莫妮卡·托马斯, 市场营销专家 in 林登赫斯特,美国
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验证专家  in 市场营销



莫妮卡 is a creative and passionate digital marketing professional experienced in search engine optimization (搜索引擎优化) and marketing (SEM), 内容写, 社交媒体, 谷歌AdWords和分析, 点击付费营销. Her expertise extends to UX design, WordPress, HTML, CSS, Semrush, Moz, and mobile strategies. As an expert and motivated team player, 莫妮卡's methods help companies and individuals gain online exposure, ultimately increasing revenue for their products and services.


数字营销 Specialist | Owner

2021 - 2023
  • Provided international 搜索引擎优化 services, 包括搜索引擎优化审计, 关键字研究, Yoast 搜索引擎优化实现, 页面内外优化, and 搜索引擎优化 keyword and content implementation, increasing traffic and priority keyword search engine positioning.
  • Collaborated closely with design and development teams on user interface design research, 分析, 和策略, dramatically improving the user experience and resulting in new client inquiries and acquisitions.
  • Achieved a rapid year-over-year increase in the acquisition of clients, 新业务, and leads by applying my expertise in technical, 概念上的, and content development of sales and leads-driving programs.
  • 研究, 创建, 优化, and integrated 社交媒体 posts for Instagram, 推特, 脸谱网, LinkedIn, 和YouTube. Used Hootsuite to manage 社交媒体 marketing.
  • Created digital and marketing presentations of our programs, 探访新前景, 介绍节目, 关闭交易, 建立新的客户.
  • 管理亚马逊, 易趣, Etsy, 和Poshmark账户, helping with product visibility, 搜索引擎优化, 在线声誉管理, keyword and competitor research, 图像的指导方针, 定价, 内容优化, 移动广告.

搜索引擎优化 and 社交媒体管理 | New York Law Firm

Three months through the program, 用户增长22%, 新用户增长57%, 47%的联系方式查询, 电话也减少了53%. 六个月过去了, 用户增长47%, 新用户增长72%, 58%的联系形式查询, 电话数量增长62%.

A New York law firm needed visibility and inquiries for their 75 attorneys and 15 practice groups—along with 搜索引擎优化 content and 社交媒体 strategies. Their audience included high-net-worth individuals and celebrities. Their main call to action (CTA) focused on receiving contact-form and telephone inquiries about their services.

I 优化 all 75 attorneys with highly trafficked keywords. I also 优化 the URLs with attorney practice area keywords. 然后, I 创建 a case study section on the website for each practice area, with each case study highlighting challenges, 解决方案, 和结果. I gained traction by leveraging technology such as YouTube videos, 现场视频, 有特色的片段, 博客文章, a glossary of important terms for each practice area, 全面的常见问题, 以及社交媒体分享.

另外, I implemented a complete 搜索引擎优化 revamp of their site, infusing targeted keywords in the metadata and 有特色的片段. I 创建 a subdomain for their government relations and implemented a highly targeted link, building a campaign and utilizing law sites like JD Supra for attorneys to gain more visibility.

Global Clinical Laboratory Equipment Dealer

Three months through the program, 用户增长35%, 新用户增长49%, 联系形式的查询增加37%, 电话是59%. 六个月过去了, 用户增长45%, 新用户增长64%, 52%的人通过联系方式进行查询, 电话是63%.

A global clinical laboratory dealer needed visibility for their extensive lab equipment line. They sold all kinds of lab equipment from top brands such as Siemens, Abbott, Medica, and Diazyme. Their main CTA focused on receiving contact-form and telephone inquiries about their large analyzers and centrifuges.

I 优化 thousands of lab equipment products with highly trafficked keywords and implemented a complete 搜索引擎优化 revamp of their site, infusing the targeted keywords in the metadata. I also 优化 the URLs with product-specific keywords.

I helped improve the user experience and design by guiding the user through the site with targeted CTA buttons and categorizing equipment by manufacturer and type. 下一个, I implemented a highly targeted link-building campaign, 搜索引擎优化博客写作, 以及社交媒体活动. 最后, I 创建 an outside product campaign on Amazon, highlighting their "drugs of abuse testing" product line.

Stock Trading Software Startup Company

Three months after its launch, 用户增长35%, 新用户增长42%, 新民众支持率下降25%, and new account creation by 42%. 6个月前发布, 用户增长67%, 新用户增长59%, 新民众支持率54%, 新账户增长了69%.

A new internet marketing branding campaign, 搜索引擎优化, and 社交媒体 strategies were needed to boost the visibility of their new startup stock trading SaaS software platform in the US and Nassau of the Bahamas. They were looking to hard-launch, 收到20,月访问量达1000人次, and increase their subscribers and demos by 50% in six months.

I 创建 engaging campaigns, introducing the benefits and highlights of their software. I gained traction by leveraging technology such as YouTube videos, 现场视频, 有特色的片段, 博客文章, a glossary of stock trader important terms, 全面的常见问题, 以及社交媒体分享. I also implemented a complete 搜索引擎优化 revamp of their site, infusing targeted keywords in the metadata and 有特色的片段. 最后, I 创建 a subdomain for their Nassau, Bahamas, clients.


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