Jeremy is available for hire
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Jeremy Santy

Verified Expert  in Design


Honolulu, HI, United States
Toptal Member Since
February 1, 2023

Jeremy在领导和推动Dropbox的设计愿景和战略方面经验丰富, Apple, Facebook, Cisco, Five9, PocketSuite, Zillow, Microsoft, and Expedia. 他还通过他的数字产品设计机构与许多初创公司合作,开展“从零到一”的项目, 包括Y Combinator和Founders Fund的投资组合公司, 帮助他们将产品推向市场.


Work Experience

Product Design Lead

2021 - PRESENT
  • 设计和发布移动应用体验,以改善用户登录和激活.
  • 创建和交付改进的共享接收体验,以增加客户激活和每周活跃用户在Dropbox平台上.
  • 开发并发布了其他产品,帮助人们收集和管理基于云的文件和内容.
Technologies: Design Sprints, Design, Figma, Communication Design, User Experience (UX), User Interface (UI), Mobile UI, Product Design, Visual Design, Mobile UX, Interaction Design (IxD), UI Design, UX Testing, User Testing, Miro, Google Design Sprints, Prototyping, Wireframing, Web App Design, User Journeys, UX Research, Dashboard Design, File Sharing, Web App UX, Web App UI, A/B Testing, Visual Concepts, Design Systems, B2B, SaaS Design, SaaS, UX Strategy, User Research, Mobile UX Design, Mobile Prototypes, Mobile UI Design, Websites, Enterprise, Enterprise Design, Enterprise SaaS, iOS App Design, MVP Design, Product Vision, User Flows, Responsive Web Design (RWD), Information Architecture (IA), Responsive UI, UI Templates, Progressive Web Applications (PWA), Pitch Presentations, Microsoft PowerPoint, Presentations, Dashboards, Design Leadership, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning, Mockups, Product Roadmaps, Feature Prioritization, UX Wireframes, Rapid Prototyping, B2B2C, Business to Business to Consumer (B2B2C), Component Libraries, UX Documentation, UI Components, Layout Design, Software as a Service (SaaS), Creative Tech, Technology, Software, Stakeholder Interviews, Heuristic Analysis, Mobile Design, UX Audits, OpenAI, ChatGPT, Chatbot Conversation Design, Gamification, Layout, Interactive UI, iOS Animations, Mobile, App UI, App Design, Consumer Products, Material Design, UI Guidelines, Communication, Stakeholder Management, Stakeholder Engagement, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Journey Mapping, Design Production, UI Prototyping, Discovery Workshops

Product Design Lead (Contract)

2021 - 2022
  • 支持与ML/AI团队从零到一的新产品创意.
  • 为Five9视觉和交互设计库提供设计组件.
  • 帮助ML/AI团队制定新产品计划.
Technologies: Figma, Product Design, Visual Design, Interaction Design (IxD), UI Design, Design, Google Design Sprints, Prototyping, Wireframing, Web App Design, Data Visualization, User Journeys, Dashboard Design, User Experience (UX), User Interface (UI), Web App UX, Web App UI, Visual Concepts, B2B, SaaS Design, SaaS, UX Strategy, Websites, Enterprise, Enterprise Design, Enterprise SaaS, iOS App Design, MVP Design, Product Vision, User Flows, Information Architecture (IA), Responsive UI, UI Templates, Progressive Web Applications (PWA), Pitch Presentations, Microsoft PowerPoint, Presentations, Dashboards, Design Leadership, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning, Mockups, Product Roadmaps, Feature Prioritization, UX Wireframes, Rapid Prototyping, Business to Business to Consumer (B2B2C), B2B2C, Component Libraries, UX Documentation, Style Guides, UI Components, Layout Design, Software as a Service (SaaS), Technology, Software, Stakeholder Interviews, UX Audits, Layout, Interactive UI, App UI, App Design, Communication, Stakeholder Management, Stakeholder Engagement, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Journey Mapping, Design Production, UI Prototyping, Discovery Workshops

Product Designer

2011 - 2022
  • 与Y Combinator、Founders Fund等创业加速器的创业公司合作.
  • 设计的应用程序在苹果商店中被推荐为每日应用程序.
  • Helped startups bring ideas to market, set vision and strategy, and improve venture capital pitch decks.
  • 参与创业公司的早期战略、道路规划和推介工作.
Technologies: Design, Design Systems, Design Sprints, Figma, User Interface (UI), User Experience (UX), Mobile UI, Product Design, Visual Design, Mobile UX, UI Design, User Testing, Web Design, WordPress, Squarespace, Miro, Google Design Sprints, Prototyping, Wireframing, Web App Design, User Journeys, Dashboard Design, Web App UX, Web App UI, Landing Page Design, Mobile First, A/B Testing, Visual Concepts, B2B, SaaS Design, SaaS, UX Strategy, User Research, Mobile UX Design, Mobile Prototypes, Mobile UI Design, Presentation Design, Pitch Decks, Web UX, Websites, Crypto, Wire, Enterprise, Enterprise Design, Enterprise SaaS, iOS App Design, eCommerce, Marketplaces, MVP Design, Product Vision, User Flows, Responsive Web Design (RWD), Information Architecture (IA), Responsive UI, UI Templates, Progressive Web Applications (PWA), Pitch Presentations, Microsoft PowerPoint, Presentations, Dashboards, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning, Mockups, Product Roadmaps, Feature Prioritization, UX Wireframes, Rapid Prototyping, Healthcare IT, Business to Business to Consumer (B2B2C), B2B2C, Construction Management, Print Design, Packaging, Product Packaging, Package Design, Printing, Illustration, Component Libraries, UX Documentation, Style Guides, User Personas, UI Components, Layout Design, Nonprofits, Forum Design, Blogs, Software as a Service (SaaS), Creative Tech, Technology, Software, Stakeholder Interviews, Heuristic Analysis, Mobile Design, Branding, UX Audits, Responsive Web Apps, Sports, Layout, Interactive UI, iOS Animations, Mobile, Social Networks, App UI, App Design, Consumer Products, Material Design, UI Guidelines, Communication, Stakeholder Management, Stakeholder Engagement, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Journey Mapping, Entertainment & 休闲,设计制作,医疗保健,UI原型设计,房地产

