Basak Akcam Trotter, 产品经理 in 阿拉伯联合酋长国迪拜
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Basak Akcam Trotter

验证专家  in 产品管理



Basak是一名以客户为中心的产品经理和产品管理总监,拥有16年的经验. She led large-scale transformation projects in various sectors, 包括电信, 金融, 零售, 政府, and real estate in regions like Turkey, 中东, 南非, 和美国. 在设计和实施高效的数字解决方案方面有着出色的成功记录, Basak is passionate about data and analytics-driven methodologies.


Increased NPS from -17 to +35 and decreased detractors from 43% to 15%. Sales numbers increased by 31% and 85% in Q3 and Q4, 分别, compared to the same period of the previous year.




  • 与国家足球联盟合作,设计和实施措施,吸引更多球迷进入体育场,扩大阿联酋的足球社区, increasing visitor engagement and spending.
  • 通过定量和定性分析来了解球迷的行为,并建立细分模型来定义每个细分市场所需的干预类型.
  • 在节电等领域为政府实施行为数据科学工具和用例, 环境, 健康和生活方式, 和更多的.


2018 - 2020
  • 通过收集来自大约30个实体的数据,为政府客户设计kpi,并共同创建和实现仪表板. 实施重点行业kpi, employing more advanced models using machine learning algorithms.
  • 领导数字化转型蓝图项目,提升数字化产品的使用率,增加数字化护理和销售. I implemented ML models using big data to build the foundations of the strategy works.
  • 通过评估当前的公司结构,为一家领先的电信客户设计了一个健壮的企业数据策略和一个分析CoE解决方案, running detailed capabilities assessment work, and coordinating results with key SVP-level stakeholders.


2017 - 2018
  • Developed customer journey maps and a multi-channel transformational program. 定义了许多数字化转型计划,以改善客户体验和底线收入.
  • 实现客户的心声, a red alert/close loop feedback system across the touchpoints and key customer journeys. 设计结果报告, identified key actions for improvement points, and orchestrated with different stakeholders.
  • 确定当前和未来的数据需求,并创建一个整体的数据战略,以支持项目的举措. 领导主数据管理(MDM)实现、数据分析和洞察开发工作流程.


2013 - 2016
  • 通过实施人员配置系统来监控可变性并简化人才获取工作,从而提高了盈利能力.
  • Revamped consultants' career and competency architecture. Implemented a new reward and recognition system based on the new architecture.
  • Moved entire 金融, HR, and operations functions to a new enterprise system. 管理后台办公功能和服务提供商的业务需求和定制工作.


2002 - 2010
  • 管理数据战略和客户洞察团队,开发一个集团范围的协同项目,旨在创建跨不同行业的成员公司的集团客户的一个视图.
  • 实现了多个用例, 包括客户细分, 生产, 保留, and win-back models across different verticals. Designed and implemented tactical campaigns with up to 20-30% ROI.
  • 设计以客户为中心的战略, 重新设计销售和服务模式, and re-engineered customer-facing processes for a free zone operator. I also calculated workforce requirements and implemented measurement frameworks.
  • 在一家领先银行为期三年的以客户为中心的转型项目中担任领导角色. Led the team responsible for the analytics use case development and deployment of use cases.
  • Led the team responsible for reengineering the branch sales processes, 重新设计组织结构, and implementing balanced scorecards for the key roles for a leading bank in Turkey.
  • Reengineered key sales and service processes for a real estate developer. 我还设计了变更管理程序,在组织内创建客户至上的文化.



移动运营商希望加强他们的应用程序设计,提高采用率. The objective of the project was to develop a digital strategy blueprint.

As part of the current state assessment, I led the team in designing and implementing a digital behavior-based segmentation model. 通过应用组合和体验诊断对用户跨渠道交互行为进行分析和补充.

Target portfolio and experience are designed based on findings and strategic direction. Technology architecture for the ideal state design and operating model were redesigned, 以及实现路线图.


Increased NPS from -17 to +35 and decreased detractors from 43% to 15%. Sales numbers increased by 31% and 85% in Q3 and Q4, 分别, compared to the same period of the previous year.

Customer satisfaction levels and NPS scores were very low for the real estate developer. 我负责端到端客户之旅,并开发了两个新的渠道来改善销售和服务体验.

I re-engineered processes across the customer lifecycle, including pre-sales and sales. I also led integration efforts to achieve an omnichannel experience, introducing two new channels: A mobile app and a customer portal. 我将20项重要的客户支持服务转移到网上,重点关注业务收集和客户需求. 最后, I developed the MVP and product increments and led the implementation of the entire portfolio.

Web and Mobile-based Dashboard Implementation

Collected and integrated data of more than 30 entities in a central database. Introduced data science notion as a part of the product development and design.

The project objective was to create dashboards for a central 政府 agency. 该团队通过收集和整合来自不同政府机构的数据来设计和实施仪表板.

I led the analytics product development. 我介绍了数据科学和预测建模的概念,作为产品设计和开发的一部分. My team implemented advanced models for community development, education, and health functions.


Consolidated and unified data from 12 group companies: 60 million customers, 千万级服务, 1.5亿笔销售交易. Achieved significant impact on campaign ROIs, following an agile methodology.


目标是通过向不同公司的客户交叉销售和向上销售来增加销售收入,并通过客户满意度和以客户为导向的方法来留住客户. 通过有针对性的营销活动和其他营销活动,在集团公司之间建立预期的协同效应, the company needed to know its customers better.

Data from 12 group companies have been consolidated and unified—57 million customers, 1000万服务, 1.5亿次快速消费品交易.
The team performed feature engineering and data transformations, calculating the value score based on the selected features. 宏观(基于价值和潜力)和微观(基于行为和生活方式)部分得分使用无监督技术计算. 损失价值是根据每个人的购物习惯、留存率和流失率来计算的. 该团队还自动化了模型的开发,并将其部署到活动管理系统中.

数字转换 for a Leading Bank

Redefined operational segments of the bank. Designed and implemented customer analytics use cases. Designed complementing customer value propositions and investment plans. Redesigned multi-channel sales processes based on insights.

I carried the lead analytics and insights role in a 3-year digital transformation project.

我重新定义了零售和商业银行业务细分模型,并在业务细分上实现了多个客户分析用例, 包括价值, 需要, 行为分割模型. I also supported the deployment of models for campaign management efforts.

最后, I led a large-scale team to accomplish organizational restructuring, 业务流程再造, 绩效管理, 平衡计分卡设计.

Creating a Customer Centric Culture in a 医疗保健 Free Zone

重新设计面向客户的流程,以促进持续改进服务的承诺. 设计并实施文化变革计划,创建组织客户倡导文化,将客户放在第一位.

想要创建的医疗自由区, 维护, and continuously improve the regulated 环境 of high-quality healthcare, 健康与综合医学, promote the emergence of an academic learning 环境, and design and offer services for the benefit of patients, 专业人士, 运营商, and investors to maximize the financial returns and shareholder value.

In line with that vision, the project had two goals:
1996 - 2001

Bachelor's Degree in Management Information Systems

Bogazici University - Istanbul, Turkey






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