Sergej Kurbanov,捷克共和国布拉格的开发者
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Sergej Kurbanov

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Full-stack Developer

Prague, Czech Republic
Toptal Member Since
December 9, 2019

Sergej is a full-stack developer with over seven years of experience building scalable, 功能丰富的应用程序, workflow automation, and AI integrations. From coaching 200+ female students in becoming junior React developers over the last four years to building his own AI-driven SaaS product, Sergej's engaging approach and dedication to staying ahead of the curve make him an invaluable asset to any project or team.


Freelance Client
JavaScript, Node.js, Prismic, Google Apps Script, Google API, Slack API...
React, CSS, HTML, JavaScript,团队领导,软件架构...
Purple Technology
JavaScript, TypeScript, Node.. js、React、AWS、AWS Lambda...




Preferred Environment


The most amazing...

...project I've led was implementing an AI-powered influencer marketing search system, 在Product Hunt的每日排名中排名第二.

Work Experience


2020 - PRESENT
Freelance Client
  • Developed a user-friendly flow enabling natural language interactions with uploaded PDFs for queries and discussions, 整合Pinecone的矢量数据库, OpenAI embeddings, 和LangChain集成到React应用程序中.
  • 通过简化谷歌服务流程来简化公司的工作流程, 将几个变成更实用和易于使用的解决方案, tools, and integrations.
  • 将商业理念转化为技术解决方案. 创建提高生产力的产品和功能, 提出了新的可能性, 减少手工流程.
  • 开发了一个Slack聊天机器人,集成了谷歌的Dialogflow平台, which resulted in a bot that smoothly leads users through conversations while collecting relevant data points.
  • Built an image processing tool that merges input images with diverse backgrounds, 与利益相关者一起生成快速设计原型的Google幻灯片.
  • 为媒体下载开发了一个交互式Slack工作流, processing hundreds of daily video/audio files with edits and tags for efficient storage.
技术:JavaScript, Node.js, Prismic, Google Apps Script, Google API, Slack API, Slackbot, Vue, Dialogflow, ImageMagick, FFmpeg, Backblaze B2, Iconic, Google APIs, Vector Databases, OpenAI GPT-3 API, LangChain, D3.js, Plotly.js, Dashboards, Data Visualization, Full-stack, GraphQL, Back-end, Automation, 内容管理系统(CMS), JSON, Front-end Architecture, Front-end Design, WCAG 2, Video Transcoding

Front-end Lecturer

2020 - PRESENT
  • 在七个为期三个月的前端新兵训练营授课, teaching and coaching 200+ women to become junior React developers from scratch.
  • Prepared tens of hours of materials and exercises related to front-end technologies, 主要用于JavaScript和React.
  • 指导了多个最终项目, advising on architecture, design, clean code, and technology choices.
Technologies: React, CSS, HTML, JavaScript,团队领导,软件架构, Architecture, JSON, Functional Programming, Front-end Architecture, Front-end Design, WCAG 2


2023 - 2024
Purple Technology
  • Designed and built a retrieval augmented generation (RAG) pipeline with LangChain, trained on 2,000+ company documents, 并集成到Slack常见问题解答机器人中,用于即时查询回复.
  • Developed comprehensive back-end solutions for a fintech trading application using AWS technologies (Lambda, SNS, SQS, DynamoDB, and Cognito).
  • 利用无服务器技术实现战略, time-sensitive promotional campaign that significantly increased user engagement and trading activity by over 40%.
  • 实现了一个自定义Amazon Cognito管理访问流, reducing the support team's time for investigating customer-reported UI bugs by 80%.
技术:JavaScript, TypeScript, Node.. js、React、AWS、AWS Lambda, Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon Cognito, Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS), Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS), MongoDB, LangChain, Qdrant, Vector Databases, Slack API, Jest, Testing, Front-end, Cypress, AWS DevOps, DevOps, 基础设施即代码(IaC), Lambda Functions, Lambda Architecture, Serverless, Serverless Architecture, Front-end Architecture, Front-end Design, Playwright, WCAG 2, AI Programming, AI Design, OpenAI GPT-3 API, OpenAI GPT-4 API, AI Integration, AWS云开发工具包(CDK), CI/CD Pipelines, AWS SDK, AWS Step Functions

