安迪·维特, 金融专家 in Boston, MA, United States
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验证专家  in 金融


Boston, MA, United States
Toptal Member Since

安迪 was recognized twice as an All-Star Analyst by the Wall Street Journal. 他曾担任战略家、运营主管、金融家和顶级行业分析师. 作为一个自由职业者, 安迪为一系列公司提供咨询服务,从早期和中型市场到大型公司,提供定制的解决方案,包括有效的投资者演示, dynamic financial models, and project finance structuring.

Career Highlights

Managing Director
Hamilton Clark Sustainable Capital, Inc.
First Gleneden Advisors LLC

教育 Highlights

Bachelor's Degree
Connecticut College



Managing Director

Hamilton Clark Sustainable Capital, Inc.
  • 协助被大型华尔街公司和地区投资银行公司忽视的上市和私营公司.
  • 建立财务模型,为可再生航空燃料设施提供投资意向书.
  • Built a pitch deck, an integrated valuation, 建立一个金融模式,支持一个价值10亿美元的可再生汽油厂的项目融资和绿地建设,该工厂采用了碳捕获技术.
  • 建立评价模型,支持餐厨垃圾有机酸生产设施的融资和绿地建设.
Focus areas: 筹款, Reg S Private Placement, 可再生能源, 可持续性, 清洁能源, 清洁技术, 生物能源, 生物燃料, 风险资本, 能源, 预测, 绿色能源, 收入 & Expense Projections, Corporate Governance, Excel 365


First Gleneden Advisors LLC
  • Advised on a $200 million strategic investment in a startup to construct a $1.70亿美元.S. aluminum rolling mill.
  • 领导尽职调查和整合两项收购,以及正在进行的1亿美元管道维修解决方案行业的私募股权资本重组.
  • Constructed financial models that resulted in a $300 million term sheet to acquire, 改造, and construct renewable diesel facilities.
  • 建立了一个强大的财务模型,从一家全球项目融资投资者那里获得了1.5亿美元的投资意向书,用于开发热电联产项目.
  • Developed investor materials, 包括为建设将废塑料转化为高价值碳纳米管的设施提供资金的财务模型和商业计划.
  • Provided financial analysis for the acquisition of a biodiesel facility.
  • 建立金融模型,支持餐厨垃圾有机酸生产设施的融资和绿地建设.
  • 通过对一家可再生燃料公司进行3600万美元的债务换资产,改善了资产负债表,减少了持续的现金消耗.
  • 完成了一项2500万美元的税收抵免交易,为扩建可再生材料设施提供资金.
  • 为一家收入超过6000万美元的油田服务公司实施财务系统, as well as a $30+ million liquefied natural gas company.
Focus areas: 私人股本, 私人股本 Secondaries, 项目融资, Capital Investment Appraisals, 首席财务官, Transaction Structuring, Transaction Modeling, Financial Modeling, Three-statement Modeling, Equity 估值, Equity Financing, 估值, Debt Capital Markets, Cash Flow 预测, Investor Relations, Investment Memoranda, 商业计划ning, 预算, 融资, Investment Summaries, Investor Presentations, Financial Planning & 分析(FP&A), 金融 Strategy, 风险资本, 能源, 生物燃料, 预测, 绿色能源, Strategic Planning, 收入 & Expense Projections, Corporate Governance, Excel 365

Vice President, 金融

2015 - 2017
  • 利用交互式预测和专有股权结构,为一家私募股权投资者优化了一笔2000万美元的交易.
  • 与弗林特山资源公司的客户建立了良好的关系, 森科能源公司, 和伊藤忠, leading to $10+ million in bridge financings.
  • Improved the standardized financial models to ensure data and analytical consistency, 完整性, and accessibility to streamline investor due diligence.
Focus areas: Capital Structure Analysis, Cash Flow Calculation, Capital Structuring, 金融 Strategy, 私人股本 Secondaries, 私人股本, Equity 估值, 融资, 估值 Modeling, Three-statement Modeling, Equity Financing, Discounted Cash Flow (DCF), Debt Capital Markets, Investor Relations, 首席财务官, Financial Modeling, 项目融资, Investment Summaries, Investor Presentations, 预算, Cash Flow 预测, Growth 融资, 风险资本, 能源, 生物燃料, 预测, 绿色能源, Strategic Planning, Financial Reporting, 收入 & 采购产品费用预测,财务管理,公司治理,Excel 365,报告

