作者都是各自领域经过审查的专家,并撰写他们有经验的主题. 我们所有的内容都经过同行评审,并由同一领域的Toptal专家验证.
Vivek Khatri

Vivek is a Magento certified developer with over 6 years of experience. He focuses on the business needs of clients when creating solutions.


线上购物2, 就像它的前身一样, continues to make waves not only in the world of Magento development services but also in the wider eCommerce context.

Magento开发公司第一次听说 《欧博体育app下载》于2015年发布. Was this just an evolutionary step in Magento development, as 当时怀疑论者对此表示怀疑? 或者,这是一场席卷电子商务领域的革命的悄然开始?

Entrepreneurs the world over—examples include the likes of 奥利弗·斯威尼Devlyn说-一直在与Magento代理商合作,使用线上购物2建立他们的电子商务存在. 的 platform aims to provide new ways to enhance user engagement, 使导航更顺畅, 提高店铺的转换率和整体创收能力.

线上购物2的用户友好的基础设施可以方便地操作它的用户. But this is also true for any Magento web developers, which is important when it comes to cost-effective Magento customization. 的 new 线上购物2 framework allows developers to create new services for communicating with a 线上购物2 store, 这反过来又允许用户跨多个设备与商店进行交互.

线上购物2是一个高度改进和优化的Magento平台版本. 例如, Magento extension development has been made easier, so pluggable integration is st和ard fare for payment gateways like PayPal 和 Braintree or shipping methods like FedEx 和 DHL. 在一般情况下, its improved toolchain is attracting Magento enterprise developers, 和 its remarkable speed is making it more appealing to end users as well.

虽然 some might say that it’s not quite as simple to install as Magento 1我个人发现线上购物2和Magento 1一样容易下载并安装到服务器上.

的re are many other benefits that are helping convince merchants 和 电子商务网站开发公司 和 they hire to make the switch; there’s no doubt that 线上购物2 is a great achievement in the field of website development services. 但是和许多软件包一样, 才能从中受益, there’s the important question of which edition is right for your business.

When 线上购物2 was released, two editions were introduced:

  • 线上购物2 社区 版本,现在叫做 Magento开源
  • 线上购物2 企业 版本,现在叫做 线上购物商务

的 differences between the two are definitely worth noting. But first, what they have in common may surprise you.

线上购物2 社区 Edition is free, but nonetheless packed with features.

Magento开源 (Formerly 线上购物2 社区 Edition)

正如它的新名字所暗示的那样,Magento开源是完全免费下载和使用的. 你可能已经猜到了, 付费版, 线上购物商务, is built on top of the free edition 和 thus includes all of its features.

它可能是免费的, but Magento开源 is nothing to be scoffed at: Not only is it a great fit for many st和ard eCommerce businesses, 即使是那些需要一些自定义Magento开发的人也会在这个基础版本中找到好处. Magento电子商务开发人员 are seeing a serious productivity boost with this version.


线上购物2 provides an upgraded architecture which ultimately helps Magento电子商务开发人员 in creating the desired product–both the out-of-the-box functionality 和 any tweaks your specific shop may require.

不仅如此, 但是新的架构更加强大, 方便, 可伸缩的, 和 customizable: It was created to solve the problems faced by developers working with the original Magento 1. 这是一个令人高兴的副作用, Magento development has become more accessible to developers, 这意味着有一个更广泛的人才库,涵盖所有级别的Magento定制需求.


This latest version of Magento benefits, of course, from 所有开源的标准福利: Security, quality, cost, 和 of course, customization. Your business can easily modify or extend Magento to suit its needs with the help of website development services—you’re not at the mercy of Magento, 公司. to decide whether or how to implement a desired feature.


由于许多增强,线上购物2的性能比以前的版本好10倍. 线上购物2 allows sites to use full-page caching (FPC) on the server to display of all the significant categories, CMS的页面, 和产品. FPC thus reduces both server load 和 response time. 线上购物2内置了FPC, but it also supports Varnish as an FPC back-end for even better performance.


