罗希特Kulkarni, 市场营销专家 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates
罗希特 is 可用 租用
雇佣 罗希特


验证专家  in 市场营销


Dubai, United Arab Emirates

罗希特 has led the development and execution of various marketing campaigns for the consumer services, 电子商务, fintech, IT, 旅游, 汽车, 移民, 健康, 健身, 美容行业. He has worked with small businesses, 中小企业, and large Fortune 500 organizations and excelled at creating innovative marketing strategies to acquire leads and sales. 罗希特 also helped establish a digital marketing company from ground zero with expansion and substantial profit in a short period.


Increased the organic traffic from 600 to over 20,000 unique visitors per month as of September 2022, the organic conversion rate from 2.3% to 38.80%, and the ads conversion from 11.06% to 53.19%, opening three additional branches within the UAE.
Created and managed the implementation of a digital strategy that generated a revenue of over $2.5 million in three years and helped a chef to become the world's first-ever chef to have an individual NFT collection that sold out.
Microsoft Dashboard for Windows Azure Campaign and Faculty Resource Centre
重新设计, 重组, and migrated one of the most extensive 免费的 dashboard applications to Microsoft Azure, maintaining the downloading information account from Microsoft Faculty Resource Centre.




  • Planned and supervised internet marketing, 娱乐营销, and AI content creation per operational policies and processes to achieve revenue targets. I created a digital strategy to generate business awareness for the range of car models.
  • Analyzed competitors to understand their online and offline marketing and mobile advertising activities. Created an end-to-end online marketing strategy and budget.
  • Conducted marketing campaigns to promote brand awareness among consumers and assisted in designing and developing marketing collaterals and promotional materials, while evaluating current marketing programs and recommending improvements.
  • Evaluated the effectiveness of marketing activities to determine whether goals were met and whether any measures are needed while developing and executing marketing strategies and plans for the car's launch.
  • Analyzed sales data and determine sales forecasts and recommended creative and cost-effective promotional activities.
  • 利用病毒式营销, YouTube广告, and performance-max campaigns to reach broader audiences and generate leads.


2020 - 2022
Conversions 数字营销 DMCC
  • Articulated with stakeholders in establishing the company, managed the business strategy, and created the revenue generation and the client sustainability and retainer models.
  • Developed and implemented an efficient brand activation strategy and streamlined revenue generation initiatives. Established two additional branches in Qatar and Canada within the first company year.
  • Planned and monitored sales funnels and KPIs for cross-functional teams. Assessed client insights and performance by monitoring progress, results, and retention. Provided training for cross-functional departments. Increased client retention by 90%.
  • Oversaw market research and consumer insights via focus groups, 再处置, 铅一代, 和页面, 线下, 国际, 本地SEO和ASO. Recommended radio advertising and cost control strategies.
  • Provided accurate reporting to stakeholders and improved the hiring process, 员工福利, 内部事务.
  • Achieved BEP within six months after opening the company, cutting costs with the original timeline of 10-12 months.
  • Trained and developed cross-functional departments with trending tools and platforms. I also developed automated reporting for clients and stakeholders.
  • Got featured in newspapers for expertise in strengthening brands and received multiple invitations as a guest speaker in various universities, focusing on digital marketing, 虚拟现实, 增强现实.


2015 - 2020
BeOnTop - 数字营销 & Integrated Solutions Company
  • Executed and monitored cross-department SOPs, enhancing client performance, progress, and results. Handled asset management, planning, and budget control for all campaigns. Reviewed new trends and remained at the forefront of digital marketing.
  • Developed a plug-n-play website wireframe with an integrated custom CRM in Pipedrive to support the small-scale service and 电子商务-based business, reducing the custom web development cost by more than 50%.
  • Planned and implemented startup marketing packages post-COVID-19, enabling startups to advertise without the high costs of an agency retainer. This strategy generated revenue of over $250,000 in one year.
  • Contributed to more than 200+ successful projects for 付费广告, 有机的结果, 品牌, 游戏化, and awareness by leveraging tools like SendGrid for targeted email campaigns and achieving an average reduction in CPA or CPL by 40%.
  • Spearheaded Instagram growth initiatives to enhance brand visibility and community engagement.

