authors are vetted experts in their fields and write on topics in which they have demonstrated experience. 我们所有的内容都经过同行评审,并由同一领域的Toptal专家验证.
Jayant Nathani
验证专家 在工程

Jayant是Salesforce认证的应用程序架构师和平台开发人员, 并参与了多个领域的项目.



Salesforce is recognized as the world’s #1 CRM platform 有了各种各样的产品,你就有能力把你的商业想法付诸行动. 销售云驱动和提高销售效率, 服务云帮助您的服务代表提供卓越的客户体验, 营销云运行有效的活动, 社区云与您的客户和合作伙伴互动. You even have the recently introduced Einstein Cloud which powers all of the above apps via artificial intelligence. And all these solutions are available as cloud-based platforms so you can not only use them as software but also customize them per your own business needs.

在本文中, we’ll tell you how to apply Salesforce to your business processes and different users for a more efficient business. Salesforce可以是您业务所需的自动化,也可以是加强安全性的守卫. It can also be the platform that brings together all aspects of your business under one roof so that you can play 360 from the same 云解决方案—a solution that also powers millions of other users around the world.

T在这里 are two major ways to implement your business in Salesforce—declarative customizations and custom programming. 我们将在下面看看这两者.


Salesforce提供了许多销售服务, 服务, 市场营销, 而互动功能则是开箱即用的. 换句话说, these declarative features are available without needing to write a single line of code and are usually set up by your organization’s Salesforce admins or other relevant sales/服务/Marketing consultants. 下面列出了一些最常见的声明性特性:

  • 验证规则 允许您在插入/更新之前验证数据.g.例如,在创建潜在客户之前填充电子邮件.
  • 工作流规则 使您能够在满足某些条件时执行操作/值更新,例如.g.,在创建新的潜在客户时为销售代表创建任务.
  • 安全与共享 让您能够指定谁可以看到什么,为每个人建立访问权限.g.,允许经理查看下属的工作和记录.
  • 机遇及相关特征 包括机会分割和收入预测, 有助于销售云实现的特性. 机会分割允许您在多个用户之间分割交易的贡献, 预测可以让你预测这个季度即将到来的收入.
  • 案例及相关特征 促进服务云实现,包括案例团队和案例队列. 案例团队让一组服务代表一起处理一个案例. 案例队列允许您将一个案例分配给许多用户,最终分配给空闲的用户.
  • 活动及相关功能 包括大众营销电子邮件,并有助于营销云的实施.


Salesforce是在API级别构建的. This means that all the out-of-the-box features it provides can be extended and/or updated in ways that are unique to your business. 为此,我们通常需要 Salesforce开发者 谁能写代码 顶点视觉力量和闪电. 以下是Salesforce自定义编程提供的主要功能:

  • 顶点编码 is used to drive logic in Visualforce页面 and 闪电组件 as well as for integrations with external systems for the purpose of data syncing.
  • Visualforce页面 使您能够创建VF页面来设计自定义表单,呈现PDF文档等. 它们构建在服务器端架构上.
  • 闪电组件 允许您使用闪电为各种UI元素提供响应式移动优先设计, 比如表单和表格. 它们建立在客户端架构上,比Visualforce页面更快.


在这里, we talk about some specific implementation projects known to me so you can understand the use cases of Salesforce, 在这之后, we will discuss the strategy to transform a big business process into specific requirements and tasks which can then be built on Salesforce.

CF贷款实现: 我们为CF设计了一个完整的贷款管理系统. 在最初阶段, 我们通过两轮车贷款为他们的每个业务创建了各种贷款形式, 房地产贷款, 二手车贷款, 耐用消费贷款, 等. 这些表格可以由分支机构的人员在Salesforce平台上在线填写. 一旦贷款申请完成, 客户详细信息通过集成发送给Posidex 服务s, 哪个计算客户的CIBIL分数. 如果CIBIL分数好, 客户的电话号码和地址经过了验证机构的验证. This involved creating verification forms on tablets so the verifiers can go to their address and resolve any misinformation. 一旦贷款申请得到验证,贷款就可以发放了. 我们使用声明性方法构建数据库和安全性, 表单被设计成Visualforce页面, 和集成API调用都是用顶点编写的.

IMS 营销云设置: 我们设计了一个营销方案 云解决方案 用于IMS. The solution was able to create 1-1 customer journeys for the promotion of their pharmaceutical products. We were able to design highly graphical email designs as promotion templates all through drag and drop interface of the email studio. 这些电子邮件可能包含动态值,如用户的姓名/照片. 我们可以设置收件人过滤器,例如只向居住在加州的人发送这些电子邮件. 然后, we could program when to send reminder emails/SMS messages if the customer did not open the email within a specified timeframe. 我们还可以跟踪有多少客户打开了他们的电子邮件并点击了链接, 所有这些都不需要编写任何代码.

Davita的活动和调查应用程序: 在这里 we used Salesforce so Davita can manage their event registrations for all the events they do year-wide in Salesforce. We also designed a survey solution so they can track the customer feedback of patients visiting their clinics. 事件注册具有各种功能,例如条形码注册, 登记页面, 以及根据邮政编码查找事件的能力. 当用户填写注册表单时, 要么在达维塔的网站上,要么打电话给代办他们填写表格的代表, 注册者被记录在Salesforce中,并通过电子邮件发送注册ID号和条形码, 然后,注册者可以使用哪个进行登记. 在调查应用中, Davita 市场营销 managers could build complex surveys with features such as determining who is eligible for a survey based on age/gender/等., 驱动自动操作,比如当用户给出负面反馈时创建一个案例, 以及在Salesforce内部以多种语言呈现调查的能力. 事件和调查应用都是使用闪电组件创建的.