AI Developer

2023 - 2023
  • Architected and developed AI integration with OpenAI APIs for influencer marketing search, analysis, and grouping, 将外联经理的人工搜索时间减少了95%.
  • 领导三人开发团队,进行代码审查和结对编程. Guiding them in best practices and creating an environment to consistently deliver timely, bug-free features.
  • 在Supabase中执行数据库迁移, 优化影响者表结构和关系,并删除重复项. This increased overall application performance and allowed the collection of precious analytic data.
  • 开发Jest和Cypress E2E测试,重点关注快乐路径, 显著减少和防止bug.
技术:React, Supabase, PostgreSQL, OpenAI, OpenAI GPT-3 API, Node.js, Cypress, Jest, Testing, Front-end, AI Programming, AI Design, 大型语言模型(llm), Language Models, 生成预训练变压器(GPT), 生成预训练变压器3 (GPT-3), User Interface (UI), User Experience (UX), Software Development, SQL, Front-end Architecture, Front-end Design, Playwright, WCAG 2, OpenAI GPT-4 API, AI Integration

Full-stack Developer

2023 - 2023
Personal Project
  • Designed and integrated a serverless technology stack using Supabase and Vercel, ensuring performance, reliability, 以及无缝用户体验的安全性.
  • 通过用户测试完善ai驱动的应用, leveraging GPT technology to tailor recipes to user preferences and dietary needs, 提升整体用户体验.
  • 利用可访问性最佳实践设计应用程序的UI/UX. Developed an intuitive and visually appealing design to enhance user experience and ease of use.
  • Developed and executed successful SEO and analytics strategies to enhance the app's visibility and drive traffic. Regularly analyzed page insights and user behavior data to fine-tune marketing efforts.
Technologies: Next.js, Supabase, OpenAI, React, Tailwind CSS, TypeScript, Stripe, OpenAI GPT-3 API, Architecture, OpenAI GPT-4 API, Software Architecture, ChatGPT, Python, 人工智能(AI), Pinecone, GPT, PostgreSQL, 生成预训练变压器(GPT), APIs, Cloudflare, Prisma, Back-end, JSON, SQL, Front-end Architecture, Front-end Design, Strapi, AI Design, AI Programming, AI Integration, Stripe API, CI/CD Pipelines


2018 - 2020
DEVIX Technologies s.r.o
  • Developed a CMS for concurrent uploading and managing video files such as movies or TV show episodes and daily saving hours of users' time.
  • 为在线商店实现并集成了自定义操作跟踪工具, 允许公司收集和分析用户活动.
  • Built an extensive, component-based mailing application similar to Mailchimp for marketing messages with live preview and staging.
  • Redesigned and rewrote a price and product comparing platform utilizing SSR and custom drag-and-drop Vue components. 数以万计的用户使用该网站.
  • Created a CMS for managing the company's invoices and employees using React and GraphQL.
技术:NPM, jQuery, Quasar, Vuex, MongoDB, Express.js, CSS, Git, Scrum, Agile, Node.js, JavaScript, SCSS, HTML5, Vue, Trello, Firebase, Material UI, 单页应用(SPA), REST, RESTful Services, Back-end, Webpack, Confluence, JSON, Mongoose, REST APIs, Storybook, Front-end Architecture, Front-end Design, WCAG 2, CI/CD Pipelines


2016 - 2018
  • 在react连接日历中创建了一个自定义的响应式拖放工具, note, 和约会功能和节省用户使用多个应用程序.
  • Implemented a car location tracking system that calculates potential banner revenue based on impressions for a React Native application.
  • 管理和培训两名前端实习生团队.
  • 开发无人机的精确空域跟踪, 处理它们的属性,比如高度, atmospheric pressure, 或为web应用程序倾斜.
  • Created a secure flight scheduling application for pilots with a custom calendar component.
技术:NPM, React Router, CSS, Git, React Native, MongoDB, Express.js, Node.js, jQuery, JavaScript, SCSS, HTML5, Redux, React, Front-end Development, Full-stack Development, Microservices, Shopify, Toolkits, REST, RESTful Services, Back-end, Webpack, JSON, Mongoose, REST APIs, Front-end Architecture, Front-end Design

Recipe Smarter
An AI-powered app for generating personalized recipes and meal plans to fit users' dietary needs and preferences. I was the solo developer, bringing the app from conception to launch with all the bells and whistles.