Product Design Lead (Freelance)

2020 - 2021
  • 作为苹果机器学习平台的设计负责人,定义了在苹果设备上创建智能体验的最佳实践.
  • 与苹果机器学习团队一起为构建者和开发人员的体验制定新计划.
  • 为设计团队构建用户体验愿景和策略, 与跨职能团队一起实施战略.
  • 随着平台的发展,领导设计框架和设计系统的创建.
Technologies: Sketch, Design Systems, User Experience (UX), User Interface (UI), Product Design, Visual Design, Interaction Design (IxD), UI Design, Design, Miro, Prototyping, Wireframing, Web App Design, User Journeys, Dashboard Design, Web App UX, Web App UI, Landing Page Design, Mobile First, Visual Concepts, B2B, UX Strategy, Presentation Design, Websites, Enterprise, Enterprise Design, Enterprise SaaS, iOS App Design, User Flows, Responsive Web Design (RWD), Information Architecture (IA), Responsive UI, UI Templates, Progressive Web Applications (PWA), Pitch Presentations, Microsoft PowerPoint, Presentations, Dashboards, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning, Mockups, UX Wireframes, Rapid Prototyping, UX Documentation, Style Guides, UI Components, Layout Design, Blogs, Creative Tech, Technology, Software, Stakeholder Interviews, Heuristic Analysis, UX Audits, Responsive Web Apps, Layout, Interactive UI, UI Guidelines, Communication, Stakeholder Management, Stakeholder Engagement, Journey Mapping, Design Production, UI Prototyping

Product Design Lead (Freelance)

2020 - 2021
  • 与新产品团队合作设计, build, 并推出Five9产品套件的新产品.
  • 建立一个设计系统来支持新产品和计划, including a component library, colors, typography, and other assets.
  • 创建旅程图来指导产品策略,进入市场,并支持产品工程.
Technologies: Figma, User Experience (UX), User Interface (UI), Product Design, Visual Design, Interaction Design (IxD), UI Design, Design, Prototyping, Wireframing, Web App Design, User Journeys, Web App UX, Web App UI, Visual Concepts, UX Strategy, Websites, Enterprise, Enterprise Design, Enterprise SaaS, iOS App Design, User Flows, Information Architecture (IA), Progressive Web Applications (PWA), Pitch Presentations, Presentations, Mockups, UX Wireframes, Rapid Prototyping, Business to Business to Consumer (B2B2C), B2B2C, UX Documentation, Style Guides, UI Components, Layout Design, Technology, Software, Interactive UI, App UI, App Design, UI Guidelines, Communication, Journey Mapping, Design Production, UI Prototyping

Product Design Lead (Contract)

2019 - 2021
  • 为我们的团队创建和构建设计框架和标准化的内部流程,以增加合作伙伴的参与度并改善整体设计成果.
  • 与Meta的主要收入影响产品合作, including Ads Manager, 帮助他们提高广告效率和客户价值.
  • 协同努力,在Meta的业务工具中创造更有凝聚力的广告和营销体验.
Technologies: Design, UX Design, Figma, Framer, Mobile UI, Product Design, Visual Design, Mobile UX, Interaction Design (IxD), UI Design, UX Testing, User Testing, Miro, Google Design Sprints, Prototyping, Wireframing, Web App Design, Data Visualization, User Journeys, UX Research, User Experience (UX), User Interface (UI), Web App UX, Web App UI, Mobile First, A/B Testing, Visual Concepts, Design Systems, B2B, SaaS Design, SaaS, UX Strategy, User Research, Mobile UX Design, Mobile Prototypes, Mobile UI Design, Websites, Enterprise, Enterprise Design, Enterprise SaaS, iOS App Design, MVP Design, Product Vision, User Flows, Information Architecture (IA), Responsive UI, Progressive Web Applications (PWA), Pitch Presentations, Presentations, Dashboards, Mockups, Product Roadmaps, UX Wireframes, Rapid Prototyping, B2B2C, Business to Business to Consumer (B2B2C), Component Libraries, UX Documentation, Style Guides, UI Components, Layout Design, Technology, Software, Mobile Design, Interactive UI, iOS Animations, Mobile, Social Networks, App UI, App Design, Consumer Products, UI Guidelines, Communication, Journey Mapping, Design Production, UI Prototyping, Discovery Workshops

