Brad Ahrens,葡萄牙里斯本的开发者
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Brad Ahrens

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Web Developer

Lisbon, Portugal
Toptal Member Since
September 9, 2019

Brad is a senior web developer who’s managed small teams of developers and about 160 different websites. 他是PHP技术(如Laravel)方面的专家, 以及前端web技术的最佳实践. In his downtime, Brad enjoys developing automated apps in Python and sites in Laravel and React.


为什么是Bravo Pty Ltd T/A Outbound
Laravel、Laravel Spark、Vue、Laravel Nova、Amazon EC2、Amazon S3 (AWS S3)...
Riess Group
Laravel,亚马逊网络服务(AWS), Vapor, Angular, React, Vue, JavaScript... Group
CSS, HTML, Bootstrap 3, Bootstrap, Vue, Laravel, 亚马逊网络服务(AWS)...





亚马逊网络服务(AWS), Tailwind CSS, Vue, Laravel, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), MacOS, React, Next.js

The most amazing...

...project that I've worked on has generated the company over 1 million euros.

Work Experience


2021 - 2023
为什么是Bravo Pty Ltd T/A Outbound
  • Went through security analysis and implemented security measures such as removing insecurities in Vue components, 消除跨站点脚本(XSS)漏洞, 改进内容安全策略头, and much more.
  • Led a team of one junior developer and a designer and worked with a project manager using Scrum methodology on ClickUp.
  • 与HubSpot, Pipedrive, Salesforce和Zapier集成.
  • 管理一个拥有150多个客户和1500名用户的游戏化平台.
技术:Laravel、Laravel Spark、Vue、Laravel Nova、Amazon EC2、Amazon S3 (AWS S3), Amazon RDS, Web Development

Laravel Developer

2021 - 2021
Riess Group
  • 使用Laravel的Vapor (AWS无服务器)创建项目扫描, activate, void, 检查一下礼品卡的余额.
  • 连接自定义礼品卡控制器的Shopify商店.
  • 集成了一系列客户端Auth0无密码登录.
技术:Laravel,亚马逊网络服务(AWS), Vapor, Angular, React, Vue, JavaScript, Web Development

Web Developer

2020 - 2021 Group
  • 实现了Redis缓存,页面加载速度提高了90%.
  • 应用控制台命令在新项目中更快地实现新功能.
  • 开始编写最佳实践并与同事分享.
  • Introduced test suites to help us test and prevent errors from our custom CRM built on Laravel Nova.
Technologies: CSS, HTML, Bootstrap 3, Bootstrap, Vue, Laravel, 亚马逊网络服务(AWS), JavaScript, SEO Tools, Web性能优化(WPO), Web Development


2019 - 2020
  • 创建了基于larvel的内部工具, 哪个主要关注验证, 构建自定义规则, 和国际化.
  • 构建api,允许发布者将数据直接注入我们的数据库.
  • 开发公司网站 in WordPress.
  • 管理一个小的开发团队并监督代码审查.
  • Created an automation tool using Python to help salespeople generate more leads.
Technologies: Python, Laravel, Vue, JavaScript, jQuery, Sass, CSS, HTML, Web Development

Web Developer

2018 - 2019
  • 为国际客户创建了数十个营销网站.
  • Updated boilerplate code to align ourselves with the changing regulation enforced by GDPR.
  • Contributed to projects using a custom PHP boilerplate with HTML, CSS, jQuery, and Sass.
  • Improved the team workflow by providing teammates with tools and shortcuts such as Sublime snippets.
  • 连接多个crm和api,如Salesforce, Pipedrive, and Mailchimp, 以及其他REST和SOAP api.
技术:SQL, jQuery, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, Web开发

Vybera is a non-custodial crypto wallet for currencies, NFTs, and other collectibles. 我在Next为公司建了网站.使用MUI组件, 将联系表单与AWS Lambda集成, SES, and an API gateway, 并通过AWS Amplify托管了该项目.

Albergo di Ieri
Built a website for a local bed and breakfast in Serravalle di Chienti, Macherata, Italy.

Next.. js、AWS Amplify、AWS API Gateway、AWS Lambda和Tailwind CSS.

我用Sketch设计了这个网站,用Vue构建了它, Tailwind CSS, and a serverless architecture on AWS S3 with AWS Lambda functions on the back end. The site shows my projects and my YouTube channel hosting programming tutorials.