线上购物2 is known for its powerful 和 easy-to-integrate extensions: Users can quickly install Magento extensions 和/or themes as needed. 下面是一些线上购物2扩展的例子, so you can see what sort of off-the-shelf functionality is available:

  • 特别促销活动 在进行促销活动时使用. 它允许您根据产品价格排名添加各种类型的折扣操作, 订购的项目数量, 以及花费的金额.
  • SMTP 电子邮件设置 扩展有助于使用第三方电子邮件服务器为您的线上购物2网站. (在默认情况下, 线上购物2 normally uses your system’s built-in mail sender, which may be less reliable than a dedicated third-party solution.)
  • For businesses that also have a brick-和-mortar presence, 店定位器 helps users find your nearest physical store via Google Maps.
  • 亚马逊支付 extension makes it even easier for 客户 to pay on your site.

有了这样的扩展,你可以看到如何快速Magento网站的发展可以进步. But a Magento development agency would have no trouble creating a new extension if you happened to need functionality not currently offered in Magento市场.


Several improvements were made to SEO in 线上购物2 to help potential 客户 find your store more easily when searching the internet at large for 产品. 线上购物2为每个类别、产品、CMS页面等提供了单独的元标签.,这有助于搜索引擎知道你的网站是合法的,并提高其排名.

线上购物2中提供的最佳SEO新功能是“产品字段自动生成”模板, 这有助于根据您已经输入的产品信息定义元标记. 这节省了很多时间, 让你的商店提供最新的产品变得轻松——这是另一个原因 Magento开发公司 和 their clients are attracted more toward 线上购物2.


的 multilingual 和 multi-currency support provided by 线上购物2 naturally help to create stores that support as wide a market as you care to target. But an interesting side effect of this support is that Magento development has gained even wider collaboration, 提高质量, 安全, 等.换句话说,就是把上面提到的开源软件的好处加倍.


每个电子商务网站都需要自己的支付方式. 线上购物2中内置了一些网关,比如PayPal,还有一些网关可以通过扩展来使用. 不管你怎么到达那里, Magento eCommerce development is very straightforward when it comes to secure 和 方便 third-party payment gateways.


One of the best-quality scaling solutions I’ve seen, 线上购物2 automatically allows Magento web developers to resize or reframe websites according to their changing needs, making it adapt faster 和 continuing to provide a great user experience. 在一个安全问题不断变化的时代, 线上购物2 was rewritten with 安全 as a high priority, 因此,网站所有者和他们的客户可以放心,他们将有一个安全的体验.

企业 Features Also Found in Magento开源

Magento开源, 尽管是免费版, 是否有一些功能可能超出了其典型用户群可能感兴趣的范围. 它们包含在线上购物商务中,就像所有其他Magento开源特性一样.

基因敲除 JavaScript框架

We’ve all used sites before where a mistake in the code results in 发送给用户的消息不一致. Since 线上购物2 leverages the 基因敲除 library under the hood, 它使开发人员在定制Magento时更容易避免这种不一致, 给你信心,你的网站将保持时尚和专业.


一些Magento的核心功能,如安装, 缓存和索引管理, 用户管理现在可以, 从线上购物2开始, 可以通过CLI完成. 正常情况下, these tasks would need to be done periodically by an admin or a developer, 但是用CLI, a developer can schedule a script to do this automatically, saving the developer time 和 tedium 和 saving the store owner money.


Magento website developers 和 administrators alike know the pain of a poor backup system when something goes wrong. 线上购物2的新备份和回滚系统有助于恢复数据库 or 文件 or 根据需要,之前创建的媒体更改. This feature offers an advantage in Magento development, 因为它通过提供更复杂的备份来限制任何潜在的数据丢失.


This helps Magento电子商务开发人员 to implement the design you envision instead of being boxed into the preconceived notions of your platform. Robustness is a real advantage here: Magento’s CMS can be made to look “just right” for all of your 产品 和 processes while staying lean 和 efficient.

线上购物商务涵盖了Magento开源中没有的一些高端功能, 但同时, Magento的一些开源特性比您想象的更适合企业使用.

线上购物商务 (Formerly 线上购物2 企业 Edition)

Large stores 和 eCommerce merchants are the biggest buyers of 线上购物商务 because of their exp和able businesses.



虽然Magento开源确实提供了一些基本的分析和报告功能, 线上购物商务 really shines here by allowing your Magento store development to integrate with Google Universal Analytics. 这将您的Magento商店连接到以下谷歌工具,以帮助优化您的内容, 分析你的流量和受众, 并将您的目录连接到各种市场:

  • 谷歌分析 allows you to define additional custom dimensions 和 metrics for tracking, 支持离线和移动应用程序交互,并访问您的网站的持续更新.
  • Google标签管理器 helps you boost 和 track your store’s SEO performance.
  • 谷歌AdWords 用于在谷歌搜索结果和其他谷歌产品中放置广告(并跟踪其结果).

