满意的, but we feel this is the right way technology should be deployed when hardship, 低收入, 还有许多其他因素阻碍了成功.

Toptal连接 排名前3% 世界各地的自由职业人才.