Chief Financial Officer

2007 - 2013
  • 最大限度地提高了美国农业部2.32亿美元的贷款担保,以开发一个2500万GPY的商业设施.
  • 出售了一笔4300万美元的税收抵免交易,并提供了额外的资金来建造250,000 GPY demonstration plant and development facility.
  • Achieved a $5 million joint development agreement with Proctor & 赌博推进一个新的可再生化学品生产平台的发展,用于高吸收剂和其他相关产品的投入.
  • 获得美国能源部2500万美元和美国农业部4000万美元赠款,用于开发和建设示范规模的可再生燃料设施和配套原料基础设施.
  • 增加Valero作为第一个生产生物燃料的战略投资者,以满足Valero的RFS可再生燃料义务.
  • 通过澄清战略和证明可行性,从现有投资者那里获得了3000万美元的后续投资.
  • Developed a rental asset strategy that generated revenue of $500,000 per month from demonstration plant operations.
  • 运用精益方法实施会计和业务基础设施,以产生不合格的年度GAAP审计,并通过持续的DCAA审计.
  • 通过引入符合美国证券交易委员会的流程和系统,为IPO做准备,提高了数据的完整性和一致性.
  • 将财务和会计团队从1人增加到10人,以支持潜在的IPO.
Focus areas: Growth 融资, Grant Proposals, Management, Audits, 合并 & 收购(M&A), Three-statement Modeling, Capital Structuring, 金融 Strategy, Capital Structure Analysis, 风险投资, Convertible Debt, 球场上甲板, 商业计划ning, Debt Capital Markets, Investment Memoranda, Investor Relations, Investment Summaries, 首席财务官, Discounted Cash Flow (DCF), 私人股本, Equity 估值, Equity Financing, 筹款, 409年估值, 估值 Modeling, 融资, 预算控制, 预算, Financial Modeling, Financial Planning & 分析(FP&A), Cash Flow 预测, Investor Presentations, 风险资本, 能源, 生物燃料, 预测, 绿色能源, Strategic Planning, Financial Reporting, 收入 & 采购产品费用预测,财务管理,公司治理,Excel 365,报告

Vice President, Strategic Planning and Analysis

2005 - 2007
Evergreen 能源, Inc.
  • 安排了多次公开市场融资,筹集了2.5亿美元,用于建设示范工厂和推进商业项目.
  • 为最多四个加工设施谈判并安排了10亿多美元的项目融资.
  • 将股票价格提高了50%,并向管理层和董事会提出了如何解释和纳入股票交易情报的建议, 反馈, and commentary into the business.
  • 通过广泛的运营和财务分析,提供更一致的运营,并大大减少工厂运营的停机时间.
  • 通过开发和维护用于评估商业机会的交互式财务模型,为收购做出贡献, including the $40+ million purchase of a coal mine.
重点领域:方差分析(ANOVA),估值倍数,估值,项目融资,P&L 预测, 资产负债表, 合并 & 收购(M&A), Discounted Cash Flow (DCF), Financial Overviews, Operational 金融, Three-statement Modeling, Corporate 金融, 商业计划ning, 球场上甲板, Transaction Structuring, Transaction Modeling, 估值 Modeling, Financial Modeling, 预算, Investment Memoranda, Investment Summaries, Debt Capital Markets, 私人股本, Equity 估值, Equity Financing, Growth 融资, Investor Relations, Investor Presentations, Cash Flow 预测, 筹款, Financial Planning & 分析(FP&A), Strategic Planning & Execution, 能源, 预测, Strategic Planning, Financial Reporting, 收入 & Expense Projections, Treasury Management, Corporate Governance, Excel 365

Vice President | 股票研究

1998 - 2005
  • Recognized as an All-Star Equity Analyst by the Wall Street Journal (1998, 2001).
  • 由于被任命为交易联席经理,为保险公司发行了超过7.5亿美元的股票, and delivered trading revenues, consistently finishing in the top third of the department.
  • 通过批判和倡导资产合理化策略,如H&P的5亿美元股权投资组合剥离,并重新部署到其创新的FlexRigs.
Focus areas: Three-statement Modeling, Capital Structuring, 回归分析, 比率分析, Transaction Modeling, 市场研究, Investment Memoranda, Growth 融资, 筹款, Equity Financing, Cash Flow Calculation, Cash Flow 预测, 资产负债表, 数据分析, Convertible Debt, Discounted Cash Flow (DCF), 尽职调查, Debt Capital Markets, Equity 估值, 股票研究, Comparable Company Analysis, 估值 Modeling, 合并 & 收购(M&A), Investment Summaries, Investor Presentations, Capital Investment Appraisals, Capital Structure Analysis, 融资, Investor Relations, Financial Modeling, 石油 & 气体, 能源, 预测, 收入 & Expense Projections, Corporate Governance, Excel 365
1994 - 1996

Master of Business Administration (MBA) Degree in 金融

Columbia Business School - New York, NY, USA

1987 - 1991

Bachelor's Degree in Economics and History

Connecticut College - New London, CT

DECEMBER 2020年至今

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