Jason Raphael,美国普林斯顿市场营销专家
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Jason Raphael

Verified Expert  in Marketing

Marketing Expert

Toptal Member Since
April 24, 2023

Jason has 20 years of expertise in growing companies as an executive digital marketing strategist. He leads cross-functional teams and innovative data-driven digital marketing initiatives that reach target groups and accomplish corporate goals. 数据分析专家, A/B testing, 客户洞察可以促进营销活动, engagement, and ROI, Jason实现了扩展策略, brand, and retain customers and improves marketing by following industry and technology changes and trends.

Project Highlights

Lead Generation
Developed and launched a groundbreaking brand protection Google Ads campaign to improve brand placement and gather valuable marketing intelligence, 使竞争对手的品牌占有率降低45%.
Led the investigation and correction of severe SEO problems related to meta tags for a newly launched brand website. 四周后,该网站在谷歌上排名第一.


Work Experience


2020 - 2023
  • Planned and executed multimillion-dollar paid media campaigns on platforms such as Meta and Google.
  • Acquired over 10,000 high-quality prospects through B2B and B2C demand lead generation campaigns.
  • 定期跟踪, analysis, and optimization of campaign performance for all Revance疗法 brands.
  • Developed and launched a groundbreaking DAXXIFY brand protection Google Ads campaign, 这提高了品牌布局和收集有价值的营销情报, 使竞争对手的品牌占有率降低45%.
  • Spearheaded agency relationships and advised on strategy, ad spend, placement, and copy testing.
  • 每季度进行全面的SEO竞争对手网站分析, including meta tags, keywords, backlinks, and other SEO metrics to gain insight into competitor organic strategies for strategic advantage.
  • Implemented and managed effective off-page link-building campaigns to achieve higher rankings for brand and industry keywords for RHA Collection, 从而每个季度增加30%的潜在客户.
  • 与市场部门进行跨职能合作, tech, 和数据分析团队实施网站的SEO优化更改.
  • 解决SEO技术问题并提供解决方案, 在三个月内就在谷歌上排名靠前的Revance网站.
  • Proposed and implemented conversion rate optimization (CRO) methods to increase on-site lead conversion, 导致线索增加了18%.


2019 - 2020
Freelance Clients
  • Achieved top rankings for ultra-competitive keywords in the explainer-video industry, 结果超过100,每月新增目标访客达000人.
  • Developed, refined, and executed a comprehensive SEO strategy and checklist to guarantee all new website pages met industry standards.
  • 设计了一个基于25个关键字短语的6个月内容日历, 导致每月流量稳定增长40%.
  • Onboarded over 50 new affiliates, including StackSocial and well-known coupon sites.
  • 熟练使用业界领先的工具,如谷歌搜索控制台, Google Analytics, Ahrefs, Semrush, Screaming Frog, Moz, and Ubersuggest.
  • Oversaw all aspects of a successful ongoing paid influencer marketing campaign with over 100 influencers.
  • 提高了超过25%的谷歌广告转化率, which led to an increase in return on advertising spend (ROAS) and lifetime value (LTV).


2017 - 2019
  • Conducted comprehensive SEO keyword research and optimized website pages using tools such as Ahrefs, SpyFu, and Screaming Frog.
  • Analyzed competitor content for SEO ideas and developed a content publishing schedule.
  • Recruited and led a 10-person team in creating a revolutionary peer-to-peer (P2P) hybrid video-sharing platform supported by over 200 influencers with a combined 100 million followers.
  • Developed and executed a successful strategy for corporate social media channels, resulting in 11,每个平台都有超过000名粉丝.
  • 利用HubSpot营销自动化工具, Facebook, 和谷歌广告实现120%的目标流量增长.
  • 领导一场全球公共关系运动, securing feature articles in top-tier publications such as CNBC Asia and JPost.
  • 与200多名有影响力的人保持良好的关系,以推广Viewo.
  • 与三个多渠道网络建立并维持关系, 在公司网络中播撒数以百万计的高质量病毒视频.