开箱即用, 线上购物商务 provides statistical reports on marketing, 销售, 审查, 客户, 客户活动, 产品, 私人销售. 一如既往地, if when your 报告 needs go beyond the vast selection available, a Magento solution specialist will have no trouble filling the gap.


This is a scalability advantage which has the ability to use three separate master databases for different functional areas. 结帐, 订单, 每个产品数据都使用一个单独的主数据库,可以选择性地与从数据库进行复制.

这种分离在网站的结帐功能之间独立地扩展负载, 订单管理活动, 营销活动, 网站浏览, 根据你的需要. 的se changes provide flexibility in how the database tier can be scaled, which is a huge advancement in the field of Magento development.


This allows eCommerce Store’s merch和ise managers to drag 和 drop web content to build customized product displays in p审查 mode 和 make adjustments before applying changes on the live site. 视觉业务跟单 has made Magento eCommerce website development easier than ever with its sleek navigation through categories 和 产品.


线上购物商务的另一个有益功能, Elasticsearch对目录中的产品执行快速和高级搜索. 用这个, your 客户 will get exactly what they are looking for, 结果就是, 你将获得更高的转换率.

Because it returns search results based on the last generated index until the next complete reindexing cycle, 客户不会受到影响. +, Elasticsearch analyzers support multiple languages, 这会给用户和Magento web开发人员带来更好的体验吗.


Every business has its important 和 valuable 客户 for whom they enable exclusive shopping experiences, 线上购物商务已经涵盖了这一点. 最佳报价、顾客行为和及时购买是私人销售的一些基本因素. 的ir configurability is a yet another great benefit attracting more Magento agencies 和 entrepreneurs towards 线上购物2.


线上购物2在线上购物商务中提供了称为“高级管理角色”的特殊功能.有了这个功能, you can restrict an administrative user’s access to only a specific website or store 和 its associated data.

如果你有一个以上的品牌, or business units with different stores on the same Magento installation, you can provide administrative access to each one of your business units while hiding 和 protecting their data from other administrators. 因此, 管理员拥有您希望他们在整个系统中拥有的控制权限. This provides great 安全 for your Magento development.

Automated Rules with Customer Segmentation 和 Attribute Management

线上购物商务的客户细分像客户, 客户地址, 购物车, 产品, 销售以一种特殊的方式定义. Magento store developers can easily add new customer attributes 和 take them along to further 销售 和 marketing processes as well as help with advanced personalization.


线上购物商务 also lets you offer perks to attract 客户, which directly increases the conversion rate of the site. Offering gift cards is a great strategy to grab your 客户 和 get them to revisit your site to redeem those gift cards.


不是软件本身的特性, but nonetheless an important consideration for enterprise clients, 线上购物商务 has 24x7 technical 和 account support available. Selling your 产品 to 客户 is not sustainable until 和 unless you find a way to resolve any problems 和 issues arising from feedback; this support is a great advantage in Magento website development.

As of this writing, this is also true for Magento 1. 但很快, 官方将不再提供这种支持, at which point this will be available for 线上购物2 only.

如果您以后选择的版本不太适合您的需求, 在不同版本之间切换很容易. 我个人曾帮助一些公司从Magento开源转换到线上购物商务, 反之亦然, so there’s no need to worry about getting stuck with the wrong one.


线上购物2和, 特别是, 以企业为中心的线上购物商务, is part of a great explosion of Magento website development. It’s on its way, 和 it will eventually displace Magento 1.

在这种情况下, it’s not just about some mundane march of progress, but because it’s actually a superior product—one that helps Magento developers deliver a better user experience to your 客户 和 administrators alike. 悄无声息的革命已经开始!


  • What's the difference between the two main editions of 线上购物2?

    线上购物商务面向企业客户,并包含额外的可扩展性, 报告, 分析功能以及24x7的支持. 与此形成鲜明对比的是, Magento开源是免费的, 但仍然足够强大,可以满足许多企业的电子商务需求.



Vivek is a Magento certified developer with over 6 years of experience. He focuses on the business needs of clients when creating solutions.


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