Student Housing

I built this website to make it easier for people to find student housing within Portugal. 它是用Laravel和PHP构建的后端, 前端的VueJS, servers on AWS, Google Maps API, and Python.

Kwanko |企业网站
I developed using WordPress. 我从头开始构建我的主题,以及一些插件.

We needed the flexibility of WordPress so that the marketing team could adjust content without the need for a developer. I also created shortcodes for them to use so they didn't need to write any code.

Kwanko — 360
I developed a multilingual site used for marketing purposes with Laravel i18n and validation.

Egor Jobs

I developed this website for a client who was looking for potential candidates to hire. We used several questions to screen out candidates and passed the data to the client.

该网站是在Laravel建立的,其理念是拥有多个, yet similar pages done by using blade templating as well as using the internationalization feature for different language positions.


我建立这个登陆页面是为了帮助CrediViável获得头发移植客户. The landing page asks the user a series of questions and then they are requested to fill out a form. We then submit this information per lead as well as send the client a daily summary. 基本上,我把这个从Adobe XD设计转化成一个网站.

Kwanko Referrals

I made a multilingual site that helped us attract more publishers to the Kwanko network. I built this in Laravel to take advantage of its internationalization and validation aspects.

在前端,我们在Bootstrap 4中构建站点. 我还开发了一个内部使用的后台办公室. (不幸的是,我不能分享这个,因为它是私人信息.)它还显示了每个线索的数据以及摘要.

I also created the emails that are sent out to the user with pixels inside of them. So, I can track the open rate for the emails as well as which links were clicked. In these links, 我正在传递信息到下一个站点, 不仅是utm,还有实体号, 哪些对转诊系统至关重要.

WebHelp Jobs

I built this landing page for a client looking to hire multilingual customer service workers. 它是一种多阶梯形式和多语言. 它也符合GDPR.

Orange Poland

我很快与客户建立了这个非常小的登陆页面. They needed the design to be done quickly and sent me their proprietary JavaScript code to be able to directly inject the leads from the site to their database without passing by us first. 这是我如何调整代码以满足客户需求的一个示例.

API Integrations

I have integrated sites with several APIs using various technologies like SOAP, Curl, XML, and WSSE to create CSV files and PDFs as handling click-to-call integrations. I'm also familiar with creating cron jobs to send data at a later date or in a format more suitable to the client.

• Salesforce
• Mailchimp
• Pipedrive
• E-Goi
• Shopify
• Libax
• SugarCRM
• Showroom Prive
• Teleperformance
• Crédito Digital
• Wisecom
• Pluricall
• Klaviyo
• Heartland
• Sentry
• Papertrail
• AWS (S3, SES)


我为Interhome建立了这个小型网站,它类似于法国的Airbnb. It was holding a competition on Instagram and needed a site that was able to host a vote. We fulfilled all the client's needs and drove in traffic and passed along the data to the client.

Engie MyPower

This project involved a landing page with a form that sends relevant data to the client. 后端更有趣一些. 我每天创建一个CSV文件,然后使用FTP, I inserted it into the client's server so that they have the leads directly.

Toptal React Academy

The Toptal React Academy is an exclusive learning program that teaches the React framework to select members of the Toptal network. 经过一个月的学习, all graduates are tasked with completing a 30-40 hour final project to build and deliver a React app from scratch.


HTML, CSS, CSS3, HTML5, Sass, JavaScript, PHP 7, PHP 5, SQL, Python, Curl Language, XML


jQuery, Google Maps API, Vue, Facebook API, Mailchimp API, Salesforce API, React, AWS Amplify


Responsive Web Design (RWD), Web性能优化(WPO), UI Design, UX Design, Management


AWS Elastic Beanstalk, WordPress, MacOS, AWS Lambda, 亚马逊网络服务(AWS), Shopify, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Amazon EC2


Web Development, Front-end, User Interface (UI), Landing Pages, SEO Tools, SOAP, CSV, PDF, Amazon API Gateway, Laravel Nova, Amazon RDS, Business


Laravel, Tailwind CSS, Bootstrap, Bootstrap 3, Laravel Livewire, Vapor, Angular, Next.js,材质UI, Laravel Spark


Gulp, Webpack, Sketch 4, Sentry, Papertrail


Microsoft SQL Server, Amazon S3 (AWS S3)

Industry Expertise


2013 - 2014



2004 - 2008





Toptal, LLC

2020年2月- 2023年2月


Amazon Web Services



Team Treehouse



Team Treehouse



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