Salesforce本质上是帮助您将业务转移到云平台上. 这样做的时候, 它可以帮助你达到甚至超过你的销售业绩, 服务, 市场营销, 参与目标. You will most likely have a large number of tasks or processes that you want to be enabled in Salesforce. The way to properly manage this is to divide each functionality or task into various small units of work called “user stories.你可以把这些故事分配给你的管理员/开发人员, 然后看着你的业务在Salesforce中迅速活跃起来. This entire system of management via individual units of work follows the same paradigm as set forth by 敏捷方法-构建Salesforce应用程序的推荐方法.

但是哪些业务流程可以转移到Salesforce? 在这里 we’ll take you through Salesforce’s key products and how they can be put them to work for your business.


作为销售经理,你可以使用 销售云 查看和报告您的销售代表一直在努力工作的交易. 这包括了解每笔交易的现状和进展.

作为一个组织,您可以跟踪正在进行的交易,并将它们推进到不同的阶段. 例如,你的 销售过程 可能包括请求、提案、确认、合同和已结束的赢或已结束的输.

作为业务预测经理, you can predict the probability of a deal closing and thus calculate estimated revenue for the next quarter by using Salesforce Forecast Management.


作为客户服务单位, 云服务 allows you to assign customer ad hoc requests based on the type of request being made and to which department it belongs. 例如, 硬件请求将分配给硬件团队, 对软件团队的软件请求, 等.

作为活的代理人, you can chat with customers right on your website and resolve or transfer a customer’s request immediately.

作为服务代理经理, 你可以加快在一定时间内未处理的案件, 由客户的SLA定义.


作为一个市场经理,你可以使用 营销云 to launch new campaigns for specific products as well as add leads or contacts as members of the campaign. 您还可以向所有相关的活动成员发送促销电子邮件并跟踪他们的电子邮件活动. You can even design a custom screen to capture feedback of participants who attended an event at your location.


作为客户, 社区云 enables you to log in to the customer portal of a shoe company to find out about new product launches and interact with other buyers. 你也可以提交和分享对其产品的评论.

作为鞋业公司的合伙人, you can log in to the partner portal and create or close deals via the main business’ common product inventory.

作为销售经理, you can see reports and performance dashboards of your partners in various areas in order to drive revenues.

作为客户社区经理, 你可以建立一个声誉系统来奖励社区的领导者和积极贡献者.


所以,是的,您可以开始将Salesforce应用到您的业务流程中. 考虑到Salesforce提供的各种功能, 大多数业务流程可以在Salesforce平台上相当快地驱动. 在这篇文章中, we discussed the ways in which Salesforce can act as a medium for implementing your business processes. 我们讨论了一些现实生活中的Salesforce实现和用户故事的概念. 我们通过Sales详细阐述了所有Salesforce产品的几个示例用户故事, 服务, 市场营销, 和社区云.

欲了解更多产品,请访问 Salesforce的产品. Salesforce provides a vivid interactive learning platform to learn the features as well as the implementation of all of its products, 而且这也是免费的. 它被称为Trailhead,你可以去参观 在这里,

我还在介绍中谈到了Salesforce Einstein, 这是一个功能齐全的人工智能服务,你可以从中了解更多 Salesforce Einstein AI: API教程.


  • 如何使用Salesforce平台?

    您可以使用Salesforce平台来提高销售效率, 改善服务代表和客户之间的协作, 并推动Salesforce的营销活动.

  • 什么是Salesforce中的声明式开发与自定义开发?

    在Salesforce中,你甚至不用写一行代码就可以做很多事情. 这被称为声明式发展. 对于复杂的场景, 您可以通过编写顶点代码(一种类似java的语言)来扩展该平台. 这被称为定制开发.

  • 在哪些情况下可以使用Salesforce?

    您可以在贷款管理系统中使用Salesforce, 在医院管理系统中, 作为呼叫中心的工具, 作为营销工具, 作为客户/员工参与中心, 举几个例子.

  • 什么是销售云?

    销售云是Salesforce的一款产品,可以帮助提高销售效率. 它有助于转化你的线索,并通过销售渠道移动机会.

  • 什么是服务云?

    服务云是Salesforce的一个产品,它改善了服务代表与客户打交道的方式. 它包含一个服务控制台,服务代表可以通过该控制台以无缝的方式处理许多请求. 它也有一个实时代理,允许实时聊天与客户的问题.

  • 什么是营销云?

    营销云 is a Salesforce product which allows building one to one customer journeys for 市场营销 campaigns. 它可以跟踪客户点击/打开,并在此基础上驱动决策.

Jayant Nathani

Jayant Nathani

验证专家 在工程




Jayant是Salesforce认证的应用程序架构师和平台开发人员, 并参与了多个领域的项目.

authors are vetted experts in their fields and write on topics in which they have demonstrated experience. 我们所有的内容都经过同行评审,并由同一领域的Toptal专家验证.




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