2012 - 2017
JTG Technology
  • Developed successful SEO and paid media plans for JTG's clients across various industries.
  • 执行市场营销活动,产生2美元的收入.从第二年开始每年500万美元.
  • Led the development and execution of tens of digital marketing campaigns and managed accompanying budgets for LG, BMW, 以及所有媒体渠道的LISTERINE, 包括潜在客户开发和品牌推广活动.
  • 管理一个12人的内部营销团队, 包括社交媒体经理, media buyers, graphic designers, 联盟经理.
  • 监督SEO方面的活动, pay-per-click (PPC), cost-per-lead (CPL), 按点击付费广告, cost-per-day (CPD), 以及每英里成本(CPM)营销方法.
  • Established Apple App Store's top 50 games with over 100,000 downloads in the first two months.
  • Managed interactions with top mobile ad platforms to lower cost per install (CPI) on App Store and Google Play.
  • Established influencer relationships and oversaw contract negotiations with major Hollywood names, 包括音乐艺术家史努比·道格和综合格斗名人堂成员查克·里德尔.
  • 利用HubSpot营销自动化工具 to successfully direct landing pages, email campaigns, 社交媒体优化, 网站流量优化.
  • Oversaw localized content creation team for websites and landing pages across multiple industries and languages, including English, Japanese, Spanish, Dutch, and Arabic.


2010 - 2012
  • Managed a multimillion-dollar online advertising budget for media buying and affiliate management.
  • Provided a strategic direction and oversaw the successful execution of 20 CPL campaigns on premium websites, 包括《欧博体育app下载》, eBay, and Investing.com.
  • Cultivated new relationships and partnerships with super affiliates to promote eToro's CopyTrader platform, 这导致了85家新子公司的收购.
  • Exceeded consistently quarterly performance goals by a minimum of 10% over two years.
  • Conducted comprehensive return-on-investment (ROI) analysis and split testing, leading to a 20% increase in revenue and customer lifetime value across all managed campaigns.
  • Collaborated with a graphic design team to create and optimize landing pages, 从而使点击到潜在客户的转化率提高25%.

Lead Generation


通过利用多个平台, including Meta, Google, and The Trade Desk, I generated over 10,为公司提供相关线索. The campaign resulted in an effective CPL that was 40% under the industry average.


Developed and launched a groundbreaking brand protection Google Ads campaign to improve brand placement and gather valuable marketing intelligence, 使竞争对手的品牌占有率降低45%.

当一种新的美学毒素产品推出时, 竞争对手很快就在谷歌上对与品牌相关的关键词出价. Additionally, the company was unsure what messaging would resonate with middle- to bottom-of-the-funnel customers. I developed, launched, and tracked a bespoke Google Ads campaign designed to leverage Google's machine learning to determine which messaging best resonated with customers—the messaging was divided into seven distinct pillars and responsive search ads (RSAs). Additionally, 竞争对手的cpc增加了一倍, 由于成本高昂,他们也不再竞标排名靠前的位置.


Led the investigation and correction of severe SEO problems related to meta tags for a newly launched brand website. 四周后,该网站在谷歌上排名第一.

一家制药公司正在推出一种新产品.e.这款游戏的发行吸引了大量媒体的关注. 3rd-party, high domain authority (DA) websites were ranking above the new brand's website, 把它推到谷歌品牌相关关键词搜索的第八页. 我设计并实现了一个独特的植物来固定现场元标签. 四周后,该网站在谷歌上排名第一.
2021 - 2023



1998 - 2001




搜索引擎营销(SEM), Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Local SEO, SEO Tools, SEO Audits, On-page SEO, Marketing, Growth Hacking, 社交媒体广告, 从属营销, 数字营销策略, 搜索引擎优化(SEO), Paid Advertising, Content Creation, Content Strategy, 市场营销分析, 社交媒体营销(SMM), Content Marketing, Digital Marketing, Google AdWords, Google Paid Ads, Facebook Marketing, 社交媒体策略, 影响力营销, Organic SEO, SEO Backlinking, Social Media, 漏斗优化, Email Campaigns, Media Buying, Lead Generation, 转化率优化(CRO), Brand Strategy, Branding

Platforms & Tools

Screaming Frog, Moz, Facebook广告经理, Google Analytics, Google Analytics 4, Instagram Ads, Ahrefs, HubSpot营销中心

Business Models

Business Models




Semrush, Business Cases, Growth Marketing, Paid Media, 获取客户, Pharmaceuticals, 信息技术, Business Strategy



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