Senior Software Engineer, Microsoft Azure Cloud

2012 - 2015
  • Completed the enterprise application on the cloud to solve complex business problems for London's largest contract vehicle company CVL.
  • Designed Microsoft Faculty Connection to address challenges in teaching technology, featuring content and valuable tools that are exclusive, 免费的, and designed to support technology educators.
  • Created the website to offer curriculum, 自由软件, and 培训材料 and provide insight into Microsoft's latest initiatives, 区域活动, 和培训.



Increased the organic traffic from 600 to over 20,000 unique visitors per month as of September 2022, the organic conversion rate from 2.3% to 38.80%, and the ads conversion from 11.06% to 53.19%, opening three additional branches within the UAE.

To increase the sales of tires and rank on top of the SERP results for some of the most competitive keywords in the UAE—Buy tires online.

• 重新设计 the website with a mobile-first approach and easy search for tire choices
• Implemented an SEO-friendly website design, URL结构, 100% unique and quality content, attractive and relevant landing pages, 聊天机器人, 高质量的反向链接, 客人的帖子, 以及优质博客
• Developed an automated inventory organizer within the CMS to give users exact availability details
• Implemented pic offers like buy three tires and get one 免费的, get full servicing for 免费的 in summer, 免费交流维修, 免费窗户着色, 免费的 fluid change in winter, and 免费的 brake pad change
•开始搜索, 显示, map, and video ads across 谷歌, 脸谱网, Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat, 和Dubizzle
• Implemented ads set with car type, brands, demographics, usage, devices, and language
• Introduced influencer marketing to popularize the brand, 服务质量, and service center efficiency
• Introduced and advertised a customer relaxation area with PlayStation, 赛车模拟, 按摩椅, and other entertainment features



Created and managed the implementation of a digital strategy that generated a revenue of over $2.5 million in three years and helped a chef to become the world's first-ever chef to have an individual NFT collection that sold out.

An outstanding digital marketing strategy catapulted an individual chef to become one of the most popular private chefs by establishing a cooking studio, a Greek cuisine restaurant in the Greek Pavilion at Expo 2020. 接待知名嘉宾, including the honorable ruler of Dubai and his daughter and the former Minister of Culture and Knowledge Development of the UAE. He was also the world's first chef to have his NFT collection. He has regularly been invited to popular events like the Gulf Food and Dubai Fashion Week to showcase his culinary talents.

Microsoft Dashboard for Windows Azure Campaign and Faculty Resource Centre

重新设计, 重组, and migrated one of the most extensive 免费的 dashboard applications to Microsoft Azure, maintaining the downloading information account from Microsoft Faculty Resource Centre.

Microsoft Faculty Connection addresses the challenges faced by faculties in teaching technology students. Microsoft's Faculty Connection features content and valuable tools that are exclusive, 免费的, and designed to support technology educators. The site offers a curriculum, 自由软件, 培训材料, and insights into Microsoft's latest initiatives, 区域活动, 和培训.

Tradition to Fashion - Luxury Abaya


Increased online sales by 48% overall, organic SEO top positions for Gulf, US, 和欧洲地区, and social media engagement with over 30000 organic followers in three accounts in six months.

A niche player in the 电子商务 industry, Hanayen is a pioneer brand offering luxury Islamic clothing, including Abayas and Sheila, 海湾地区, US, UK, 和欧洲市场. Awarded the 'Best Luxury Abaya 2022' at the International Fashion Week Dubai, Hanayen has gained a unique position in the market by designing trendy Islamic clothing for Muslim women. 在他们所有的行动中, they strive to ensure that all economic, 环境, and social factors are considered.

As a pioneer in the field, they have adopted digital marketing solutions to drive their sales through organic and social media. For a highly competitive sector like 电子商务, 高效的SEO方法, 付费广告, 社交媒体营销, and other online marketing techniques can help attract potential customers in their scarce attention span online. When Hanayen approached us in 2021, their sole digital marketing objective was to get sales and enhance their online visibility. Through strategic and balanced use of various SEO techniques, engaging and conversion paid campaigns along with interactive social media account management, they achieved remarkable results in less than six months.
2004 - 2008

Bachelor's Degree in Software Engineering

Sinhgad Institute of Technology and Science - Pune, India


Lamborghini Full Training Program


2022年5月- 2023年4月

谷歌广告 Video Certification


2022年4月- 2023年3月









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