Founding Team Member

2015 - 2016
Urbandoor (acquired by Airbnb)
  • 支持Urbandoor从一个想法发展成为一个正式的业务.
  • 帮助引导从预订到退房的体验,包括数字和实体接触点.
  • 与机构公寓业主和企业房源合作.
Technologies: Sketch, Product Design, Visual Design, Interaction Design (IxD), UI Design, Design, Prototyping, Wireframing, Web App Design, User Journeys, UX Research, User Experience (UX), User Interface (UI), Web App UX, Web App UI, Mobile First, Visual Concepts, Infographics, Design Systems, B2B, UX Strategy, Presentation Design, Websites, Marketplaces, MVP Design, Product Vision, User Flows, Responsive UI, Pitch Presentations, Microsoft PowerPoint, Dashboards, Design Leadership, Mockups, UX Wireframes, Rapid Prototyping, User Personas, UI Components, Layout Design, Blogs, Technology, Software, Hospitality, App UI, Material Design, Journey Mapping, Design Production, UI Prototyping, Real Estate, Discovery Workshops

Product Design Lead (Contract)

2011 - 2015
  • 协助领导Webex团队的早期产品决策、战略和设计工作.
  • 作为一个新的零对一产品的第一个产品设计师,成为Webex团队. 领导Webex团队多个领域的产品设计, 包括改进的跨网络通话体验, mobile, and telepresence.
  • 担任首席设计师,并帮助推出了iPad版思科Jabber的第一个版本.
  • Helped lead design systems, create frameworks, evangelism, 并推动思科产品团队的采用.
Technologies: Photoshop CC, Sketch, Mobile UI, Product Design, Visual Design, Mobile UX, Interaction Design (IxD), UI Design, UX Testing, User Testing, Design, Prototyping, Wireframing, Web App Design, User Journeys, UX Research, User Experience (UX), User Interface (UI), Web App UX, Web App UI, Mobile First, Visual Concepts, Design Systems, B2B, SaaS Design, SaaS, UX Strategy, Mobile UX Design, Mobile Prototypes, Mobile UI Design, Presentation Design, Websites, Enterprise, Enterprise Design, Enterprise SaaS, iOS App Design, MVP Design, Product Vision, User Flows, Responsive Web Design (RWD), Information Architecture (IA), Responsive UI, Progressive Web Applications (PWA), Pitch Presentations, Microsoft PowerPoint, Presentations, Dashboards, Mockups, UX Wireframes, Rapid Prototyping, B2B2C, Business to Business to Consumer (B2B2C), User Personas, UI Components, Layout Design, Software as a Service (SaaS), Technology, Software, Mobile Design, Adobe Photoshop, Gamification, iOS Animations, Mobile, App UI, Design Production, UI Prototyping

Senior Product Designer

2010 - 2011
Level Studios
  • 与苹果公司的营销和传播部门合作推出产品设计.
  • 为苹果的生产力软件开发产品设计.
  • 设计了圣路易斯奥比斯波市官方网站和Research in Motion公司网站.
Technologies: Photoshop CC, Product Design, Visual Design, Interaction Design (IxD), UI Design, Design, Adobe CC, Graphic Design, Web Design, Wireframing, User Journeys, Web App UX, Web App UI, Landing Page Design, Visual Concepts, Infographics, SaaS Design, SaaS, Websites, Enterprise, Enterprise Design, Enterprise SaaS, iOS App Design, User Flows, Information Architecture (IA), Responsive UI, UX Wireframes, Layout Design, Technology, Software, Adobe Photoshop, Consumer Products, Design Production

Product Designer

2008 - 2010
  • 在Office实验室团队中创建并发布新产品.
  • 担任Microsoft Office Canvas的首席产品设计师,为未来的产品计划塑造思维, like Surface Hub (Microsoft meeting wall).
  • 在生产力科学博览会上获得“最佳商业价值”奖, 由微软商业部门小组于2009年11月发布, associated with Microsoft Unlimited Potential.
  • 已注册专利US US20120150863 A1,于2012年6月14日发布,用于会议背景的书签.
  • Registered a patent US 20120143948, filed December 1, 2010, 基于数据类型的社交网络提要可扩展性.
Technologies: Adobe CC, Product Design, Visual Design, Interaction Design (IxD), UI Design, UX Testing, User Testing, Design, Graphic Design, Prototyping, Wireframing, Web App Design, User Journeys, User Experience (UX), User Interface (UI), Web App UX, Web App UI, Visual Concepts, SaaS Design, SaaS, Enterprise, Enterprise Design, Enterprise SaaS, MVP Design, User Flows, Information Architecture (IA), Pitch Presentations, Presentations, Mockups, UX Wireframes, Software as a Service (SaaS), Technology, Software, Adobe Photoshop, UI Prototyping
2001 - 2005


University of Washington - Seattle, WA, USA

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