允许过滤的完整内容管理系统(CMS), sorting, and organizing marketing messages for easy management and analysis that successfully reduced emailing costs by over 90%.

Developed a component-based marketing email application that utilized Vue and Quasar for easy customization and scalability, 与由PO组成的团队紧密合作, designer, two back-end developers, and QAs.

Integrated the mailing application into the company's existing system and database, 确保系统不同组件之间的无缝通信.


在Vue中重写和重新设计了一个项目, improving the website's responsiveness and speed by over 50% and increasing mobile usage by over 100%.

使用prism集成和管理网站的后端, a headless CMS, 以实现轻松的内容管理和更新.

Developed custom responsive components to ensure the optimal layout and scalability of the website on different devices and screen sizes. 优化页面速度和SEO, which resulted in improved search engine rankings and increased traffic to the website.

Integrated several third-party APIs (such as HiBob) and implemented Gmail authentication to enhance the website's functionality and user experience.

Q&A和视频摄取Slack Bot

Developed and deployed a custom Slack bot that utilizes Google's Dialogflow to provide users with a Q&具有基于通道和表单的媒体处理能力.

Utilized media downloading libraries and FFmpeg to programmatically download videos and apply user-defined edits and parameters, 从而使创意团队的生产力提高了10倍以上.

Integrated with Iconik, 基于云的内容管理系统, to seamlessly upload processed media and eliminate the need for manual asset management.


HTML, JavaScript, HTML5, CSS, SCSS, ES8, TypeScript, SQL, GraphQL, Google Apps Script, ECMAScript (ES6), Python


Express.js, Redux, Next.js, Tailwind CSS, Jest, Cypress, Material UI, Quasar, React Native, JSON Web Tokens (JWT)


React, Vue, Node.js, Redux-Saga, React Router, Vuex, jQuery, REST APIs, Slack API, Google API, Google APIs, Stripe, Plotly.js, D3.. js、剧作家、Stripe API、ImageMagick、FFmpeg


NPM, Slack, Git, Trello, Dialogflow, Create React App, Redux Thunk, Mongoose, Prisma, AWS云开发工具包(CDK), AWS SDK, AWS Step Functions, Jira, Confluence, Webpack, GitLab, Amazon Cognito, Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS), Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS)


REST, Testing, Scrum, Agile, Functional Programming, Automation, Microservices, Lambda Architecture, Serverless Architecture, DevOps


Netlify, MacOS, Firebase, AWS Lambda, 亚马逊网络服务(AWS), Docker, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Shopify


MongoDB, JSON, PostgreSQL, Backblaze B2, Amazon DynamoDB


Software Development, GPT, OpenAI GPT-3 API, OpenAI GPT-4 API, Architecture, Software Architecture, Full-stack Development, Front-end Development, 单页应用(SPA), Data Visualization, Full-stack, Back-end, RESTful Services, Front-end, Front-end Architecture, Front-end Design, WCAG 2, Gatsby, Communication, APIs, Styled-components, Supabase, OpenAI, 生成预训练变压器(GPT), LangChain, ChatGPT, Team Leadership, Dashboards, Serverless, Lambda Functions, 基础设施即代码(IaC), 生成预训练变压器3 (GPT-3), AI Design, Language Models, 大型语言模型(llm), AI Programming, AWS DevOps, Storybook, Strapi, AI Integration, CI/CD Pipelines, 内容管理系统(CMS), User Experience (UX), User Interface (UI), Prismic, Slackbot, Iconic, Computer Science, Information Science, Image Processing, Vector Databases, Pinecone, 人工智能(AI), Cloudflare, Toolkits, Qdrant, Video Transcoding

2015 - 2019




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